What does nagły in Polish mean?

What is the meaning of the word nagły in Polish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use nagły in Polish.

The word nagły in Polish means sudden, nagły, nagły, pilny, nagły, gwałtowny, nagły, nagły, nagły, nagły, nagły, nagły, zapasowy, nagły, niespodziewany, nagły, nagły spadek, wykonujący nagły ruch do przodu, nagły ból, nagły napływ, nagły wzrost popytu, nagły impuls, nagły wzrost, nagły upadek. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word nagły



(needing immediate attention)

Gavin interrupted the meeting to give the boss an urgent message.


(act, event: sudden)

Her abrupt departure stunned everyone.

pilny, nagły

(formal (urgent, demanding)

Carrie pressed the team to focus on the exigent issue.

gwałtowny, nagły


The hiking trail drops steeply at the one-mile mark; watch out for loose rocks.



The store clerk's manner was brisk.


(abrupt and sudden)

Cold turkey withdrawal from any drug is very difficult.


(figurative (instant, sudden)

This song was an overnight sensation.


(abrupt) (w zwrocie: come to a dead stop)

The car came to a dead stop after hitting the tree.

nagły, zapasowy

(for emergencies)

nagły, niespodziewany

(happening quickly)

The car came to a sudden halt when the driver slammed on the brakes.


(done quickly)

Peter made a snap decision to move to the city, but it worked out well.

nagły spadek

(figurative (stocks, prices: sudden drop)

The dive in share prices has left many investors worse off.

wykonujący nagły ruch do przodu

(figurative (with a sudden movement forward)

nagły ból

(sudden emotion)

She felt a pang of remorse when she realised what she had done.

nagły napływ


There was a rush of customers on the first day of the sale.

nagły wzrost popytu

(strong demand for commodity)

There was a rush for the popular doll before Christmas.

nagły impuls


He was seized with a sudden impulse to run away.

nagły wzrost

(figurative (sudden increase)

There has been a surge in the crime rate over the last year.

nagły upadek

(figurative (downward spiral, descent)

Her husband's affair sent Chelsea into a tailspin.

Let's learn Polish

So now that you know more about the meaning of nagły in Polish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Polish.

Do you know about Polish

Polish (polszczyzna) is the official language of Poland. This language is spoken by 38 million Polish people. There are also native speakers of this language in western Belarus and Ukraine. Because Poles emigrated to other countries in many stages, there are millions of people who speak Polish in many countries such as Germany, France, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Brazil, Canada, United Kingdom, United States, etc. .. An estimated 10 million Poles live outside of Poland but it is not clear how many of them can actually speak Polish, estimates put it between 3.5 and 10 million. As a result, the number of Polish-speaking people globally ranges from 40-43 million.