英语 中的 littlest 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 littlest 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 littlest 的说明。

英语 中的littlest 表示小的 xiǎo de, 稍许,一点点,少到几乎没有 shāo xǔ ,yì diǎn dian,shǎo dào jī hū méi yǒu, 有点儿 yǒu diǎn er, 一点点 yì diǎn dian, 年幼的 nián yòu de, 矮小的,个子不高的 ǎi xiǎo de ,gè zi bù gāo de, 琐碎的 suǒ suì de, 狭隘的,狭窄的 xiá ài de,xiá zhǎi de, 小得可爱的 xiǎo de kě ài de, 几乎没有地 jī hū méi yǒu de, 几乎不,不大 jī hū bù, 少许的,小量的,一点点,几乎没有的 shǎo xǔ de ,xiǎo liàng de ,yì diǎn dian,jī hū méi yǒu de, 些微地 xiē wēi de, 少量 shǎo liàng, 一会儿 yí huì er, 少量,一点 shǎo liàng ,yì diǎn, 有些 yǒu xiē, 多一点 duō yì diǎn, 多一点的, 久一点, 更多地 gèng duō de, 小事 xiǎo shì, 能赚钱的玩意儿, 和…一样少 hé yí yàng shǎo, 捣蛋鬼 dǎo dàn guǐ, 小东西,小可怜 xiǎo dōng xī, 新生婴儿, 花费很少 huā fèi hěn shǎo, 不太费力 bú tài fèi lì, 做小生意 zuò xiǎo shēng yì, 一会儿 yí huì er, 与…谈一谈(认真地) yǔ … tán yi tán ( rèn zhēn de), 几乎没有共同之处 jī hū méi yǒu gòng tóng zhī chù, 对…没有胃口,对…没兴趣, 没什么话说 méi shén me huà shuō, 很快 hěn kuài, 很快 hěn kuài, 略低于 lüè dī yú, 小天使 xiǎo tiān shǐ, 熊孩子, 一小餐, 小男孩 xiǎo nán hái, 弟弟 dì di, 一点点地 yì diǎn diǎn de, 几乎没有可能性 jī hū méi yǒu kě néng xìng, 几乎没有机会 jī hū méi yǒu jī huì, 小宝贝 xiǎo bǎo bèi, 小宝贝 xiǎo bǎo bèi, 小恶魔 xiǎo è mó, 额外的一点好处, 额外的努力, 矮个子,小个子 ǎi gè zi,xiǎo gè zi, 男孩儿,小男孩 nán hái er,xiǎo nán hái, 小指 xiǎo zhǐ, 小把戏 xiǎo bǎ xì, 小女孩 xiǎo nǚ hái, 小男孩 xiǎo nán hái, 小个子,矮个子 xiǎo gè zi,ǎi gè zi, 小孩子 xiǎo hái zi, 不太知名的 bú tài zhī míng de, 不太为人所了解的 bú tài wéi rén suǒ liǎo jiě de, 小男孩,小小男子汉 xiǎo nán hái,xiǎo xiǎo nán zǐ hàn, 小猴子 xiǎo hóu zi, 小孩子 xiǎo hái zi, 小孩子们 xiǎo hái zi men, 几乎没有机会 jī hū méi yǒu jī huì, 几乎没有的 jī hū méi yǒu de, 小坏蛋,小淘气,小捣蛋鬼 xiǎo táo qì,xiǎo dǎo dàn guǐ, 调皮蛋,淘气鬼 táo qì guǐ, 调皮蛋,淘气鬼 táo qì guǐ, 小妹 xiǎo mèi, 小顽童,小捣蛋鬼 xiǎo wán tóng,xiǎo dǎo dàn guǐ, 谈一谈 tán yì tán, 放荡的女人 fàng dàng de nǚ rén, 小剧场 xiǎo jù chǎng, 琐细的事, 无足轻重的事 wú zú qīng zhòng de shì, 小脚趾 xiǎo jiǎo zhǐ, 一会儿,不一会儿 yí huì er ,bù yī huì er, 不重要 bú zhòng yào, 我的小宝贝 wǒ de xiǎo bǎo bèi, 不少地 bù shǎo de, 无关紧要的 wú guān jǐn yào de, 无关紧要的 wú guān jǐn yào de, 小脚趾 xiǎo jiǎo zhǐ, 很少的 hěn shǎo de, 相当多的 xiāng dāng duō de, 小红帽 xiǎo hóng mào, 不足地 bù zú de, 不够的 bú gòu de, 不足量 bù zú liàng, 小熊(星)座 xiǎo xióng xīng zuò, 极少地 jí shǎo de, 很少 hěn shǎo, 不多的 bù duō de, 善意的谎言 shàn yì de huǎng yán, 妻子,老婆 qī zǐ ,lǎo pó, 爱叫的小狗 ài jiào de xiǎo gǒu。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 littlest 的含义

