英语 中的 check list 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 check list 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 check list 的说明。

英语 中的check list 表示支票 zhī piào, 账单 zhàng dān, 检查 jiǎn chá, 查明 chá míng, 核实,查证 hé shí, 检查 jiǎn chá, 检测,测试 jiǎn cè,cè shì, 查找 chá zhǎo, 查收, 格子图案的 gé zi tú àn de, 存物票 cún wù piào, 方格图案 fāng gé tú àn, 被将军的局面 bèi jiāng jūn de jú miàn, 对…的制衡, 对勾, 检查 jiǎn chá, 不下赌注 bú xià dǔ zhù, 抑制 yì zhì, 使…止步 shǐ zhǐ bù, 控制 kòng zhì, 妨碍 fáng ài, 存放 cún fàng, 将…一军 jiāng yì jūn, 在…上打勾, 阻截 zǔ jié, 托运 tuō yùn, 把…将军, 冲撞 chōng zhuàng, 检查 jiǎn chá, 入住登记,办理登记手续 rù zhù dēng jì,bàn lǐ dēng jì shǒu xù, 登记 dēng jì, 商量,交换意见 shāng liáng ,jiāo huàn yì jiàn, 跟…商量,跟…交换意见, 登记住宿 dēng jì zhù sù, 调查 diào chá, 给…打勾,给…打上核对号 gěi … dǎ gōu ,gěi … dǎ shàng hé duì hào, 检查 jiǎn chá, 查证, 看看 kàn kàn, 观察,查看 guān chá,chá kàn, 借出,借取, 结账后离开,办理退房手续 jié zhàng hòu lí kāi,bàn lǐ tuì fáng shǒu xù, 得到核实, 死亡 sǐ wáng, 核对 hé duì, 校对 jiào duì, 背景调查 bèi jǐng diào chá, 不能兑现的支票 bù néng duì xiàn de zhī piào, 行李托运处, 行李检查处, 空白支票 kòng bái zhī piào, 空白支票 kòng bái zhī piào, 全权处理权 quán quán chǔ lǐ quán, 空头支票 kōng tóu zhī piào, 注销的支票, 兑现支票, 银行本票 yín háng běn piào, 保兑支票 bǎo duì zhī piào, 拿…比照, 复选框 fù xuǎn kuàng, 办理登机手续, 看一下,查看一下 kàn yí xià,chá kàn yí xià, 对勾, 查看 chá kàn, 仔细检查 zǐ xì jiǎn chá, 常规体检, 止回阀, 检票员, 登记处 dēng jì chù, 支票簿 zhī piào bù, 结账台,付款台,收银台 jié zhàng tái ,fù kuǎn tái, 结账页面,付款屏幕 jié zhàng yè miàn,fù kuǎn píng mù, 结账退房 jié zhàng tuì fáng, 退房离开的最后时限 tuì fáng lí kāi de zuì hòu shí xiàn, 退房的, 健康体检 jiàn kāng tǐ jiǎn, 身体检查结果良好 shēn tǐ jiǎn chá jié guǒ liáng hǎo, 复查 fù chá, 抵抗力 dǐ kàng lì, 对抗 duì kàng, 复查 fù chá, 犯罪背景调查,犯罪记录调查, 反复核对,再次确认 zài cì què rèn, 反复核对, 复核 fù hé, 开支票 kāi zhī piào, 领工资 lǐng gōng zī, 从…处领薪水, 空头支票 kōng tóu zhī piào, 结账 jié zhàng, 压抑 yā yì, 犬牙织纹, 受控制, 控制 kòng zhì, 限制..., 控制..., 控制 kòng zhì, 过期支票, 比赛等因雨改期后再赛时可凭此入场的票,改期票 bǐ sài děng yīn yǔ gǎi qī hòu zài sài shí kě píng cǐ rù chǎng de piào, 请对方延后邀请的请求, 下次优先供货券 xià cì yōu xiān gòng huò quàn, 认清现实, 发票 fā piào, 实用性检查, 对…进行可行性检查, 拼写检查 pīn xiě jiǎn chá, 检查拼写, 使用拼写检查功能,进行拼写检查 shǐ yòng pīn xiě jiǎn chá gōng néng,jìn xíng pīn xiě jiǎn chá, 抽样检查 chōu yàng jiǎn chá, 失效支票, 改天再做, 旅行支票 lǚ xíng zhī piào, 作废支票。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 check list 的含义

支票 zhī piào

noun (order for bank to pay)

I'm going to pay the bill with a check. The winner will receive a cheque for 1 million euros.

