What does hak yemek in Turkish mean?

What is the meaning of the word hak yemek in Turkish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use hak yemek in Turkish.

The word hak yemek in Turkish means eat, yemek, yemek, çiğnemek, yemek, tüketmek, yutmak, yemek, yemek, tüketmek, yemek, ziyafet, yemek, yemek, yemek, yemek, yemek, yemek, yiyecek, yemek, yemek, yemek, yiyecek, yemek, başının etini yemek, kafa ütülemek, yemek pişirme, aşırı yemek yeme, aşırı derecede yemek, açık büfe (yemek), azar işitmek, yemek servisi, porselen yemek takımı, kafeterya, ortak yemek salonu, ortak yemek, yemek yapmak, yemek yapma, yemek pişirme, şiddetle arzulamak, çok istemek, kıtır kıtır yemek, katır kutur yemek, mutfak, yemek pişirme sanatı, aşçılık, akşam yemeği yemek, yemek yiyen kimse, tabak, yemek tabağı, yemek çeşidi, (yemek) nefis, enfes, yemek yedirmek, beslemek, yemek vermek, yemek hazırlamak, yemek servisi masası, öğle yemeği yemek, menü, yemek listesi, yavaş yemek, yavaş ve isteksizce yemek, ikinci porsiyon, bir tabak daha (yemek), (yemek) vermek, yemek servisi, servis, tadına bakmak. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word hak yemek



(US, slang (food)

I'm starving; let's get some chow!


(consume a food) (bir şeyi)

I eat pasta every day.


(eat, masticate)

Richard chewed the apple slowly.

yemek, tüketmek


Our livestock consumes quite a lot of feed every day.


(take in: food, etc.)

Ingesting poison can be fatal.


(including drinks, nourishment) (içecek de dahil)

Yapay madde içeren gıdalar (or: besinler), mümkün olduğunca az tüketilmelidir.
Basic human needs include food and shelter.


(food eaten at once)

Yemeği çorba, salata ve balıktan oluşuyordu.
His meal included soup, a salad, and a fish course.

tüketmek, yemek

(food: chew and swallow)

I have difficulty eating meat because of my loose teeth.

ziyafet, yemek


They're holding a dinner in honour of the company's president.


(food course)

Bu akşamın ikinci yemeği biftektir.
Tonight's second dish is steak.


(sth offered for sale or consumption)

The university library offered some highly controversial fare for adventurous academics.


(part of a meal)

Are you ready for the next course?


(eat, drink)

I had a drink and a biscuit.


(type, classification)

I like Mexican food.

yiyecek, yemek

(figurative, uncountable (food in general) (mecazlı)

They are so poor that they can afford neither clothes nor bread.


(US, informal (meal)

I have to give the kids their feed, then we have to go to the pool.


(manner of preparing food)

Annesinin yemeklerini özlüyor.
She misses her mother's cooking.


(food at catered event)

How was the catering at the wedding?



The child hadn't touched his food.

başının etini yemek, kafa ütülemek

(pester) (mecazlı)

Jane keeps badgering me about going camping with her.

yemek pişirme

(cooking bread, cakes, etc.)

Ursula's baking is amazing--have you tried her madeleines?

aşırı yemek yeme

(eating spree)

I often have a binge late at night and tell myself I'll go on a diet in the morning.

aşırı derecede yemek

(eat to excess)

Be careful not to binge when you are stressed.

açık büfe (yemek)

(meal: self-service)

There are buffets ranging from very cheap Chinese food to extremely expensive gourmet seafood.

azar işitmek

(US, slang (receive severe reprimand)

He was sure to catch hell from his wife for his behaviour.

yemek servisi

(food service)

She has worked in catering for ten years and knows a lot about running a business.

porselen yemek takımı

(porcelain tableware)

Noel yemeği için porselen yemek takımlarını çıkarttı.
He got out the china for Christmas dinner.

kafeterya, ortak yemek salonu

(large dining room)

The students ate in commons every night.

ortak yemek

(food served communally)

We have to be in the dining room at five o'clock for commons.

yemek yapmak

(prepare food)

Her husband is going to cook tonight.

yemek yapma, yemek pişirme

(responsibility, hobby)

Yemek yapmayı gerçekten çok seviyor.
He really enjoys cooking.

şiddetle arzulamak, çok istemek


The school food wasn't bad, but Kevin craved his mother's cooking.

kıtır kıtır yemek, katır kutur yemek

(bite loudly)

I hear someone crunching potato chips on the other side of room.

mutfak, yemek pişirme sanatı, aşçılık

(French (cooking style)

The chef is an expert in French cuisine.

akşam yemeği yemek

(formal (eat dinner)

We normally dine at eight.

yemek yiyen kimse

(person eating in a restaurant)

The restaurant was quiet; there were only six diners there.

tabak, yemek tabağı


Can you put some food in the dog's dish?

yemek çeşidi

(type of food)

We have three vegetable dishes to choose from.

(yemek) nefis, enfes


The restaurant's food was exquisite.

yemek yedirmek, beslemek, yemek vermek

(give food to sb)

Çocuklara yemek yedirmem gerekiyor.
I need to feed the children.

yemek hazırlamak

(meal, food: prepare)

Çocukların yemeğini hazırladı.
She fixed the meal for the children.

yemek servisi masası


Put the tray of dinner plates in the lift.

öğle yemeği yemek

(to eat lunch)

Let's lunch at the Indian restaurant today.

menü, yemek listesi

(restaurant: list of dishes) (lokantada)

Bu restoran menüsünde midye yer almıyor.
This restaurant does not have clams on the menu.

yavaş yemek

(eat slowly)

Edith just picked at her food.

yavaş ve isteksizce yemek

(eat slowly and half-heartedly)

Are you going to eat, or just pick?

ikinci porsiyon, bir tabak daha (yemek)

(another helping of food)

Biraz lazanya kaldı. Bir tabak daha isteyeniniz var mı?
There's more lasagne. Would anyone like seconds?

(yemek) vermek

(give, bring food to)

Çocuklara yemeklerini verdi.
She served the children their food.

yemek servisi, servis

(distribution of food)

The service at this restaurant was quick and efficient.

tadına bakmak

(eat in small quantities)

I didn't eat anything at the party, just tasted a few things.

Let's learn Turkish

So now that you know more about the meaning of hak yemek in Turkish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Turkish.

Do you know about Turkish

Turkish is a language spoken by 65-73 million people around the world, making it the most commonly spoken language in the Turkic family. These speakers mostly live in Turkey, with a smaller number in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Turkish is also spoken by many immigrants to Western Europe, especially in Germany.