英语 中的 all rights reserved 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 all rights reserved 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 all rights reserved 的说明。

英语 中的all rights reserved 表示所有,全部 suǒ yǒu,quán bù, 所有,全部 suǒ yǒu,quán bù, 全部的 quán bù de, 所有的,每一个的 suǒ yǒu de ,měi yí gè de, 整个的,全部的 zhěng gè de ,quán bù de, 整个的,从头到尾的,全部的 zhěng gè de ,cóng tóu dào wěi de ,quán bù de, 整个的,全部的 zhěng gè de ,quán bù de, 任何的 rèn hé de, 万物 wàn wù, 完全地 wán quán de, 每人,每个,各 měi rén,měi gè ,gè, 最大努力 zuì dà nǔ lì, 有能力的人,能干的人, 尤其 yóu qí, 尤其 yóu qí, 最重要的是 zuì zhòng yào de shì, 终究, 终究,毕竟 bì jìng, 毕竟 bì jìng, 最后 zuì hòu, 几率很低, 迫切渴望的 pò qiè kě wàng de, 请大家上车(上船 qǐng dà jiā shàng chē ( shàng chuán, 关于…的 guān yú de, 到处 dào chù, 独自一人的 dú zì yì rén de, 独力 dú lì, 一直 yì zhí, 沿着 yán zhe, 所有人,各色人等 suǒ yǒu rén, 各个方面 gè gè fāng miàn, 所有人 suǒ yǒu rén, 在各方面, 周围 zhōu wéi, 忽然 hū rán, 同时 tóng shí, 扑朔迷离, 除…外全部 chú … wài quán bù, 几乎 jī hū, 几乎 jī hū, 解除警报,无危险情况 jiě chú jǐng bào,wú wēi xiǎn qíng kuàng, 危险解除 wēi xiǎn jiě chú, 所有来人 suǒ yǒu lái rén, 万物 wàn wù, 一整天 yì zhěng tiān, 一整天 yì zhěng tiān, 已完成了的, 洗耳恭听 xǐ ěr gōng tīng, 大家都在关注 dà jiā dōu zài guān zhù, 全神贯注地看, 完全赞同 wán quán zàn tóng, 全部赞同, (我为人人,)人人为我 wǒ wèi rén rén,rén rén wèi wǒ, 用完了 yòng wán le, 消失了 xiāo shī le, 欢迎 huān yíng, 所有人,全部人员 suǒ yǒu rén,quán bù rén yuán, 筹码押上, 压上所有身家, 全部包含地, 筋疲力尽,疲惫不堪 jīn pí lì jìn ,pí bèi bù kān, 日常工作 rì cháng gōng zuò, 总的来说,总而言之 zǒng de lái shuō ,zǒng ér yán zhī, 耐心点 nài xīn diǎn, 包括在内的,全包的, 都计算在内, 各种各样的 gè zhǒng gè yàng de, 各种各样的 gè zhǒng gè yàng de, 现代化设施, 一辈子 yí bèi zi, 一整夜 yì zhěng yè, 一整夜 yì zhěng yè, 不少于 bù shǎo yú, 忽然 hū rán, 抛开这一切不管, 所有这些, 所有这些, 都一样, 孤注一掷 gū zhù yí zhì, 全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù, 到处 dào chù, 满是 mǎn shì, 典型地 diǎn xíng de, 彻底的 chè dǐ de, 全身的 quán shēn de, 再一次 zài yí cì, 善变的 shàn biàn de, 到处都是, 到处都是, 精力分散的, 全世界 quán shì jiè, 到处 dào chù, 结束 jié shù, 与…结束关系 yǔ jié shù guān xì, 好吧! hǎo ba, 好, 良好的 liáng hǎo de, 令人满意地 lìng rén mǎn yì de, 确实 què shí, 万圣节 wàn shèng jié, 做好充分准备的 zuò hǎo chōng fèn zhǔn bèi de, 为…准备好 wèi zhǔn bèi hǎo, 一切都在掌控之中 yí qiè dōu zài zhǎng kòng zhī zhōng, 心烦意乱 xīn fán yì luàn, 各种各样的 gè zhǒng gè yàng de, 万灵节 wàn líng jié, 所有税收都包含在内 suǒ yǒu shuì shōu dōu bāo hán zài nèi, 含税的 hán shuì de, 所有 suǒ yǒu, 整件事,所有事情 zhěng jiàn shì,suǒ yǒu shì qíng, 非常厉害,特别出色, 非常,特别 fēi cháng,tè bié。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 all rights reserved 的含义

所有,全部 suǒ yǒu,quán bù

pronoun (every one of)

Someone has eaten all of the chocolates. All of his classmates went to his birthday party.

