英语 中的 bones 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 bones 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 bones 的说明。

英语 中的bones 表示骨头 , 骨 gǔ tou, 骨骼,骨架,骨头 gǔ gé,gǔ jià,gǔ tou, 骨制的, 剔除...的骨头, 撑条, 骰子 tóu zi, 操逼, 屌, 用鲸骨或钢架撑, 偷 tōu, 复习 fù xí, 复习 fù xí, 突击背诵,突击学习,为…临阵磨枪, 坏到骨子里, 骨细胞 gǔ xì bāo, 骨瓷 gǔ cí, 骨瓷 gǔ cí, 骨瓷的, 全干的, 懒透顶的, 骨髓 gǔ suǐ, 争论之由,争论焦点 zhēng lùn zhī yóu,zhēng lùn jiāo diǎn, 骨头疼 gǔ tóu téng, 骨臼,骨窝, 骨骼结构, 颧骨骨骼感, 强有力的 qiáng yǒu lì de, 极繁重的,极累赘的 jí fán zhòng de,jí léi zhuì de, 带骨的, 骨粉 gǔ fěn, 破旧的车子 pò jiù de chē zǐ, 墓地, 公墓, 废车, 飞机存放地, 动物尸骨堆放地, 堆牌区, 头状骨, 露骨的,过于直白的 lù gǔ de, 锁骨 suǒ gǔ, 腓骨 féi gǔ, 肘上方的尺骨端 zhǒu shàng fāng de chǐ gǔ duān, 幽默感 yōu mò gǎn, 猪腿骨, 对...有意见, 踝骨,踵骨 huái gǔ,zhǒng gǔ, 舌骨, 月骨, 骨髓 gǔ suǐ, 枕骨, 拾荒人,收破烂的人, 皮包骨头, 蝶骨, T骨牛排, 撞击 zhuàng jī, 大腿骨 dà tuǐ gǔ。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 bones 的含义

骨头 , 骨 gǔ tou

noun (part of a skeleton) (人)

Some dinosaur bones were discovered near the river.

骨骼,骨架,骨头 gǔ gé,gǔ jià,gǔ tou

plural noun (human body, skeleton)

My bones ache after that long hike.


noun as adjective (made of bone)

Several bone and ivory artifacts were discovered inside the tomb.


transitive verb (meat: take out bones)

Bone the pieces of chicken and then butterfly them.


noun (often plural (for stiffening fabric) (服装用)

The shape of a corset is supported by bones.

骰子 tóu zi

plural noun (dice)

Harry rolled the bones and got two sixes.

操逼, 屌

transitive verb (vulgar, slang (have sex with)

Patrick bragged that he had boned twenty girls, but no one believed him.


transitive verb (clothing: stiffen using boning) (衣服)

After the seamstress bones the bodice of the dress, she will attach the skirt.

偷 tōu

transitive verb (UK, slang, archaic (steal)

复习 fù xí

phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (revise knowledge)

You've got just three days left before the exam; time to bone up!

复习 fù xí

(slang (revise knowledge of)

If you're going to be that picky, I'd better bone up on basic grammar.


(slang (learn about) (考试前)

The students boned up on psychology terms before the exam.


expression (figurative (thorougly evil by nature)

骨细胞 gǔ xì bāo

noun (biology: cell in bone)

骨瓷 gǔ cí

noun (white porcelain material)

This teapot is made of bone china.

骨瓷 gǔ cí

noun (porcelain tableware)

At this tea room, the tea is served in the finest bone china.


noun as adjective (tableware: made of porcelain material)

Grace poured the tea into two bone china cups.


adjective (extremely dry, parched)


adjective (informal (does nothing)

Jake does nothing around the house -- he's bone idle!

骨髓 gǔ suǐ

noun (uncountable (substance inside bones)

Doctor Rouse took a small sample of bone marrow to confirm the diagnosis.

争论之由,争论焦点 zhēng lùn zhī yóu,zhēng lùn jiāo diǎn

noun (figurative (source of disagreement) (比喻)

Susie's disobedience at school was a bone of contention between Susie and her mom.

骨头疼 gǔ tóu téng

noun (ache in bones)

My mother is suffering from bone pain; she can't move her legs because it hurts so much.


noun (joint: concave part)


noun (composition of the skeleton)


noun (face: defined cheekbones) (面部化妆)

强有力的 qiáng yǒu lì de

adjective (figurative (forceful)

I like firm handshakes: neither wimpy, nor bone-crushing.

极繁重的,极累赘的 jí fán zhòng de,jí léi zhuì de

adjective (figurative (painful)

Harvesting vegetables is bone-crushing work.


adjective (meat: cooked with bone)

骨粉 gǔ fěn

noun (ground bones, fertilizer)

破旧的车子 pò jiù de chē zǐ

noun (UK, slang, figurative (dilapidated vehicle) (俚语,比喻)

墓地, 公墓

noun (slang (cemetery)

废车, 飞机存放地

noun (slang (place for discarded cars, planes)


noun (where wild animal bones collect)


noun (dominoes: stock of tiles) (多米诺骨牌)


noun (bone in the hand)

露骨的,过于直白的 lù gǔ de

adjective (figurative, informal (uncomfortably close to the truth)

锁骨 suǒ gǔ

noun (anatomy: clavicle)

Glenda broke her collar bone in a horse-riding accident.

腓骨 féi gǔ

noun (anatomy:lower leg bone) (解剖学)

The tibia and fibula are the two bones that make up the lower leg.

肘上方的尺骨端 zhǒu shàng fāng de chǐ gǔ duān

noun (informal (anatomy: ulnar nerve)

I accidentally banged my funny bone and my arm still tingles.

幽默感 yōu mò gǎn

noun (figurative (sense of humour)

That joke really tickled my funny bone.


noun (bone in pork thigh)

They say you can make a delicious broth with a ham bone, but I have never tried.


verbal expression (figurative, informal (want to reprimand)

I have a bone to pick with you! Did you forget to feed the cat?

踝骨,踵骨 huái gǔ,zhǒng gǔ

noun (bone: rear of foot) (脚后跟上的)


noun (bone in the neck)


noun (bone in wrist)

骨髓 gǔ suǐ

noun (uncountable (substance inside bones)

The dog tried to break the bone to get at the marrow inside.


noun (bone in back of head)


noun (UK, dated (junk collector)


adjective (figurative (person: very thin) (人)


noun (bone in skull)


noun (mainly US (cut of beef with T-shaped bone)

I think I'll order the T-bone steak; what about you?

撞击 zhuàng jī

transitive verb (US, informal (crash into side of vehicle)

The truck blew through a red light and T-boned a car in the middle of the intersection.

大腿骨 dà tuǐ gǔ

noun (anatomy: femur)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。