What does noksan in Turkish mean?

What is the meaning of the word noksan in Turkish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use noksan in Turkish.

The word noksan in Turkish means missing, yok, eksik, noksan, yarım yamalak, eksik, noksan, kusur, noksan, eksiklik, kusur, hata, arıza, dayanıksızlık, eksik, noksan, namevcut, eksik, noksan, yetersiz, eksik, noksan, eksik, noksan, eksik, noksan, eksik, noksan, eksik, noksan, açık, eksik, noksan, eksiklik, noksan, yetersiz, noksan, eksik, noksan, eksik, noksan, kayıp. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word noksan



(not there) (orada değil anlamında)

When Nadia looked at the table the next morning, the book was absent.

eksik, noksan, yarım yamalak

(informal (incomplete, not thorough)

Our travel details are still rather sketchy at the moment.

eksik, noksan

(lacking sth)

The town's defences were found wanting when the enemy attacked.

kusur, noksan, eksiklik


There must be some defect in William's character that makes him lie.

kusur, hata, arıza


The gem had no flaws in it.


(being weak: sth)

The wall's weakness eventually led to its collapse.

eksik, noksan, namevcut


Ailenin eksik bireyi sonunda Noel'de gelebildi.
The missing family member finally arrived for Christmas.

eksik, noksan, yetersiz


Ben's education is lacking in this area.

eksik, noksan


They had an imperfect understanding of our argument.

eksik, noksan

(lacking a part)

The furniture kit we received is incomplete.

eksik, noksan

(not sufficient)

The food we had on hand was inadequate for five people.

eksik, noksan

(lacking, inadequate)

Insufficient preparation led to a poor test performance.

eksik, noksan


The insulin in his bloodstream is deficient.

açık, eksik, noksan

(lack, shortage)

The whole family has a deficit of common sense.

eksiklik, noksan

(often plural (plan, system: failing) (plan, sistem, vb.)

The system's shortcomings were plain for all to see.

yetersiz, noksan


His eyes got worse as he regularly read in bad lighting.

eksik, noksan


The set of books was broken, with one of the eight volumes missing.

eksik, noksan


Biriktirdiğimiz para yetersiz olduğundan tatile çıkamadık.
The cashier came up short.


(loss, deficit)

Losing his job was a big minus for Seth.

Let's learn Turkish

So now that you know more about the meaning of noksan in Turkish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Turkish.

Do you know about Turkish

Turkish is a language spoken by 65-73 million people around the world, making it the most commonly spoken language in the Turkic family. These speakers mostly live in Turkey, with a smaller number in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Turkish is also spoken by many immigrants to Western Europe, especially in Germany.