账单 zhàng dān

noun (US (restaurant, hotel: amount owed)

The diners asked for the check.

检查 jiǎn chá

noun (inspection, test)

The technician is going to perform a check on the car.

查明 chá míng

transitive verb (with object: verify [sth])

Always check the date on any dairy products which you're about to buy.

核实,查证 hé shí

transitive verb (with clause: verify) (后接从句)

Please check that the balance of my account is at least four hundred dollars.

检查 jiǎn chá

transitive verb (examine, inspect [sth])

The airport staff checked my hand luggage.

检测,测试 jiǎn cè,cè shì

transitive verb (test [sth])

The mechanic is going to check the transmission.

查找 chá zhǎo

transitive verb (look inside [sth])

"I can't find my keys." "Have you checked your pockets?"


transitive verb (check progress, state of [sth])

How often do you check your e-mail?

格子图案的 gé zi tú àn de

adjective (pattern: checkered)

He was wearing a blue check shirt and large horn-rimmed glasses.

存物票 cún wù piào

noun (US (ticket, token)

The partygoers received a check for their coats.

方格图案 fāng gé tú àn

noun (pattern with squares)

The skirt was covered in checks.

被将军的局面 bèi jiāng jūn de jú miàn

noun (chess move) (国际象棋)

The chess player put his opponent in check.


noun (person, thing that restrains)

The U.S. Congress acts as a check on the president.


noun (US (tick: check mark against list item, etc.)

I put a check next to the tasks I had done that morning.

检查 jiǎn chá

intransitive verb (investigate)

I don't know if I locked the door - would you check?

不下赌注 bú xià dǔ zhù

intransitive verb (poker) (扑克牌)

Are you going to bet or check?

抑制 yì zhì

transitive verb (restrain [sth])

The boxer needs to check his aggression.

使…止步 shǐ zhǐ bù

transitive verb (halt, stop [sth])

The defenders checked the onslaught by the attackers.

控制 kòng zhì

transitive verb (control [sth])

Try to check the flow of water by turning the valve.

妨碍 fáng ài

transitive verb (impede [sth])

The rough terrain checked the progress of the hikers.

存放 cún fàng

transitive verb (deposit [sth] in safety)

Guests can check their coats at the door.

将…一军 jiāng yì jūn

transitive verb (chess piece: put in check) (国际象棋)

My opponent moved his knight and I realised he had checked my king.


transitive verb (US (mark [sth] with a tick)

Check the box that says "I accept".

阻截 zǔ jié

transitive verb (US, Can (hockey: block player) (冰球)

Never check another hockey player from behind because it could cause a serious spinal injury.

托运 tuō yùn

transitive verb (baggage: hand in) (行李)

We just had enough time to check our bags and run to the gate when we arrived at the airport.


transitive verb (chess opponent: put in check) (国际象棋)

In two moves, Kasparov will check the challenger.

冲撞 chōng zhuàng

transitive verb (hockey: use a defensive move against [sb]) (冰球)

检查 jiǎn chá

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (inspect for presence of)

Ann checked the document for errors before printing it out.

入住登记,办理登记手续 rù zhù dēng jì,bàn lǐ dēng jì shǒu xù

phrasal verb, intransitive (register: at hotel, etc.) (在酒店等地)

What time may we check in to our hotel room?

登记 dēng jì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (luggage: register) (行李)

At the airport, I checked in my bags at the desk and was given my boarding pass.

商量,交换意见 shāng liáng ,jiāo huàn yì jiàn

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, informal (make contact, compare notes)

Let's check in tomorrow morning and see how you're doing with this task.


(figurative, informal (make contact, compare notes)

While Steve was working off site, his boss checked in with him once a day by email.

