英语 中的 commanded 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 commanded 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 commanded 的说明。

英语 中的commanded 表示命令 mìng lìng, 指挥 zhǐ huī, 掌握 zhǎng wò, 精通 jīng tōng, 指令, 命令, 指挥 zhǐ huī, 命令某人做某事, 指挥 zhǐ huī, 引得, 响应命令的, 命令 , 指令 mìng lìng, 司令官 sī lìng guān, 王室的邀请, 担任指挥 dān rèn zhǐ huī, 听您指挥 tīng nín zhǐ huī, 可供你自由使用 kě gōng nǐ zì yóu shǐ yòng, 听候您的差遣 tīng hòu nín de chāi qiǎn, 通过下命令 tōng guò xià mìng lìng, 指挥系统 zhǐ huī xì tǒng, 引起注意 yǐn qǐ zhù yì, 令人肃然起敬 lìng rén sù rán qǐ jìng, 负责的 fù zé de, 负责 fù zé, 控制 kòng zhì, 发出命令 fā chū mìng lìng, 副手 fù shǒu, 副指挥 fù zhǐ huī, 副主管, 控制 kòng zhì, 负责..., 在你的领导下 zài nǐ de lǐng dǎo xià。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 commanded 的含义

命令 mìng lìng

noun (order)

The general gave his troops a command to retreat.

指挥 zhǐ huī

noun (uncountable (leadership)

He turned over command of his ship to the new captain.

掌握 zhǎng wò

noun (uncountable (control)

The poor woman has lost command of her senses.

精通 jīng tōng

noun (expertise)

Alec has complete command of that programming language.

指令, 命令

noun (computing: instruction)

Use the command Ctrl+C to copy the text.

指挥 zhǐ huī

transitive verb (be in charge)

Johnson commands our platoon.


verbal expression (order to do)

The general commanded the troops to attack.

指挥 zhǐ huī

transitive verb (military: give orders)

The president commanded an attack on the enemy.


transitive verb (figurative (respect, attention: attract)

He is a tall, imposing figure who commands attention.


adjective (done on command, requested)

The choir is giving a command performance for the queen.

命令 , 指令 mìng lìng

noun (computing: instruction) (电脑)

In computer programming, a command means telling the computer to do something.

司令官 sī lìng guān

noun (position)


noun (UK (royal invitation)

担任指挥 dān rèn zhǐ huī

(take charge, responsibility)

When the captain was killed, the lieutenant assumed command of the ship.

听您指挥 tīng nín zhǐ huī

adverb (under your control)

可供你自由使用 kě gōng nǐ zì yóu shǐ yòng

adverb (available to you)

听候您的差遣 tīng hòu nín de chāi qiǎn

adverb (humorous (ready to help you)

通过下命令 tōng guò xià mìng lìng

adverb (by giving orders)

指挥系统 zhǐ huī xì tǒng

noun (hierarchy)

Orders travel along the chain of command from the headquarters to the soldiers in the field.

引起注意 yǐn qǐ zhù yì

(be striking, impressive)

令人肃然起敬 lìng rén sù rán qǐ jìng

(be esteemed, admired)

The generals, because of their bravery and wisdom, command respect from their troops.

负责的 fù zé de

adjective (leading, in charge)

负责 fù zé

(leading, in charge)

控制 kòng zhì

(having control of [sth])

发出命令 fā chū mìng lìng

verbal expression (give an order)

The general issued a command for his men to be ready for battle.

副手 fù shǒu

adjective (just below person in charge)

副指挥 fù zhǐ huī

noun (military: deputy)

He was second in command after the commander in chief.


noun (responsible if boss absent)

The second-in-command was in charge while the boss was away on a business trip.

控制 kòng zhì

(take charge, control)

He was the kind of man who always tried to take command even when no-one wanted him to.


verbal expression (take charge of [sth])

在你的领导下 zài nǐ de lǐng dǎo xià

adverb (in your charge or control)

The major was responsible for all of the troops under his command.

让我们学习 英语

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。