所有,全部 suǒ yǒu,quán bù

pronoun (every bit of)

I've spent all of my money.

全部的 quán bù de

adjective (every bit of)

He spilled all the soup on the floor.

所有的,每一个的 suǒ yǒu de ,měi yí gè de

adjective (every one of)

All these books need to be sold.

整个的,全部的 zhěng gè de ,quán bù de

adjective (time: the entirety of) (时间)

I've been waiting all afternoon.

整个的,从头到尾的,全部的 zhěng gè de ,cóng tóu dào wěi de ,quán bù de

adjective (extent: the entirety of) (过程)

We played cards all the way to Paris.

整个的,全部的 zhěng gè de ,quán bù de

adjective (duration: the entirety of) (期间)

He snored through all the play.

任何的 rèn hé de

adjective (any)

Beyond all shadow of a doubt, she's the best worker that we have.

万物 wàn wù

pronoun (everything)

It's midnight and all is quiet.

完全地 wán quán de

adverb (informal (completely)

He came in all covered in mud.

每人,每个,各 měi rén,měi gè ,gè

adverb (score: apiece, each) (球赛双方得分相等)

The score is thirty-all at the moment.

最大努力 zuì dà nǔ lì

noun (best effort)

Even though my daughter didn't win her game, I'm still proud because I know she gave it her all.


noun (figurative (capable man)

尤其 yóu qí

adverb (more than anything)

Above all, Louise wants to become a nurse.

尤其 yóu qí

adverb (more than any other)

Peter is a clever, handsome and, above all, honest man.

最重要的是 zuì zhòng yào de shì

adverb (most importantly)

Above all else, the company must make a profit.


adverb (ultimately)

After all, nobody but the patient has the right to refuse the treatment.

终究,毕竟 bì jìng

adverb (despite that)

Tina is feeling better now, so she can come with us after all.

毕竟 bì jìng

adverb (explanatory: because) (解释原因)

I'm definitely going to the concert - they are my favourite band after all.

最后 zuì hòu

expression (ultimately)

After all is said and done, the decision to have a baby is a personal one.


adverb (highly improbably)

Julie fell out of the moving train. She survived against all odds.

迫切渴望的 pò qiè kě wàng de

adjective (eager)

The children sat there agog as he told the story.

请大家上车(上船 qǐng dà jiā shàng chē ( shàng chuán

interjection (train, boat: call to board)

"All aboard!" the captain called out, and then the ship set sail.

关于…的 guān yú de

adjective (on the topic of)

I want to hear all about your trip.

到处 dào chù

adverb (UK (all around a certain area)

The pickpocket looked all about to make sure nobody was watching.

独自一人的 dú zì yì rén de

adjective (without company)

After alienating her family and friends, she found herself all alone.

独力 dú lì

adjective (without help)

Many women in third world countries give birth all alone.

一直 yì zhí

adverb (the whole time)

She knew about the surprise party all along.

沿着 yán zhe

preposition (alongside)

There were willow trees all along the river banks.

所有人,各色人等 suǒ yǒu rén

noun (everyone, no matter who)

The lord complained that since he'd opened the castle to the public, he'd had to put up with all and sundry tramping through his home every weekend.

各个方面 gè gè fāng miàn

adverb (everywhere)

Prices have increased all around.

所有人 suǒ yǒu rén

adverb (informal (for everyone)

Joe called for drinks all around to celebrate his good news.


adverb (in all aspects)

This is a better solution all round.

周围 zhōu wéi

preposition (surrounding)

David looked all around him, but Eleanor was nowhere to be seen.

忽然 hū rán

adverb (suddenly)

All at once, I heard a noise in the kitchen.