小的 xiǎo de

adjective (small in size)

This TV is big, but the one in our bedroom is little.

稍许,一点点,少到几乎没有 shāo xǔ ,yì diǎn dian,shǎo dào jī hū méi yǒu

adjective (not much) (程度)

She drinks little alcohol.

有点儿 yǒu diǎn er

adverb (slightly)

I am a little drunk, but in no way incapacitated.

一点点 yì diǎn dian

adverb (small amount)

The child ate little at dinnertime.

年幼的 nián yòu de

adjective (sibling: younger)

I have three little brothers and one big sister.

矮小的,个子不高的 ǎi xiǎo de ,gè zi bù gāo de

adjective (person: short) (人)

She is too little to date a basketball player, isn't she?

琐碎的 suǒ suì de

adjective (trivial)

It is such a little thing. Why do they argue about it so much?

狭隘的,狭窄的 xiá ài de,xiá zhǎi de

adjective (mind: narrow) (心胸、胸襟)

As Emerson said, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."

小得可爱的 xiǎo de kě ài de

adjective (endearingly small)

Oh, what a beautiful little puppy!

几乎没有地 jī hū méi yǒu de

adverb (almost not at all)

She was very shy, and spoke little.

几乎不,不大 jī hū bù

adverb (formal (not very)

I am little inclined to accept such an offer.

少许的,小量的,一点点,几乎没有的 shǎo xǔ de ,xiǎo liàng de ,yì diǎn dian,jī hū méi yǒu de

adjective (small amount) (数量)

I just want a little salt on my potatoes.

些微地 xiē wēi de

adverb (slightly)

She was a little angry with me. The doctor says your blood pressure is a little high.

少量 shǎo liàng

noun (a small amount)

Chocolate? I'll just have a little.

一会儿 yí huì er

noun (short time)

I'll be there in a little.

少量,一点 shǎo liàng ,yì diǎn

noun (informal (small amount)

There wasn't enough salt in the soup so I added a little bit. Could I please have a little bit of cheese?

有些 yǒu xiē

adverb (informal (slightly)

I'm just a little bit dizzy. It was a little bit cheeky of me to ask … but I asked anyway.

多一点 duō yì diǎn

noun (a small additional quantity)

I already added salt to the potatoes, but I think they could use a little more.


adjective (slightly more)

May I have a little more tea, please?


adverb (for a short while longer)

The girl asked her mother if she could continue playing outside a little more.

更多地 gèng duō de

adverb (slightly more often)

You need to exercise a little more if you want to get fit.

小事 xiǎo shì

noun (informal ([sth] trivial)

I know it's just a little thing, but I find the constant tapping of your foot annoying.


noun (UK, slang ([sth] which generates income)

I'm setting up a website to sell my photos; it should be a nice little earner.

和…一样少 hé yí yàng shǎo

expression (a quantity as small as)

As little as 2 grammes of it is enough to kill you.

捣蛋鬼 dǎo dàn guǐ

noun (UK, pejorative, vulgar, slang (annoying child)

Did you see that little bugger who ran down the hall?

小东西,小可怜 xiǎo dōng xī

noun (vulgar, slang (affectionate term: boy, animal) (爱称)

Look at this possum; he's a cute little bugger, isn't he?


noun (informal (baby)

花费很少 huā fèi hěn shǎo

verbal expression (be inexpensive)

A first aid kit costs little but can save lives.

不太费力 bú tài fèi lì

verbal expression (figurative (require little effort)

It costs little to be polite.

做小生意 zuò xiǎo shēng yì

verbal expression (have few commercial dealings)

一会儿 yí huì er

adverb (for a short time)

I'll stay for a little while, if you don't mind. We'll have to wait for a little while before the train comes.

