What does katıldım in Turkish mean?

What is the meaning of the word katıldım in Turkish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use katıldım in Turkish.

The word katıldım in Turkish means participate, katılmak, katılmak, iştirak etmek, şiddetle sarsılmak/titremek, katılmak, hemfikir olmak, aynı fikirde olmak, katılmak, katılmak, hazır bulunmak, gelmek, katılmak, hazır bulunmak, katılmak, -e gitmek, katılmak, katılmak, aynı fikirde olmak, katılmak, aynı görüşte olmak, mutabık olmak, katılmak, uymak, askere alınmak, katılmak, katılmak, taraf olmak, katılmak, katılmak, girmek, karışmak, karışmak, katılmak, katılmak, girmek, katılmak, katılmak, girmek, katılmak, katılmak, iştirak etmek, katılmak, hazır bulunmak, hak kazanmak, birleşmek, yer almak, katılmak, katılmak, iştirak etmek, itiraf etmek, katılmak, katılmak, birleşmek/katılmak/asimile olmak, (rolü, vb. alabilmek için) yetenek deneme sınavına girmek/katılmak, kilise ayinine katılmak, yarışmak, izinsiz/davetsiz olarak konuşmaya katılmak, herkesin yaptığını yapmak/çoğunluğa katılmak, hazır bulunmak/katılmak, arasına katılmak, partiye gitmek, partiye katılmak, yarışa katılmak, yarışmak, kilise ayinine katılmak. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word katıldım




Join us at our rehearsal tonight if you'd like to take part.

katılmak, iştirak etmek

(do with others)

We have an exciting project coming up and we'd like the whole department to participate.

şiddetle sarsılmak/titremek, katılmak

(sb, sth: shake violently)

The patient's body convulsed in a seizure.

hemfikir olmak, aynı fikirde olmak


I'm sorry, but I just don't hold with that attitude.


(become involved)

I don't intend to enter into an argument with you about politics; let's agree to disagree.


(informal (enter a debate)

Can I chip in? I just wanted to say that I thought your presentation was fantastic.

hazır bulunmak

(be present, attend sth)

Not many people turned out to vote on election day.


(arrive, be present)

I didn't expect him to turn up at my party as he wasn't invited. No telling when he'd turn up, he was never on time.



Don't worry if the discussion has already begun, you may still join in whenever you wish.

hazır bulunmak, katılmak, -e gitmek

(be present at)

Açılış gecesine katılmayı umuyorum.
I hope to attend the opening night.


(socially) (parti, vb.)

We are going to see a movie tonight. Would you like to join us?


(join in)

She was angry and did not take part in the festivities.

aynı fikirde olmak, katılmak, aynı görüşte olmak, mutabık olmak

(have same opinion)

I asked Jane for her opinion, and she agreed with me.


(figurative (become involved) (konuşma, vb.)

She jumped into the conversation when she realized that they were talking about Cancun.


(figurative, informal (feign co-operation)

Leo wanted me to join in when he pranked our teacher, but I refused to play along.

askere alınmak

(join: army, company)

He's retiring from the army next year; he was only eighteen when he went in.


(US (join) (ekibe, partiye, vb.)


(participate in)

We should ask the other students to join in our activities.

taraf olmak

(formal (join a treaty, organization) (anlaşma, sözleşme)

The European Union continued to grow when Croatia acceded in 2013.


(cause: agree with, support) (görüş, amaç, vb.)

More people have begun to sympathize with the strikers' cause.

katılmak, girmek

(figurative, informal (become involved) (tartışmaya, vb.)

Feel free to jump in the discussion if you have something to say.


(join, combine with)

These two rivers merge into each other to become one, about twenty miles from the coast.


(be mixed)

Add the flour to your sauce and whisk until it has blended in.


(join, reach)

You go on ahead; I'll catch up with you as soon as I've finished my work here.

katılmak, girmek

(contest: participate) (yarışma, vb.)

He decided to enter the contest to see if he could win.


(become a member of)

Satranç kulübüne katıldı.
She joined the chess club.


(formal (join a treaty, organization)

The Czech Republic acceded to the EU in May 2004.

girmek, katılmak

(begin membership, participation) (mesleğe, vb.)

He entered the medical profession after years of schooling.

katılmak, iştirak etmek

(participate in)

Kayıp çocukları arama çalışmasına katıldık.
We joined the search for the missing children.


(with clause: share opinion) (fikir, vb.)

All the pupils agree that she is a good teacher.

hazır bulunmak


It is essential that the entire team be present at this meeting.

hak kazanmak

(sport: be eligible to compete in)

In order to qualify for this race, you must be a member of a recognised sporting club.


(company: combine with another) (şirket)

Ben's company merged with a competitor and he lost his job.

yer almak

(take part)

We'd like to play, too.


(participate in an event) (yarışma, vb.)

The rookie hopes to start in the big game.

katılmak, iştirak etmek

(mass: attend)

We hear Mass every Sunday morning.

itiraf etmek

(admit, concede)

I grant that he sounded genuine, but I still don't believe what he says.


(informal (manage to attend)

Sorry I couldn't make yesterday's meeting.


(agree with sb) (birisine)

Geoff's assistant yesses him and offers no ideas of his own.

birleşmek/katılmak/asimile olmak

(be incorporated)

Alcohol assimilates faster if the stomach is empty.

(rolü, vb. alabilmek için) yetenek deneme sınavına girmek/katılmak

(performer: try for a role)

I auditioned for the lead in 'Hamlet' but didn't get it.

kilise ayinine katılmak

(take Eucharist)

Father John is celebrating the 9 o'clock mass, and Father Wilber will celebrate the 11 o'clock mass on Sunday.


(sports, competition: take part) (spor)

Takımlar şampiyonluk kupası için yarışacak.
Teams will compete for the championship.

izinsiz/davetsiz olarak konuşmaya katılmak

(participate uninvited)

We were talking about the wedding when your brother intruded.

herkesin yaptığını yapmak/çoğunluğa katılmak

(figurative, informal (do sth because it is popular)

If you believe in the cause, great, but don't just jump on the bandwagon.

hazır bulunmak/katılmak

(US, informal (attend)

arasına katılmak

(include in)

Some people believe that Mother Theresa should be numbered among the saints.

partiye gitmek, partiye katılmak

(informal (go to parties)

All she does is party and sleep.

yarışa katılmak, yarışmak


He likes to run in competitions.

kilise ayinine katılmak

(attend a mass)

The altar boy has to serve on Sunday.

Let's learn Turkish

So now that you know more about the meaning of katıldım in Turkish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Turkish.

Do you know about Turkish

Turkish is a language spoken by 65-73 million people around the world, making it the most commonly spoken language in the Turkic family. These speakers mostly live in Turkey, with a smaller number in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Turkish is also spoken by many immigrants to Western Europe, especially in Germany.