英语 中的 follow one another 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 follow one another 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 follow one another 的说明。

英语 中的follow one another 表示跟随 gēn suí, 沿着…行进 yán zhe … xíng jìn, 追随 zhuī suí, 听从 tīng cóng, 跟随 gēn suí, 紧接着 jǐn jiē zhe, 结果是 jié guǒ shì, 跟在…的后面 gēn zài de hòu miàn, 效仿 xiào fǎng, 随…之后发生 suí zhī hòu fā shēng, 关注 guān zhù, 关注 guān zhù, 理解 lǐ jiě, 遵守,遵从,遵循 zūn shǒu,zūn cóng ,zūn xún, 关注 guān zhù, 跟踪,追踪 gēn zōng,zhuī zōng, 承接… chéng jiē …, 随之会发生 suí zhī huì fā shēng, 接着 jiē zhe, 尾随 wěi suí, 遵照,贯彻,执行 zūn zhào,zhí xíng, 坚持到底 jiān chí dào dǐ, 完成 wán chéng, 完成 wán chéng, 传球之后继续随球动作, 接着 jiē zhe, 对…进行进一步调查, 步...的后尘, 步...的后尘, 跟我来, 接下来的 jiē xià lái de, 后续的事, 继续击球, 跟某人做的一样 gēn mǒu rén zuò de yí yàng, 紧随其后 jǐn suí qí hòu, 跟随…离开,在…之后离开, 以某人为榜样 yǐ mǒu rén wéi bǎng yàng, 效法某人 xiào fǎ mǒu rén, 跟着做 gēn zhe zuò, 随大流 suí dà liú, 遵守规则 zūn shǒu guī zé, 随球动作,扬球 yáng qiú, 将…进行到底 jiāng jìn xíng dào dǐ, 对…采取后续行动, 用...补充, 随着气味走, 相信自己的直觉, 一直往前走,径直朝前走, 模仿游戏, 后续行动 hòu xù xíng dòng, 随访, 后续产品, 后续的 hòu xù de, 跟踪检查 gēn zōng jiǎn chá, 后续调查, 增补材料, 后续问题。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 follow one another 的含义

跟随 gēn suí

transitive verb (move behind)

He followed his wife into the house.

沿着…行进 yán zhe … xíng jìn

transitive verb (proceed along)

Follow the road until you reach the post office.

追随 zhuī suí

transitive verb (leadership, authority)

He follows his heart, wherever it takes him.

听从 tīng cóng

transitive verb (obey, do as told)

You should follow his advice.

跟随 gēn suí

intransitive verb (come next after [sb])

I'll go first, and you can follow.

紧接着 jǐn jiē zhe

intransitive verb (come next after [sth])

What follows is an example of how not to proceed.

结果是 jié guǒ shì

transitive verb (occur as a result)

It follows that reducing interest rates increases inflation.

跟在…的后面 gēn zài de hòu miàn

transitive verb (sequence: come after)

In the Cyrillic Alphabet, B follows A.

效仿 xiào fǎng

transitive verb (imitate, be like [sb])

She follows her mother in being very talkative.

随…之后发生 suí zhī hòu fā shēng

transitive verb (result from [sth])

Can any good follow this?

关注 guān zhù

transitive verb (watch)

They followed her every move.

关注 guān zhù

transitive verb (keep up with [sth])

Do you follow politics?

理解 lǐ jiě

transitive verb (understand [sth], [sb])

Do you follow what I'm saying?

遵守,遵从,遵循 zūn shǒu,zūn cóng ,zūn xún

transitive verb (obey: a route, pattern, etc.)

Alina carefully followed the knitting pattern for the pullover.

关注 guān zhù

transitive verb (social media) (社交媒体)

跟踪,追踪 gēn zōng,zhuī zōng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (trail [sb])

He followed me around all day.

承接… chéng jiē …

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (come as a logical result)

This logically follows from the given evidence.