登记住宿 dēng jì zhù sù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (sign or book into: hotel, etc.) (酒店)

My flight arrived late so I had to check into a hotel near the airport.

调查 diào chá

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (US (investigate)

We are checking into discount flights to London.

给…打勾,给…打上核对号 gěi … dǎ gōu ,gěi … dǎ shàng hé duì hào

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (mainly US (mark checklist item with a tick)

检查 jiǎn chá

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (verify state, progress of [sth])

When Janet left the children alone at home, she called frequently to check on them.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (try to verify)

The inspector checked out the suspect's alibi by questioning his friends.

看看 kàn kàn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (investigate, examine)

When you're in New York, be sure to check out that camera store I told you about.

观察,查看 guān chá,chá kàn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (slang (look at)

Check out that guy in the top hat!


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (book, etc.: borrow from library) (图书等)

I checked out two books from the library last week and I've lost one of them.

结账后离开,办理退房手续 jié zhàng hòu lí kāi,bàn lǐ tuì fáng shǒu xù

phrasal verb, intransitive (hotel: sign out) (在酒店等地)

At this hotel, you must check out by 11:00 am or pay for another day.


phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (be verified)

His alibi checked out.

死亡 sǐ wáng

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative, slang, euphemism (die)

There were rumors that the crime boss had checked out some time ago.

核对 hé duì

phrasal verb, intransitive (verify [sth])

校对 jiào duì

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (observe progress)

When it's very hot, remember to check up on your elderly neighbors every couple of hours.

背景调查 bèi jǐng diào chá

noun (investigation into [sb]'s past)

Background checks provide information about prospective employees.

不能兑现的支票 bù néng duì xiàn de zhī piào

noun (cheque: insufficient funds)

We have had too many clients write bad checks, so now we only accept cash.


noun (check-in, registration of luggage)

I checked in my baggage at the baggage check.


noun (security inspection of luggage)

They stopped me at the baggage check when the scanner picked up something strange.

空白支票 kòng bái zhī piào

noun (cheque: no amount) (没有填写金额的)

空白支票 kòng bái zhī piào

noun (figurative (offer: any amount) (比喻)

My uncle is effectively giving us a blank cheque for any amount we might need.

全权处理权 quán quán chǔ lǐ quán

noun (figurative (freedom to do what you wish)

空头支票 kōng tóu zhī piào

noun (cheque with insufficient funds)


noun (bank cheque made void)


verbal expression (exchange a cheque for money)

银行本票 yín háng běn piào

noun (US (cheque issued by a bank)

Since I had no credit card, and the store does not accept personal checks, I had my bank issue me a cashier's check to purchase my new computer.

保兑支票 bǎo duì zhī piào

noun (check guaranteed by a bank)

I need to make a payment by certified cheque.


verbal expression (compare, contrast two things)

Shannon checked her calendar against her boss's to see if there were any conflicts.

复选框 fù xuǎn kuàng

noun (square for marking with a tick)

Only half of the check boxes on my "to do" list are checked.


noun (registration process)

Check-in for our flight closes at 15:30.

看一下,查看一下 kàn yí xià,chá kàn yí xià

interjection (US, slang (look) (俚语)

Check it out, man! That car's just too cool.


noun (US (tick: list item, correct answer, etc.)

He wrote a check mark next to each completed task on his list.

查看 chá kàn

(examine, inspect)

I always check over the engine carefully before a long car journey.

仔细检查 zǐ xì jiǎn chá

(luggage: put into plane's hold)

If you have to change flights, the airline can check your luggage through to the final destination.


noun (routine medical examination)

My company insists I have a check-up once a year.


(one-way valve)


noun (US (airport worker) (机场)

登记处 dēng jì chù

noun (at hotel, etc.: reception)

支票簿 zhī piào bù

noun (banking)

I need to pay bills, but I can't find my checkbook.

结账台,付款台,收银台 jié zhàng tái ,fù kuǎn tái

noun (store: payment counter) (商店)

I think I left my wallet at the checkout.

结账页面,付款屏幕 jié zhàng yè miàn,fù kuǎn píng mù

noun (uncountable (online: payment screen) (在线)

Go to checkout and enter your credit card information.

