What does κύριε in Greek mean?

What is the meaning of the word κύριε in Greek? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use κύριε in Greek.

The word κύριε in Greek means κύριε, κύριε, κύριε, δάσκαλος, δασκάλα, έλα Θεέ μου!, μέγας είσαι Κύριε!, Αξιότιμε Κύριε, αμάν, αμάν, έλα θεέ μου, Κύριε ελέησον, έλα Χριστέ και Παναγιά, Ο Χριστός κι η Παναγία!, Θεέ και Κύριε!, Ο Χριστός κι η Παναγία!, Θεέ και Κύριε!, Κύριε ελέησον, κύριε δικαστά, όχι κύριε, Μάλιστα!, κύριε δικαστά. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word κύριε


(informal, humorous (sir)


(term of address for a peer)

My lord, your tea is ready.


(informal, dated (Hey you!) (προσφώνηση)

Κύριος! Ξέχασες το καπέλο σου!
Hey mister! Mister! You forgot your hat.

δάσκαλος, δασκάλα

(US, slang, abbreviation (teacher: term of address)

How's it going, Teach?

έλα Θεέ μου!, μέγας είσαι Κύριε!

(euphemism (expressing surprise or alarm)

Αξιότιμε Κύριε

(formal (letter: formal greeting)


(informal (disbelief)

"Good grief! Ben's finally managed to pass his driving test!"


(informal (exasperation)

"Good grief! We must have been here for at least half an hour and still haven't been served."

έλα θεέ μου, Κύριε ελέησον, έλα Χριστέ και Παναγιά

(slightly dated (surprise)

Good heavens! You can't possibly go to the party wearing that.

Ο Χριστός κι η Παναγία!, Θεέ και Κύριε!

(informal (astonishment)

Holy cow! What size is that diamond on your finger? Holy cow! I came close to hitting that car in front of me!

Ο Χριστός κι η Παναγία!, Θεέ και Κύριε!

(informal (astonishment)

Holy mackerel! Did you see the size of that dog walking by?

Κύριε ελέησον

(Christian prayer) (επίκληση)

κύριε δικαστά

(UK (judge: term of address) (προσφώνηση)

όχι κύριε

(formal (expressing polite negation)

No sir, I will not polish your shoes. No sir, you can put me in jail, but I refuse to fight.


(agree to superior's orders)

κύριε δικαστά

(law: title to address judge)

We find him guilty, Your Honour.

Let's learn Greek

So now that you know more about the meaning of κύριε in Greek, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Greek.

Do you know about Greek

Greek is an Indo-European language, spoken in Greece, Western and Northeastern Asia Minor, Southern Italy, Albania and Cyprus. It has the longest recorded history of all living languages, spanning 34 centuries. The Greek alphabet is the main writing system for writing Greek. Greek has an important place in the history of the Western World and Christianity; Ancient Greek literature has had extremely important and influential works on Western literature, such as the Iliad and the Odýsseia. Greek is also the language in which many texts are fundamental in science, especially astronomy, mathematics and logic, and Western philosophy, such as those of Aristotle. The New Testament in the Bible was written in Greek. This language is spoken by more than 13 million people in Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Albania, and Turkey.