随之会发生 suí zhī huì fā shēng

phrasal verb, intransitive (be a consequence)

It follows on that any rise in taxes must be accompanied by an improvement in services.

接着 jiē zhe

(be the next step)

This action follows on from the decision taken last month.

尾随 wěi suí

phrasal verb, intransitive (walk behind [sb])

遵照,贯彻,执行 zūn zhào,zhí xíng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (directions: carry out) (指示)

坚持到底 jiān chí dào dǐ

phrasal verb, intransitive (continue [sth] to completion)

He's very good at starting things but never seems to manage to follow through.

完成 wán chéng

(continue [sth] to completion)

Sam is always making plans but she never follows through with any of them.

完成 wán chéng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (continue [sth] to completion)

A good manager ensures that their team is able to follow a project through.


phrasal verb, intransitive (sports: after throwing, etc.) (体育运动)

She's learning how to follow through in a complete arc after hitting the ball.

接着 jiē zhe

phrasal verb, intransitive (take next step)

The young gymnast performed a dive roll, and did a cartwheel to follow up.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (investigate)

The detective followed up on the lead.


verbal expression (figurative (do as [sb] else has done)


verbal expression (figurative (take the same career path as [sb] else)

He wanted to follow in his brother's footsteps and become a football player. She followed in her mother's footsteps and became an artist.


interjection (come with me)

接下来的 jiē xià lái de

adjective (occurring next)


noun (thing that comes next)


noun (cricket)

跟某人做的一样 gēn mǒu rén zuò de yí yàng

verbal expression (figurative (do the same as [sb])

The young singer wanted to follow on the heels of his famous father.

紧随其后 jǐn suí qí hòu

verbal expression (figurative (come after)

They were afraid a large tidal wave would follow on the heels of the earthquake.


(leave closely after [sb/sth])

以某人为榜样 yǐ mǒu rén wéi bǎng yàng

intransitive verb (do the same as [sb] else)

I'm going to follow Maria's example and spend more time working with the community.

效法某人 xiào fǎ mǒu rén

verbal expression (do the same as [sb] else)

The leader of the exercise class wanted us to follow her lead.

跟着做 gēn zhe zuò

intransitive verb (figurative (do the same, copy: [sb] else)

He was such a copycat; if his brother did something he would always follow suit. After the first bank started giving away toasters, the rest of the banks followed suit.

随大流 suí dà liú

verbal expression (copy what others are doing)

She was truly unique, always refusing to follow the crowd.

遵守规则 zūn shǒu guī zé

verbal expression (obey instructions)

Most things work more smoothly when we all follow the rules. He was a maverick who thought he didn't have to follow the rules.

随球动作,扬球 yáng qiú

noun (sport: continuation of motion) (体育运动,传球之后的)

You need to have a good follow-through to be a good golfer.

将…进行到底 jiāng jìn xíng dào dǐ

noun (continuing action)

The project manager keeps a close eye on her team to ensure follow-through.


verbal expression (make further communication)

John followed up his interview by sending a thank-you note.


verbal expression (make further communication)

The lawyer followed her argument up with evidence.


verbal expression (trace smell of [sth])


verbal expression (informal, figurative (trust your instinct)


verbal expression (informal, figurative (go straight on)

Turn left, then take the second right and just follow your nose.


noun (children's game)

后续行动 hòu xù xíng dòng

noun (further communication)

Ryan received a follow-up from the salesman.


noun (doctor's visit) (医生)

Ron had to go to the doctor for a follow-up.


noun (product: successor)

后续的 hòu xù de

adjective (visit, call: further)

Tom sent a follow-up message to Jim.

跟踪检查 gēn zōng jiǎn chá

noun (additional examination)

Before closing on the house, we need to do a final follow-up inspection.


noun (supplementary police enquiry)


plural noun (resources: supplement learning)


noun (additional enquiry)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。