What does huysuzluk in Turkish mean?

What is the meaning of the word huysuzluk in Turkish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use huysuzluk in Turkish.

The word huysuzluk in Turkish means moodiness, saldırganlık, agresiflik, sinirlilik, asabiyet, sinir, öfke, huysuzluk, terslik, huysuzluk, huysuzluk, huysuz/aksi tavır, terslik, huysuzluk, aksilik, hırçınlık, sinirlilik, asabiyet, huysuzluk, (bebek, çocuk) mızmızlanmak, mızmızlık etmek, huysuzluk etmek, huysuzluk etmek, huysuzlanmak, öfke nöbeti, huysuzluk nöbeti. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word huysuzluk


saldırganlık, agresiflik


sinirlilik, asabiyet

(grumpy nature)

I have a bad temper, but I am learning to control it.

sinir, öfke, huysuzluk

(ability to get angry)

Hannah has a temper; it's best not to upset her.

terslik, huysuzluk

(uncountable, figurative (spite, bad temper) (mecazlı)

James supposed it must be Wendy's spleen against reality TV shows that made her react so badly to the article about the new series of Big Brother.

huysuzluk, huysuz/aksi tavır

(figurative (bad temper, bitterness) (mecazlı)

Don't ask her before breakfast unless you want to see some vinegar.

terslik, huysuzluk, aksilik, hırçınlık

(figurative, uncountable (bad temper) (mecazlı)

The marriage announcement was greeted with bile by Jinny's brothers, who had always hated Frank.

sinirlilik, asabiyet

(dated (grumpy mood)

My husband is in a bad temper today.


(having changeable moods)

I don't know how much more of my son's moodiness I can take!

(bebek, çocuk) mızmızlanmak, mızmızlık etmek, huysuzluk etmek

(baby, child: be fretful)

Erin got only an hour of sleep before the baby began to fuss.

huysuzluk etmek, huysuzlanmak

(informal (be bad tempered, complain)

Stop grumping and finish your homework.

öfke nöbeti, huysuzluk nöbeti

(child: fit of rage)

It's important not to give in if your child has a tantrum.

Let's learn Turkish

So now that you know more about the meaning of huysuzluk in Turkish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Turkish.

Do you know about Turkish

Turkish is a language spoken by 65-73 million people around the world, making it the most commonly spoken language in the Turkic family. These speakers mostly live in Turkey, with a smaller number in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Turkish is also spoken by many immigrants to Western Europe, especially in Germany.