英语 中的 legal costs 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 legal costs 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 legal costs 的说明。

英语 中的legal costs 表示合法的 hé fǎ de, 法律上的 fǎ lǜ shàng de, 律师的 lǜ shī de, 没有犯规的 méi yǒu fàn guī de, 刚刚成年, 诉讼 sù sòng, 法定年龄 fǎ dìng nián líng, 合法协议 hé fǎ xié yì, 律师服务 lǜ shī fú wù, 法律援助 fǎ lǜ yuán zhù, 法律授权 fǎ lǜ shòu quán, 合法契约 hé fǎ qì yuē, 法律顾问 fǎ lǜ gù wèn, 判决 pàn jué, 法务部, 法律文件, 法律权利文件, 律师职业道德 lǜ shī zhí yè dào dé, 法定证据 fǎ dìng zhèng jù, 法律专家 fǎ lǜ zhuān jiā, 法定监护权 fǎ dìng jiān hù quán, 合法所有人,法定所有人, 拍纸本, 法律许可 fǎ lǜ xǔ kě, 法律诉讼 fǎ lǜ sù sòng, 法律程序 fǎ lǜ chéng xù, 法律界,法律行业, 法定分居 fǎ dìng fēn jū, 诉讼和解 sù sòng hé jiě, 法律系统 fǎ lǜ xì tǒng, 法定货币 fǎ dìng huò bì, 法定受监护人, 法律文件尺寸的, 使..合法化 shǐ hé fǎ huà, 与法律无关的 yǔ fǎ lǜ wú guān de, 正式法定姓名, 法律风险。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 legal costs 的含义

合法的 hé fǎ de

adjective (lawful)

It is legal to say what you like in a public space.

法律上的 fǎ lǜ shàng de

adjective (concerning the law)

The company's policies caused some legal issues.

律师的 lǜ shī de

adjective (type of profession)

Amy works as a legal assistant at a law firm.

没有犯规的 méi yǒu fàn guī de

adjective (in game, by rules)

That move isn't legal in this game.


(informal (girl: just past age of consent) (女孩)

She was barely legal when they first slept together.

诉讼 sù sòng

noun (court proceeding)

I've decided to take legal action against my neighbour.

法定年龄 fǎ dìng nián líng

noun (law: age at which you can do [sth])

The government should consider raising the legal age for driving from 17 to 18.

合法协议 hé fǎ xié yì

noun (contract)

If you rent a flat you need to get a legal agreement with your landlord.

律师服务 lǜ shī fú wù

noun (service of a lawyer)

This is a complicated matter, so I would advise you to seek legal aid.

法律援助 fǎ lǜ yuán zhù

noun (free or subsidized legal assistance)

The migrant worker's family received pro bono assistance from legal aid attorneys.

法律授权 fǎ lǜ shòu quán

noun (official permission)

James had to obtain legal authorisation from the council to hold a rave party in his garden.

合法契约 hé fǎ qì yuē

noun (written agreement binding by law)

The two companies signed a legal contract to regulate their partnership.

法律顾问 fǎ lǜ gù wèn

noun (lawyer)

In the US, everyone who is arrested has a right to legal counsel.

判决 pàn jué

noun (law: judgement)

We don't agree with the court's legal decision and are going to appeal against it.


noun (part of company for legal issues)


noun (document about a matter of law)


noun (document granting a legal right)

律师职业道德 lǜ shī zhí yè dào dé

plural noun (moral code of practice for lawyers)

The lawyer started an affair with a witness, which is completely against legal ethics.

法定证据 fǎ dìng zhèng jù

noun (testimony admissible in court)

Dr. Schwartz was called on to give legal evidence about the defendant's injuries.

法律专家 fǎ lǜ zhuān jiā

noun (specialist in law)

These sections should be reviewed by a legal expert prior to publication.

法定监护权 fǎ dìng jiān hù quán

noun (official custody, care of a dependant)

After Suzanne's brother was killed in Iraq, she claimed legal guardianship of her orphaned nephew. The child's mother was unable to care for him properly, so legal guardianship was awarded to his father.


noun (lawful proprietor)


(ruled writing tablet)

法律许可 fǎ lǜ xǔ kě

noun (official authorization)

Have you got legal permission to run the event here? Legal permission must be obtained before importing foodstuffs into Australia.

法律诉讼 fǎ lǜ sù sòng

plural noun (court case)

The legal proceedings dragged on for over a year.

法律程序 fǎ lǜ chéng xù

noun (court procedure)

The legal process to get squatters out of a property can take a long time.


noun (law: law-related employment field)

法定分居 fǎ dìng fēn jū

noun (official agreement to separate)

The couple decided to try a legal separation before getting a divorce.

诉讼和解 sù sòng hé jiě

noun (settling of a lawsuit)

The injured worker withdrew his lawsuit after reaching a legal settlement with his employer.

法律系统 fǎ lǜ xì tǒng

noun (judicial structures and processes: law)

Our legal system seems to place more value on property than on human life.

法定货币 fǎ dìng huò bì

noun (money: valid currency)

A lot of people mistakenly believe that Scottish banknotes aren't legal tender in England. Though they're very uncommon, $2 bills are in fact legal tender in the US.


noun (child in care of a guardian)


adjective (long paper)

使..合法化 shǐ hé fǎ huà

transitive verb (legalize, decriminalize)

Do you think marijuana should be made legal?

与法律无关的 yǔ fǎ lǜ wú guān de

adjective (not established by law)


noun (person's official full name) (正式全名)

Please use your proper legal name when filling out this form.


noun (law: chance of loss)

The attorney evaluated the risk with his client.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。