与…谈一谈(认真地) yǔ … tán yi tán ( rèn zhēn de)

verbal expression (informal (discuss [sth] sensitive)

Young lady, I think it's time you and I had a little talk.

几乎没有共同之处 jī hū méi yǒu gòng tóng zhī chù

verbal expression (have few similarities or shared interests)

The rich have little in common with the poor.


verbal expression (figurative (lack appetite, courage for [sth]) (比喻)

John had little stomach for the task at hand.

没什么话说 méi shén me huà shuō

verbal expression (speak little)

His teacher had little to say about the incident.

很快 hěn kuài

adverb (informal (soon)

Please set the table because dinner will be ready in a little bit.

很快 hěn kuài

adverb (soon)

Olivia said that she would be there in a little while.

略低于 lüè dī yú

preposition (slightly under)

The price of oil is now just shy of $50 a barrel.

小天使 xiǎo tiān shǐ

noun (child: well-behaved) (对小孩子的爱称)

The children were little angels right through the ceremony. My daughter's been such a good girl today - she's a little angel.


noun (figurative, informal, euphemism (child: annoying)

Kyle told the kid to leave him alone, but the little beggar wouldn't back off.


noun (informal (snack, light meal)

小男孩 xiǎo nán hái

noun (young male child)

I've known you ever since you were a little boy!

弟弟 dì di

noun (younger male sibling)

I have one big sister and two little brothers.

一点点地 yì diǎn diǎn de

adverb (gradually, a bit at a time)

Add the sugar little by little and your meringue will be perfect. He became better at tennis little by little.

几乎没有可能性 jī hū méi yǒu kě néng xìng

noun (hardly any possibility)

There's little chance of our old car making such a long journey. The doctors said he was in a coma and had little chance of recovery.

几乎没有机会 jī hū méi yǒu jī huì

noun (hardly any opportunity)

小宝贝 xiǎo bǎo bèi

noun (sweet or well-behaved child) (对小孩子的爱称)

Her three-year old's so cute – she's a little darling.

小宝贝 xiǎo bǎo bèi

noun (usually plural, ironic (child) (讽刺意)

I wish your sister would take her little darlings home – they're driving me mad.

小恶魔 xiǎo è mó

noun (figurative, informal (naughty child)

My brother was a little devil when he was young.


noun (often plural, informal (bonus, additional feature)


noun (informal (additional effort)

He always puts in that little extra in order to make his projects a success.

矮个子,小个子 ǎi gè zi,xiǎo gè zi

noun (informal (small man) (非正式用语)

Who is that little fellow standing next to your mother?

男孩儿,小男孩 nán hái er,xiǎo nán hái

noun (informal (boy) (非正式用语)

小指 xiǎo zhǐ

noun (smallest digit of the hand)

I broke my little finger playing cricket last week. The ring's too small for my ring finger so I wear it on my little finger.

小把戏 xiǎo bǎ xì

noun (deceitful plan, scheme)

I'm tired of all your little games – why can't you just be honest for once?

小女孩 xiǎo nǚ hái

noun (young female child)

When I was a little girl I loved to play with dolls.

小男孩 xiǎo nán hái

noun (informal (small boy)

小个子,矮个子 xiǎo gè zi,ǎi gè zi

noun (informal (short man)

小孩子 xiǎo hái zi

noun (informal (young child)

I used to play marbles a lot when I was a little kid.

不太知名的 bú tài zhī míng de

adjective (not very famous)

We spent the summer in a cabin on a little-known island off the coast of Greece. She was a little-known actress before getting her big break.

不太为人所了解的 bú tài wéi rén suǒ liǎo jiě de

adjective (poorly realised or understood)

It's a little-known fact that I'm actually a very good cook.

小男孩,小小男子汉 xiǎo nán hái,xiǎo xiǎo nán zǐ hàn

noun (term of affection: boy) (爱称)

Hey, little man! - let's have a talk.

小猴子 xiǎo hóu zi

noun (figurative (mischievous child) (对顽皮的孩子的称呼)

We often refer to our two-year old as "little monkey”.

小孩子 xiǎo hái zi

noun (affectionate term: small child)

Eight o'clock is bedtime for the little one.

小孩子们 xiǎo hái zi men

plural noun (small chlidren)

Be quiet! The little ones are napping!

