英语 中的 blocker 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 blocker 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 blocker 的说明。

英语 中的blocker 表示块料,砌块,堆块,水泥块 kuài liào,qì kuài,duī kuài,shuǐ ní kuài, 大块 dà kuài, 街区(一边的长度) jiē qū yì biān de cháng dù, 街区 jiē qū, 区域 qū yù, 阻挡 zǔ dǎng, 阻止 zǔ zhǐ, 封锁 fēng suǒ, 积木 jī mù, 滑轮 huá lún, 障碍 zhàng ài, 阻挡,阻挠,阻截(对手的活动) zǔ dǎng ,zǔ náo,zǔ jié duì shǒu de huó dòng, 大楼 dà lóu, (一次性交易的)大量(股票、债券等) yí cì xìng jiāo yì de dà liàng gǔ piào zhài quàn děng, 差错 chā cuò, 文本块, 脑袋 nǎo dài, 阻挡,挡人 zǔ dǎng, 拦截 lán jié, 给…定型, 指挥…的走位, 大概地画出 dà gài de huà chū, 封闭 fēng bì, 画草图 huà cǎo tú, 概述 gài shù, 阻塞 zǔ sè, 外表或性格酷似其父母中一个的人 wài biǎo huò xìng gé kù sì qí fù mǔ zhōng yí gè de rén, 公寓楼 gōng yù lóu, 拍卖台 pāi mài tái, 成为绊脚石 chéng wéi bàn jiǎo shí, 滑轮组 huá lún zǔ, 团体预定, 包档发行, 大写字母 dà xiě zì mǔ, 框图 kuàng tú, (联邦政府发给州或地方的)固定拨款 lián bāng zhèng fǔ fā gěi zhōu huò dì fāng de gù dìng bō kuǎn, 方体字, 大写印刷字体, 单元楼 dān yuán lóu, 遮住,挡住 zhē zhù,dǎng zhù, 抹去 mǒ qù, 街坊聚会 jiē fāng jù huì, 木版印刷 mù bǎn yìn shuā, 积木 jī mù, 建筑砌块 jiàn zhú qì kuài, 基本元素 jī běn yuán sù, 塞满,堆满 sāi mǎn,duī mǎn, 塞满...的, 断头板 duàn tóu bǎn, 砧板 zhēn bǎn, 即将结束, 煤渣砌块 méi zhā qì kuài, 蜂窝糖, 街区 jiē qū, 混凝土砖 hùn níng tǔ zhuān, 心脏传导阻滞 xīn zàng chuán dǎo zǔ zhì, 冰袋 bīng dài, 乐高积木块, 一窍不通 yí qiào bù tōng, 神经封闭 shén jīng fēng bì, 新来的人 xīn lái de rén, 办公大楼 bàn gōng dà lóu, 在拍卖, 冒...的险, 起跑架, 障碍物 zhàng ài wù, 防晒油 fáng shài yóu, 固体洗涤剂, 摩天大楼 mó tiān dà lóu, 版木 bǎn mù, 创作困境,创作瓶颈。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 blocker 的含义

块料,砌块,堆块,水泥块 kuài liào,qì kuài,duī kuài,shuǐ ní kuài

noun (building brick) (建筑用)

They used cement blocks for the foundations of the house.

大块 dà kuài

noun (chunk of material)

He used the block of wood to hold the door open.

街区(一边的长度) jiē qū yì biān de cháng dù

noun (US (distance: street section) (美国,两条街之间的距离)

The post office is three blocks in that direction.

街区 jiē qū

noun (US (street section) (美国,四条街道中间围起的区域)

The grocer's shop is on the same block as the pharmacy.

区域 qū yù

noun (US (square enclosed by streets)

The new building will cover the entire city block.

阻挡 zǔ dǎng

transitive verb (obstruct)

He tried to reach his home but police officers blocked his path.

阻止 zǔ zhǐ

transitive verb (figurative (prevent)

The President called on Republicans to stop blocking progress on bills to boost the economy.

封锁 fēng suǒ

transitive verb (internet: prevent from accessing) (网站)

This security software blocks any website with adult content.

积木 jī mù

noun (often plural (child's toy cube) (儿童玩具)

The child really liked the blocks with the coloured letters on them.

滑轮 huá lún

noun (pulley)

The sailors used block and tackle to raise the sails.

障碍 zhàng ài

noun (figurative (obstacle)

Severe criticism by a teacher can be a block to learning.

阻挡,阻挠,阻截(对手的活动) zǔ dǎng ,zǔ náo,zǔ jié duì shǒu de huó dòng

noun (sports: impeding opponent) (体育)

The block was effective because it freed his teammate to score.

大楼 dà lóu

noun (large building)

The new office block is taller than other buildings in the neighbourhood.

(一次性交易的)大量(股票、债券等) yí cì xìng jiāo yì de dà liàng gǔ piào zhài quàn děng

noun (quantity of stocks)

He sold a block of stock to raise cash.

差错 chā cuò

noun (memory lapse) (记忆)

I have a block and can't remember her name.


noun (section of text)

You can highlight a block of text and move it somewhere else on the page.

脑袋 nǎo dài

noun (slang (head) (俚语)

The drunk threatened to knock the other guy's block off.

阻挡,挡人 zǔ dǎng

intransitive verb (sports: hinder) (体育)

In basketball defence, it is the tall player's job to block.

