What does canlı tutmak in Turkish mean?

What is the meaning of the word canlı tutmak in Turkish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use canlı tutmak in Turkish.

The word canlı tutmak in Turkish means hold, tutmak, tutmak, değerinde olmak, tutmak, tutmak, gerçekleştirmek, tutunmak, tutmak, bastırmak, zapt etmek, tutmak, almak, tutmak, tutmak, kiralamak, mal olmak, kavramak, tutarında olmak, tutmak, bulundurmak, tutmak, tutmak, tutmak, tutmak, kavramak, tutmak, tutmak, gelmek, tutarında olmak, tutmak, avlamak, mal olmak, tutmak, tutmak, tutmak, yakalamak, tutmak, tutmak, yakalamak, saklı tutmak, tutmak, tutmak, yakalamak, tutmak, tutmak, tutmak, ayarlamak, doğrulanmak, kontrol altında tutmak, topu tutmak, topu yakalamak, balık tutmak, balık avlamak, muaf tutmak, sahip olmak, elinde tutmak, sahip olmak, elde tutmak, sözünü tutmak, sözünde durmak, aklında tutmak, aklından çıkarmamak, (takım) tutmak, saat tutmak. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word canlı tutmak



(grasp, seize sth)

The horse wouldn't move so I took hold of the reins and pulled.


(informal (grasp)

Get a firm hold of the load and make sure it's not too heavy before you lift.

değerinde olmak, tutmak

(have a price of)

This book costs ten dollars.



Karşıdan karşıya geçerken çocuğunun elini tutar.
She holds her child's hand when they cross the street.


(fulfil, go through with)

Mark is very reliable, as he always delivers on his promises.


(grasp, clutch)

If you think you are going to slip, hold on to my arm.


(cost) (fiyat, vb.)

The cost of a new roof could run to several thousand dollars.


(restrain, repress) (duygu, vb.)

I can't hold in my feelings any longer!

zapt etmek

(restrain sb physically)

The boys started fighting so teachers came to hold them back.



Hold his arms down so he'll stop hitting me!

almak, tutmak


Bu kap dört litre sıvı alabiliyor (or: tutabiliyor).
This container holds four litres of liquid.


(keep: a promise) (verilen sözü, vb.)

He eventually fulfilled his promise and paid back the money.


(real estate: pay for use)

I can't afford to rent even a one-room apartment in this town.

mal olmak

(cost: a certain sum)

This repair work is likely to set me back more than £500.



She got hold of his arm and pulled him towards her.

tutarında olmak, tutmak


The bill might amount to more than you can afford.

bulundurmak, tutmak


Konserve yiyecekleri bodrum katında bulundurur (or: tutar).
She keeps the canned food in the basement.



He grabbed my hand and pulled me away.



Don't handle that vase. You might drop it.

tutmak, kavramak


Kızının bileğini sıkıca kavradı.
He had a tight hold on his daughter's wrist.


(records: maintain, continue) (hesap, kayıt)

Yaptığı tüm harcamaların hesabını tutar.
She keeps records of all expenses.

tutmak, gelmek

(sum, calculations)

It comes to thirty-three dollars, ninety-four cents.

tutarında olmak, tutmak


It is seven dollars. That will be ten pounds, please.


(fish, game: catch)

We took ten brace of pheasants at the shoot.

mal olmak, tutmak

(informal (cost)

How much will it take to buy this car?



Could you hold this box for me for a minute?


(have in custody) (gözaltında, vb.)

The police held the suspect in custody.

yakalamak, tutmak

(fish: capture) (balık, vb.)

We landed five fish in the fishing trip.


(sports team) (spor takımı, vb.)

The fans promote the team enthusiastically.


(figurative (collect, catch)

The exterminator netted a large number of rats and then laid traps.

saklı tutmak

(keep for yourself) (hakkı)

Sophie reserved the right to terminate her contract, if she found she didn't like the job.


(phone: hold)

The detective cradled the phone between his ear and shoulder and dialed again.


(stifle, suppress)

James had to smother a laugh when his boss stepped in dog mess.


(pinch, catch)

Kyle nipped a fly out of the air because it was annoying him.


(fishing: catch sth) (balık)

The angler grassed a trout weighing 10 kilos.


(conserve as specified) (temiz, vb.)

Peter likes to keep his car clean.


(digest with difficulty)

Although my stomach was upset, I kept my breakfast down.


(hire, engage)

The parents are going to book a clown for the party.


(slang (be verified)

His alibi checked out.

kontrol altında tutmak

(manipulate: person)

He left his girlfriend because she tried to control him too much.

topu tutmak, topu yakalamak

(baseball, cricket: catch ball)

He fielded the ball with dexterity.

balık tutmak, balık avlamak

(fish: try to catch)

He's fishing trout.

muaf tutmak


His hearing problem freed him from military service.

sahip olmak, elinde tutmak


Leah holds the keys to the car.

sahip olmak

(continue to have)

His son can't hold a job; he keeps getting fired.

elde tutmak

(not return)

Aldığım bisikleti iade etmeyip elimde tutmaya karar verdim.
I've decided to keep the bike instead of returning it to the store.

sözünü tutmak, sözünde durmak

(fulfill commitment)

Jill left to keep her appointment with Professor Evans.

aklında tutmak, aklından çıkarmamak

(bear sth in mind)

It is an important thing to remember.

(takım) tutmak

(team: cheer for) (sporda)

Arkadaşım Galatasaray'ı tutuyor.
He supports the Yankees.

saat tutmak

(sports: measure) (spor)

Koşucu koşarken antrenörü de saat tuttu.
The coach timed the runner's sprint.

Let's learn Turkish

So now that you know more about the meaning of canlı tutmak in Turkish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Turkish.

Do you know about Turkish

Turkish is a language spoken by 65-73 million people around the world, making it the most commonly spoken language in the Turkic family. These speakers mostly live in Turkey, with a smaller number in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Turkish is also spoken by many immigrants to Western Europe, especially in Germany.