几乎没有机会 jī hū méi yǒu jī huì

noun (hardly any chance)

In some places, there's little opportunity for work so unemployment is high.

几乎没有的 jī hū méi yǒu de

adjective (hardly any)

I haven't done any revising so there's little or no chance of me passing the exam.

小坏蛋,小淘气,小捣蛋鬼 xiǎo táo qì,xiǎo dǎo dàn guǐ

noun (informal (cheeky or mischievous child)

调皮蛋,淘气鬼 táo qì guǐ

noun (informal (mischievous child) (指小孩)

My nephew is such a little scamp; I'm exhausted after babysitting him for an afternoon!

调皮蛋,淘气鬼 táo qì guǐ

noun (informal (playful animal) (指动物)

Ramona named the little scamp Spot.

小妹 xiǎo mèi

noun (younger female sibling)

My little sister was born three years after me. I have a big brother and a little sister.

小顽童,小捣蛋鬼 xiǎo wán tóng,xiǎo dǎo dàn guǐ

noun (slang, pejorative (brat, unpleasant child) (俚语,轻蔑语)

The little snot was stealing the other children's things.

谈一谈 tán yì tán

noun (informal, euphemism (reprimand or caution) (非正式用语,委婉语,暗含责备之意)

I think it's time we had a little talk about the way you've been acting lately.

放荡的女人 fàng dàng de nǚ rén

noun (slang, pejorative (immoral woman or girl) (俚语,轻蔑语)

If she's such a good girl, why does she dress like a little tart?

小剧场 xiǎo jù chǎng

noun (small venue for amateur dramatics)

The high school play will be performed this Friday in the school's little theatre.


noun (detail)

The little things in life are important; take time to stop and smell the flowers. Just one little thing: your socks don't match.

无足轻重的事 wú zú qīng zhòng de shì

noun ([sth] inconsequential)

Don't focus on the little things; set a goal and work toward it.

小脚趾 xiǎo jiǎo zhǐ

noun (smallest digit of the foot)

She broke her little toe when a car ran over her foot.

一会儿,不一会儿 yí huì er ,bù yī huì er

noun (informal (short time) (非正式用语)

It will only take me a little while to finish this book.

不重要 bú zhòng yào

verbal expression (be unimportant)

It matters little whether you come with me or not, I'm going anyway.

我的小宝贝 wǒ de xiǎo bǎo bèi

interjection (affectionate term for a child)

Come here, my little one, and I'll tell you a story.

不少地 bù shǎo de

adverb (a lot, a great deal)

I was not a little upset by his remarks.

无关紧要的 wú guān jǐn yào de

adjective (barely significant)

Some error messages require immediate intervention, but others are of little consequence.

无关紧要的 wú guān jǐn yào de

adjective (barely significant)

Though his role is of little importance, he feels useful.

小脚趾 xiǎo jiǎo zhǐ

noun (US, informal (smallest toe)

很少的 hěn shǎo de

adjective (not much, hardly any)

It's 5 o'clock - we've got precious little time to pack if we want to catch the 5:30 train!

相当多的 xiāng dāng duō de

adjective (US, informal (striking, outstanding)

Jackie was quite a little dancer when she was young.

小红帽 xiǎo hóng mào

noun (fairytale character) (童话故事中的人物)

The wolf disguised itself as Red Riding Hood's grandmother.

不足地 bù zú de

adverb (not enough)

She was cold outside because she wore too little clothing.

不够的 bú gòu de

adjective (not enough)

不足量 bù zú liàng

noun (an insufficient amount)

小熊(星)座 xiǎo xióng xīng zuò

noun (constellation) (星座)

极少地 jí shǎo de

adverb (hardly anything)

We have very little in common.

很少 hěn shǎo

noun (a small quantity)

不多的 bù duō de

adjective (not much)

The news report provided very little useful information.

善意的谎言 shàn yì de huǎng yán

noun (fib)

His baby was ugly, but I told a little white lie and said it was cute.

妻子,老婆 qī zǐ ,lǎo pó

noun (pejorative, informal (wife)

I have to go home to the little woman.

爱叫的小狗 ài jiào de xiǎo gǒu

noun (informal (small noisy dog, terrier) (非正式用语)

Those Yorkshire terriers are yappy little dogs with a piercing bark.

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