同时 tóng shí

adverb (simultaneously, at the same time)

The guests cried "Surprise!" all at once.


expression (outcome is unpredictable)

If Celeste is coming to the party, all bets are off--she's crazy!

除…外全部 chú … wài quán bù

preposition (everyone except)

All but one of her students passed the exam.

几乎 jī hū

adverb (with verb: almost completely)

You've all but polished off that cake.

几乎 jī hū

adverb (with adjective: nearly)

The rain is all but finished now.

解除警报,无危险情况 jiě chú jǐng bào,wú wēi xiǎn qíng kuàng

noun (signal that there is no danger)

When the fire drill was done, the principal gave the all clear.

危险解除 wēi xiǎn jiě chú

noun (figurative (signal to go ahead) (表示可以继续前进)

所有来人 suǒ yǒu lái rén

plural noun (anyone)

We welcome all comers but we have limited capacity.

万物 wàn wù

noun (everything)

I think cats are the most exquisite creatures in all creation.

一整天 yì zhěng tiān

adverb (throughout the whole day)

She's been practising all day.

一整天 yì zhěng tiān

adverb (throughout the whole day)

I could water the flowers all day long. I sat in the sun all day long and read my book.


adjective (informal (finished)

When you're all done with the quiz, please put your pencil down and wait for everyone else to finish.

洗耳恭听 xǐ ěr gōng tīng

verbal expression (figurative, informal (eager to hear about [sth])

Tell me about your wedding plans; I'm all ears.

大家都在关注 dà jiā dōu zài guān zhù

plural noun (everyone's gaze)

All eyes were on Amanda as she walked down the aisle.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (look intently)

完全赞同 wán quán zàn tóng

preposition (informal (completely in favour of)

I was all for getting ice cream after classes.


preposition (everyone in favour of)

All for the motion, say "Yes".

(我为人人,)人人为我 wǒ wèi rén rén,rén rén wèi wǒ

interjection (expressing solidarity) (常作one for all, all for one)

用完了 yòng wán le

adjective (finished, used up)

I can't make beef stroganoff tonight because the mushrooms are all gone.

消失了 xiāo shī le

adjective (disappeared)

The snow banks in the garden are all gone after this week of warm weather.

欢迎 huān yíng

(greeting) (问候语)

所有人,全部人员 suǒ yǒu rén,quán bù rén yuán

plural noun (figurative (everyone on board) (比喻)

The ship was sinking, so the captain called for all hands on deck.


adverb (risking all money)


adverb (figurative (act: risking everything)

We have decided to jump all in and buy the house in France!


adverb (in all, overall)

筋疲力尽,疲惫不堪 jīn pí lì jìn ,pí bèi bù kān

adjective (slang (exhausted, very tired) (俚语)

日常工作 rì cháng gōng zuò

expression (informal, figurative (routine activity)

There's no need to thank me - it's all in a day's work for me.

总的来说,总而言之 zǒng de lái shuō ,zǒng ér yán zhī

adverb (on the whole)

All in all, I think you did a fine job. The trip wasn't perfect, but all in all, I'm glad we went.

耐心点 nài xīn diǎn

expression (be patient)

The doctor assured the family that the patient would be out of hospital the next day, all in good time.


adjective (paid for) (费用)

Flights are all included in the price of the holiday.


adjective (accounted for)

Make sure the figures are all included in your calculations.

各种各样的 gè zhǒng gè yàng de

adjective (a wide variety of)

I'll plant all kinds of flowers this spring and see which ones survive.

各种各样的 gè zhǒng gè yàng de

adjective (many different kinds of)

On our safari we saw only one lion, but all manner of antelopes.


plural noun (abbr, informal (most up-to-date features)

一辈子 yí bèi zi

adverb (throughout my lifetime)

I was born in Manchester, and I've lived here all my life.

一整夜 yì zhěng yè

adverb (throughout the night)

The convenience store is open all night.

一整夜 yì zhěng yè

adjective (continuing through the night)

These all-night study sessions are tiring me out.

不少于 bù shǎo yú

preposition (only)

She took all of twenty minutes to complete the puzzle.

