What does kalp kası in Turkish mean?

What is the meaning of the word kalp kası in Turkish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use kalp kası in Turkish.

The word kalp kası in Turkish means heart, sahte, taklit, kalp, imitasyon, sahte, kalp, koroner, kalple ilgili, kalp, kardiyak, kalp, (nabız, kalp, vb.) atmak, çarpmak, kalp, yürek, (kanser, kalp, vb.) hastası, (nabız, kalp, vb.) atış, kalp, kalp şekli, kalp, kalp, kalp, gönül, kalple ilgili, kalp anjini, kalp kulakçığı, atriyum, kalp atışı, atım, kırık kalp, baypas ameliyatı, kalp baypası, kalp durması, kardiyovasküler, kalp ve damar (hastalıkları, vb.), kalp krizi, kardiyopulmoner resüsitasyon, düzensiz (kalp atışı), kalp krizi, kalp hastalığı, kalp yetmezliği, kalp hızı, kalp rahatsızlığı, kalp atışı, acı, keder, üzüntü, kalp/gönül yarası, cömertlik/yardımseverlik, yalnız kalp, üfürüm, kalp üfürümü, açık kalp ameliyatı, kalp atışlarını düzenleyen cihaz, pacemaker, kalp pili, kalp atışı, kalp/nabız atmak, (kalp) çarpmak, küt küt atmak, kalp atışı, hızlı kalp atımı, kapakçık, kalp kapakçığı. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word kalp kası


sahte, taklit, kalp, imitasyon


They use a special light to identify counterfeit money.

sahte, kalp

(informal (not real, fake)

I think her eyelashes are phony.

koroner, kalple ilgili, kalp

(cardiac, relating to the heart)

Tim has to take medication to avoid another coronary episode.


(relating to the heart) (tıp)

ⓘBu cümle, İngilizce cümlenin çevirisi değildir. Değişen yaşam koşulları nedeniyle, kalp hastalıkları gençler arasında hızla artıyor.
Courtney went to the emergency room for sudden cardiac discomfort.


(human organ)

O kadar heyecanlıydı ki kalbinin atışını duyabiliyordu.
He was so nervous that he could hear his heart beating.

(nabız, kalp, vb.) atmak, çarpmak

(throb, vibrate)

Arthur could feel the blood pulsate through his veins.

kalp, yürek

(slang (heart) (argo)

I'm seeing a cardiologist to monitor my ticker.

(kanser, kalp, vb.) hastası

(as suffix (of a specific illness)

Anna's mother is a diabetes sufferer.

(nabız, kalp, vb.) atış


I could feel the throb of the sparrow's heart in my hand.


(figurative, literary (heart, centre of emotions) (mecazlı)

Looking at the new lamb, Clara felt a warmth in her bosom.

kalp şekli, kalp

(shape: loveheart)

The child drew a heart and coloured it red.


(epitome, heart) (şehir, vb.)

While Madrid is the capital, they say Toledo is the soul of Spain.

kalp, gönül

(figurative, literary (heart) (mecazlı)

A strong love for the lady grew in the knight's breast.

kalple ilgili

(relating to the heart)

The old man has some heart problems.

kalp anjini

(colloquial (heart condition) (kalp rahatsızlığı)

Kardiyolog, Mark'ın kalp anjini için yeni bir ilaç reçete etti.
The cardiologist prescribed a new medication for Mark's angina.

kalp kulakçığı, atriyum

(anatomy: heart chamber)

The right atrium and left atrium are the two upper chambers of the human heart.

kalp atışı, atım


In her excitement, Fran could feel the beat of her heart.

kırık kalp

(figurative (grief at end of romance)

Susie left NIck with a broken heart.

baypas ameliyatı, kalp baypası

(heart bypass: cardiac surgery)

Grandpa is still in the hospital, recovering from his bypass.

kalp durması

(sudden heart failure)

The patient died of cardiac arrest this morning.

kardiyovasküler, kalp ve damar (hastalıkları, vb.)

(of the heart and blood vessels)

Derek's specialization in medical school was cardiovascular disease.

kalp krizi

(informal (heart attack)

Arnold was taken to the emergency room for a coronary.

kardiyopulmoner resüsitasyon

(initialism (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) (tıp)

A paramedic administered CPR to the crash victim.

düzensiz (kalp atışı)

(heartbeat: uneven)

Her heartbeat is a bit erratic, but not dangerously so.

kalp krizi

(blocked circulation to the heart)

Shortness of breath and a pain in your arm may signal a heart attack.

kalp hastalığı

(cardiac illness)

Heart disease is a serious health problem in the modern Western world.

kalp yetmezliği

(cardiac condition)

He died of heart failure at the young age of 32. Because he was heavy, he was at risk for heart failure.

kalp hızı

(rhythm of the heart)

Your heart rate increases when you exercise.

kalp rahatsızlığı

(cardiac condition)

He was rushed to the hospital because of heart trouble. My neighbor was having a lot of heart trouble, so they implanted a pacemaker in her shoulder.

kalp atışı

(countable (heart: single pulse)

Just when I thought he was dead I felt a heartbeat.

acı, keder, üzüntü, kalp/gönül yarası


Lena cried out of heartbreak when her boyfriend broke up with her.


(figurative (generous nature) (mecazlı)

She's known for helping people in trouble; she has a large heart. The hospital volunteers have large hearts.

yalnız kalp

(figurative (personal advertisement)

Carol answered an advert in the lonely hearts.

üfürüm, kalp üfürümü

(medicine: heart irregularity) (tıp)

The doctor says my heart murmur isn't serious.

açık kalp ameliyatı

(cardiac operation)

They split his chest open and performed open-heart surgery to replace a faulty valve.

kalp atışlarını düzenleyen cihaz, pacemaker

(device: regulates heartbeat)

Bob needs surgery to replace his pacemaker.

kalp pili

(anatomy: part of the heart)

Olof has problems with his pacemaker.

kalp atışı


Jane felt to see if the accident victim had a pulse.

kalp/nabız atmak

(heart: beat)

Belinda's heart pulsed as she hid behind the curtain.

(kalp) çarpmak, küt küt atmak

(throb, pulsate)

The vein in Jerry's forehead pulsed.

kalp atışı

(dated (heartbeat)

The basketball player was so nervous that he could feel the strokes of his heart.

hızlı kalp atımı

(excessively fast heartbeat)

Jennifer takes medication for tachycardia.

kapakçık, kalp kapakçığı

(organ: controls flow of body fluid)

Lara needs an operation to repair a faulty valve in her heart.

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Do you know about Turkish

Turkish is a language spoken by 65-73 million people around the world, making it the most commonly spoken language in the Turkic family. These speakers mostly live in Turkey, with a smaller number in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Turkish is also spoken by many immigrants to Western Europe, especially in Germany.