英语 中的 guarding 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 guarding 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 guarding 的说明。

英语 中的guarding 表示保镖,警卫,门卫 bǎo biāo,jǐng wèi,mén wèi, 警卫,卫兵 jǐng wèi,wèi bīng, 守卫 shǒu wèi, 后卫 hòu wèi, 保护器 bǎo hù qì, 小心 xiǎo xīn, 保护,保卫 bǎo hù,bǎo wèi, 武装的卫兵 wǔ zhuāng de wèi bīng, 使…惊讶 shǐ jīng yà, 海岸巡逻队队员 hǎi àn xún luó duì duì yuán, 搜救组织, 救生员 jiù shēng yuán, 海岸警卫队 hǎi àn jǐng wèi duì, 海岸警卫队快艇 hǎi àn jǐng wèi duì kuài tǐng, 护旗队, 交通指挥员, 壁炉防火屏, 看门狗 kān mén gǒu, 灶台围栏, 英国地方军 yīng guó dì fāng jūn, 救生员 jiù shēng yuán, 放下 fàng xià, 防护牙托, 国民警卫队 guó mín jǐng wèi duì, 猝不及防地, 没有防备的 méi yǒu fáng bèi de, 长期成员, 保守派,保守势力 bǎo shǒu pài, 防备着地 fáng bèi zhe de, 宫廷警卫 gōng tíng jǐng wèi, 组织后卫, 狱警, 使…警惕, 后备的 hòu bèi de, 后卫的, 后卫部队, 保守立场, 保安 bǎo ān, 护胫, 站岗,放哨 zhàn gāng, 看守,守护 kān shǒu,shǒu hù, 扳机环 bān jī huán, 王室警卫 wáng shì jǐng wèi。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 guarding 的含义

保镖,警卫,门卫 bǎo biāo,jǐng wèi,mén wèi

noun (person)

The guard patrolled around the building.

警卫,卫兵 jǐng wèi,wèi bīng

noun (US (military)

The guard was called in to help deal with the situation.

守卫 shǒu wèi

transitive verb (protect)

The dog guarded the backyard.

后卫 hòu wèi

noun (basketball) (篮球)

Rick was a guard on his high school basketball team.

保护器 bǎo hù qì

noun ([sth] that protects)

Cody was lucky that he kept his hands behind the guard on the chainsaw when it slipped off of the branch.

小心 xiǎo xīn

(be cautious)

The travel agent had warned Beth to guard against pickpockets when she traveled abroad.

保护,保卫 bǎo hù,bǎo wèi

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (prevent)

Wear a sunhat to guard against sunburn.

武装的卫兵 wǔ zhuāng de wèi bīng

noun (guard: has a weapon)

使…惊讶 shǐ jīng yà

verbal expression (take [sb] by surprise)

The offer of early retirement caught me off guard; I hadn't guessed it was coming.

海岸巡逻队队员 hǎi àn xún luó duì duì yuán

noun (US (branch of US military)

This country's Coast Guard provides various maritime services.


noun (search-and-rescue organization)

救生员 jiù shēng yuán

noun (UK (member of search-and-rescue organization)

海岸警卫队 hǎi àn jǐng wèi duì

noun (UK (search-and-rescue organization)

海岸警卫队快艇 hǎi àn jǐng wèi duì kuài tǐng

noun (US (rescue ship)

We're sending out all our Coast Guard cutters to look for that ship in distress.


(flag bearer)


noun (for crossing a road)

The crossing guard at this intersection is very friendly; he kids around with the children and chats with the adult pedestrians.


noun (protective screen for a fireplace)

看门狗 kān mén gǒu

noun (watch dog)

German shepherds make excellent guard dogs.


noun (UK (cooker: safety grille) (保护小孩)

英国地方军 yīng guó dì fāng jūn

noun (volunteer army)

During the war, the Home Guard was composed mainly of men who weren't eligible for conscription.

救生员 jiù shēng yuán

noun (swimming attendant)

They closed the pool because no lifeguard was available.

放下 fàng xià

transitive verb (figurative (relax: guard, defences) (警惕等)

He lowered his guard once he realized it was a friend.


noun (protective shield for teeth)

She put her mouth guard in before playing rugby.

国民警卫队 guó mín jǐng wèi duì

noun (reserve military forces)


adverb (when unprepared)

I was taken completely off guard when the police arrived with a search warrant.

没有防备的 méi yǒu fáng bèi de

adjective (unprepared)

The thief took advantage of a moment when the shopkeeper was off guard.


noun (long-time members of a group)

保守派,保守势力 bǎo shǒu pài

noun (people who resist change)

防备着地 fáng bèi zhe de

adverb (prepared, at the ready)

You need to be on guard for viral attacks against your computer.

宫廷警卫 gōng tíng jǐng wèi

noun (soldier: protects royal residence)

Dressed in red with white trim, the palace guard stood at the gate.


noun (basketball position) (篮球)


noun ([sb] who keeps order in prison)


verbal expression (make wary)

The way she looks at me puts me on my guard.

后备的 hòu bèi de

adjective (backup)


adjective (defensive)


noun (military)

The rearguard faced the greatest danger when the army was in retreat.


noun (figurative (conservative position)

They accused their opponents of being in the rearguard of social change.

保安 bǎo ān

noun (person: protects building)

The security guard patrolled the shopping centre looking for rowdy schoolchildren.


noun (often plural (protective leg pads) (运动员佩戴的)

站岗,放哨 zhàn gāng

(keep watch)

看守,守护 kān shǒu,shǒu hù

verbal expression (watch over, protect)

扳机环 bān jī huán

noun (safety feature on a gun)

王室警卫 wáng shì jǐng wèi

noun (UK (Beefeater: royal guard)

The yeomen are the bodyguards of the British monarch.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。