忽然 hū rán

adverb (suddenly)

All of a sudden, a dark cloud blotted out the sun.


adverb (regardless, nevertheless)


plural noun (every item mentioned)

The cupcakes, all of which are gluten-free, are in the glass case.


noun (everything mentioned)

Greg stole his sister's purse and lied to his parents about it; all of which goes to show that you can't trust him.


adjective (the same thing)

Whatever way you choose, it's all one.

孤注一掷 gū zhù yí zhì

noun (no compromise)

全力以赴 quán lì yǐ fù

adverb (totally, to the utmost)

Andrew was trying all out to defeat his opponent.

到处 dào chù

adverb (informal (everywhere)

I've looked all over but still can't find my keys.

满是 mǎn shì

adverb (over whole surface)

Oil from the site of the wrecked tanker is now spreading all over.

典型地 diǎn xíng de

adverb (figurative, informal (in every respect, characteristic)

He forgot to turn up for his own wedding? That's him all over!

彻底的 chè dǐ de

adjective (thorough, complete)

Jack gave the bike an all-over check.

全身的 quán shēn de

adjective (tan, massage: over whole body)

Mandy would like to have an all-over tan.

再一次 zài yí cì

adverb (once more, from the beginning)

Oh no! I forgot the cake was in the oven and now it's burnt; I'll have to do it over again.

善变的 shàn biàn de

expression (figurative, informal (changeable) (非正式用语)

After her father died, her emotions were all over the map.


expression (informal (in many places)

When he looked up the nearest ATM, they came up all over the map.


expression (informal (in many places)

There is dust all over the place; I really need to clean house!


expression (figurative, informal (not focused) (非正式用语)

I have been very distracted lately; my thoughts are all over the place.

全世界 quán shì jiè

expression (in many countries)

Santa Claus is known all over the world.

到处 dào chù

adverb (figurative (everywhere)

Luke had searched all over the world, but there was no sign of Naomi.

结束 jié shù

adjective (informal (finished, over)

Thank goodness that ordeal is all over with.

与…结束关系 yǔ jié shù guān xì

adjective (ended a relationship with [sb])

It's all over with Robert and Hannah.

好吧! hǎo ba

interjection (informal (OK)

All right, let's go to the pub.

adjective (informal (fine, well)

I was a bit nauseous yesterday but I'm feeling all right again today.

良好的 liáng hǎo de

adjective (informal (average, mediocre)

The food was all right, I suppose - nothing special.

令人满意地 lìng rén mǎn yì de

adverb (informal (satisfactorily)

The car always works all right for me.

确实 què shí

adverb (slang (certainly, without a doubt)

You didn't see me, but I was there, all right.

万圣节 wàn shèng jié

noun (Christian calendar: 1st November) (每年十一月一日举行的为纪念各圣人的基督教节日)

All Saints' Day is the day after Halloween.

做好充分准备的 zuò hǎo chōng fèn zhǔn bèi de

adjective (ready, prepared)

Are we all set? Then let's go!

为…准备好 wèi zhǔn bèi hǎo

adjective (ready, prepared)

Are you all set for opening night?

一切都在掌控之中 yí qiè dōu zài zhǎng kòng zhī zhōng

adverb (figurative (assured)

The party planner has the details of the big birthday celebration all sewn up.

心烦意乱 xīn fán yì luàn

adjective (US, slang (shaken, very upset) (俚语)

The criminal was all shook up because he knew the police would find him.

各种各样的 gè zhǒng gè yàng de

preposition (many and varied)

The shelves were lined with all sorts of lotions and potions for the skin.

万灵节 wàn líng jié

noun (November 2 holiday) (每年十一月二日为死者灵魂祈祷的节日)

所有税收都包含在内 suǒ yǒu shuì shōu dōu bāo hán zài nèi

adjective (no additional tax)

含税的 hán shuì de

adjective (price: includes tax) (价格)

所有 suǒ yǒu

noun (everything that, everything which)

"All that you see here," said our tour guide, "was built in the 19th century."

整件事,所有事情 zhěng jiàn shì,suǒ yǒu shì qíng

noun (colloquial (all those things) (口语)

"What about the driving arrangements?" "Leave all that to me."


adjective (slang (especially impressive)

He thinks he's God's gift to women, but he's not all that.

非常,特别 fēi cháng,tè bié

adverb (particularly, especially)

My dog isn't actually all that mean, but his size scares people.

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