拦截 lán jié

transitive verb (sports: hinder) (运动)

The basketball player blocked the shot.


transitive verb (knitting: shape) (织物)

When you've knitted a garment, washing and blocking it will make it look its best.


transitive verb (theater: designate positions, action) (戏剧、电影)

The director is blocking the first act this morning.

大概地画出 dà gài de huà chū

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (art: fill in masses)

First I do a rough sketch on the canvas, then I block in the major colors.

封闭 fēng bì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (make inaccessible, blockade)

They blocked off the main road so that the President's motorcade could drive through securely.

画草图 huà cǎo tú

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (artist: draw rough shapes)

The artist begins the drawing by blocking out a rough sketch.

概述 gài shù

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (outline or plan roughly)

The writer starts by blocking out her story.

阻塞 zǔ sè

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (obstruct)

He had blocked up the exit so we couldn't leave.

外表或性格酷似其父母中一个的人 wài biǎo huò xìng gé kù sì qí fù mǔ zhōng yí gè de rén

noun (informal, figurative (person: like parent) (非正式用语)

He'll be a womanizer just like his father; he's a chip off the old block.

公寓楼 gōng yù lóu

noun (building: flats, apartments)

Twelve families live in my apartment block.

拍卖台 pāi mài tái

noun (auctioneer's platform)

The house ended up on the auction block.

成为绊脚石 chéng wéi bàn jiǎo shí

verbal expression (figurative (hinder progress)

The issue proved to be a stumbling block during the peace talks.

滑轮组 huá lún zǔ

plural noun (ropes, chains used to hoist)


noun (large reservation)


noun (movies: sale of multiple films) (电影)

大写字母 dà xiě zì mǔ

plural noun (letters: upper-case)

Sign your name here and print it in block capitals here.

框图 kuàng tú

noun (chart: shows a process)

(联邦政府发给州或地方的)固定拨款 lián bāng zhèng fǔ fā gěi zhōu huò dì fāng de gù dìng bō kuǎn

noun (US (government funding)

Many communities use federal block grants to improve services.


noun (style of lettering)


noun (hand-written capital letter)

单元楼 dān yuán lóu

noun (UK (apartment building)

She lived on the third floor of a block of flats.

遮住,挡住 zhē zhù,dǎng zhù

(light: keep out) (光线)

They hung thick dark curtains to block the sunlight out.

抹去 mǒ qù

(figurative (refuse to listen, think)

Some people abuse drugs or alcohol to block out bad memories.

街坊聚会 jiē fāng jù huì

noun (US (neighbourhood celebration)

All neighbors joined in a great block party to celebrate Halloween.

木版印刷 mù bǎn yìn shuā

noun (art: print made by woodcut) (艺术作品)

The students are doing block prints in their art class.

积木 jī mù

noun (child's toy cube)

The little girl made a tower with her wooden building blocks.

建筑砌块 jiàn zhú qì kuài

noun (construction: brick) (本义)

We raised the rain barrel by putting it on four concrete building blocks.

基本元素 jī běn yuán sù

noun (figurative (fundamental element) (比喻)

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.

塞满,堆满 sāi mǎn,duī mǎn

adjective (informal (packed or stuffed full) (非正式用语)


(informal (completely full of: things, people)

断头板 duàn tóu bǎn

noun (used in decapitation)

Visitors to the Tower of London can still see the executioner's axe and the chopping block used to behead two of Henry VIII's unfortunate wives.

砧板 zhēn bǎn

noun (board for cutting food)


expression (figurative (about to be ended or reduced)

煤渣砌块 méi zhā qì kuài

noun (breeze block)

Cinder blocks are the norm in tropical areas where termites and storms cause major problems for wood construction.


noun (confection: honeycomb)

The taste of cinder block takes me back to my childhood.

街区 jiē qū

noun (area surrounded by streets)

That limousine looks like it's almost a city-block long.

混凝土砖 hùn níng tǔ zhuān

noun (brick made of concrete)

Concrete blocks are strong but susceptible to forceful vibration.

心脏传导阻滞 xīn zàng chuán dǎo zǔ zhì

noun (cardiac disorder)

冰袋 bīng dài

noun (freezable pack used in coolers) (用于冰箱中的)


noun (® (piece in a Lego set)

一窍不通 yí qiào bù tōng

noun (inability to recall)

When he stepped onto the stage he had a sudden mental block and couldn't remember any of his lines.

神经封闭 shén jīng fēng bì

noun (type of local anaesthetic)

After the nerve block was administered I couldn't feel anything below my waist.

新来的人 xīn lái de rén

noun (US, informal, figurative (newcomer) (非正式用语)

办公大楼 bàn gōng dà lóu

noun (multi-storey office building)

My company is on the 4th floor of an office block.


expression (US (for sale at auction)


expression (figurative (at risk: said of head)

It's alright for you; it'll be my head on the block if we get this wrong.


noun (athletics: foot-positioning device) (田径比赛)

障碍物 zhàng ài wù

noun (figurative (obstacle to progress)

防晒油 fáng shài yóu

noun (cream to prevent sunburn)

Make sure to wear sunblock when you go to the beach.


noun (solid detergent used in lavatory bowl) (用于马桶)

摩天大楼 mó tiān dà lóu

noun (building: high-rise)

版木 bǎn mù

noun (block of wood for printing) (印刷)


noun (author: inability to write)

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