结账退房 jié zhàng tuì fáng

noun (uncountable (hotel: vacating room) (旅店)

Be sure to examine your bill carefully on checkout.

退房离开的最后时限 tuì fáng lí kāi de zuì hòu shí xiàn

noun (uncountable (hotel: vacating time) (旅店)

Checkout is at 11am.


noun as adjective (hotel: vacating room)

Check-out time on the departure day is until 12:00 am.

健康体检 jiàn kāng tǐ jiǎn

noun (routine medical exam)

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, but don't worry--it's just a regular checkup.

身体检查结果良好 shēn tǐ jiǎn chá jié guǒ liáng hǎo

noun (US (confirmation of good health)

He was worried by a chest pain but the cardiologist gave him a clean checkup.

复查 fù chá

noun (second check)

抵抗力 dǐ kàng lì

noun (an opposing restraint)

对抗 duì kàng

transitive verb (restrain or counteract)

复查 fù chá

transitive verb (double-check)


noun (investigation into [sb]'s past)

Before working at a school, you must go through a criminal background check.

反复核对,再次确认 zài cì què rèn

transitive verb (verify by comparing)


noun (comparison done to verify)

复核 fù hé

transitive verb (cross-check, inspect again)

We should double-check our grocery list to make sure we have everything we need. Let's double-check those figures to make sure we got them right.

开支票 kāi zhī piào

verbal expression (write a bank order)

Your invoice was approved so I'll draw a check for you by the end of the day.

领工资 lǐng gōng zī

verbal expression (US (be employed)

I've lived here ever since I first drew a pay check.


verbal expression (US (work for [sb])

空头支票 kōng tóu zhī piào

noun (bank order with insufficient funds)

结账 jié zhàng

verbal expression (US (restaurant: request the bill)

If no one wants dessert, let's call the waitress and get the check.

压抑 yā yì

verbal expression (control, restrain)

He had to hold his anger in check when his son wrecked the car.


noun (textile pattern: checkered)


adverb (controlled, under restraint)

控制 kòng zhì

verbal expression (informal (monitor)

I'm keeping a check on his work to ensure that he's doing it right.

限制..., 控制...

verbal expression (US, informal (control, restrain, limit)

They expect increased oil production to keep a check on gasoline prices.

控制 kòng zhì

verbal expression (control)

The European Central Bank has kept inflation in check.


noun (bank cheque dated in the past)

比赛等因雨改期后再赛时可凭此入场的票,改期票 bǐ sài děng yīn yǔ gǎi qī hòu zài sài shí kě píng cǐ rù chǎng de piào

noun (US, informal, literal (ticket to rescheduled event)

The team cancelled the game and offered a rain check to the ticket holders.


noun (US, informal, figurative (promise to postpone offer until later) (受邀方)

I'll have to take a rain check on dinner tonight: I have to study for an exam all night.

下次优先供货券 xià cì yōu xiān gòng huò quàn

noun (US, informal, figurative (ticket entitling customer to sale price later)

The store was out of the advertised sausages, but they gave me a rain check.


noun (informal ([sth] that disabuses [sb] of unrealistic ideas)

发票 fā piào

noun (US (receipt)


noun (review of practicality)


transitive verb (review practicality)

拼写检查 pīn xiě jiǎn chá

noun (feature: checks spelling)

Remember that the spell check can be wrong sometimes!


intransitive verb (check for spelling errors)

Does this program automatically spellcheck?

使用拼写检查功能,进行拼写检查 shǐ yòng pīn xiě jiǎn chá gōng néng,jìn xíng pīn xiě jiǎn chá

transitive verb (document: check spelling) (计算机)

Don't forget to spellcheck the file before you email it to me.

抽样检查 chōu yàng jiǎn chá

noun (impromptu inspection)

The ticket inspectors did a spot check to see who had bought tickets.


noun (bank order cashed late)


verbal expression (figurative, informal (postpone [sth])

I can't meet you tonight; can I take a rain check for next week?

旅行支票 lǚ xíng zhī piào

noun (cheque: exchanged for currency) (美式拼法)

Bob believed that traveler's checks were safer than carrying cash.


noun (cancelled cheque)

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