英语 中的 natural person 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 natural person 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 natural person 的说明。

英语 中的natural person 表示天然的 tiān rán de, 本性的 běn xìng de, 自然的,本来的 zì rán de ,běn lái de, 不含杂质的,纯粹的 bù hán zá zhì de,chún cuì de, 天然的,绿色的 tiān rán de ,lǜ sè de, 有天赋的人 yǒu tiān fù de rén, 本位音的 běn wèi yīn de, 本位音 běn wèi yīn, 本位号 běn wèi hào, 自然死去 zì rán sǐ qù, 天赋 tiān fù, 自然感情 zì rán gǎn qíng, 自然美,天生丽质, 自然美女, 自然风光,自然美景 zì rán fēng guāng, 亲生子女 qīn shēng zǐ nǚ, 非婚生子女 fēi hūn shēng zǐ nǚ, 自然分娩 zì rán fēn miǎn, 本色,自然色 běn sè, 正常死亡 zhèng cháng sǐ wáng, 自然成长 zì rán chéng zhǎng, 自然灾害, 自然环境 zì rán huán jìng, 天然气 tiān rán qì, 天赋 tiān fù, 自然风险,自然灾害, 博物学 bó wù xué, 天然免疫 tiān rán miǎn yì, 本能 běn néng, 自然语言 zì rán yǔ yán, 自然秩序, 自然资源 zì rán zī yuán, 天然橡胶 tiān rán xiàng jiāo, 自然科学 zì rán kē xué, 自然选择 zì rán xuǎn zé, 自然状态 zì rán zhuàng tài, 天然状态 tiān rán zhuàng tài, 自然趋势 zì rán qū shì, 自然界 zì rán jiè, 天生的,与生俱来的 tiān shēng de ,yǔ shēng jù lái de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 natural person 的含义

天然的 tiān rán de

adjective (existing in nature)

This bread is made of all natural ingredients.

本性的 běn xìng de

adjective (understandable, expected)

It is natural for you to be jealous in this situation.

自然的,本来的 zì rán de ,běn lái de

adjective (inherent)

The lake was in its natural state, without waves.

不含杂质的,纯粹的 bù hán zá zhì de,chún cuì de

adjective (unadulterated)

Her hair was a natural auburn shade.

天然的,绿色的 tiān rán de ,lǜ sè de

adjective (food: without chemicals) (指食物)

Natural food is becoming more popular every year.

有天赋的人 yǒu tiān fù de rén

noun (informal (person with inherent talent) (非正式用语)

He is such a natural at athletic things, that he could excel at any sport.

本位音的 běn wèi yīn de

adjective (music: natural, not sharp or flat) (音乐术语)

Audrey played C natural instead of C sharp.

本位音 běn wèi yīn

noun (music: natural note) (音乐术语)

The white keys on the piano are for the naturals, and the black ones for sharps and flats.

本位号 běn wèi hào

noun (music: natural sign) (音乐术语)

Look at the notation; that's a natural, not a sharp.

自然死去 zì rán sǐ qù

verbal expression (die of natural causes)

According to the coroner's report, Brown died a natural death.

天赋 tiān fù

noun (inherent talent, aptitude)

When it comes to horse riding he seems to have a natural ability.

自然感情 zì rán gǎn qíng

noun (inherent fondness)

Ever since I was a child I have had a natural affection for dogs and cats.


noun (attractiveness without cosmetics)

With natural beauty like hers, who needs cosmetics?


noun (woman who is naturally beautiful)

As a natural beauty, she never had to work hard to look good.

自然风光,自然美景 zì rán fēng guāng

noun (beauty of nature)

亲生子女 qīn shēng zǐ nǚ

noun (dated (biological offspring)

The duke never married but had several natural children by different women.

非婚生子女 fēi hūn shēng zǐ nǚ

noun (child born to unmarried parents)

The king's natural child had no claim to the throne.

自然分娩 zì rán fēn miǎn

noun (labour: no medical intervention)

Most women go to hospitals to have children, but I know a midwife who assists people with natural childbirth.

本色,自然色 běn sè

noun (hair: real shade) (指头发)

Her hair is blond, but I think it's not her natural color. Is that your hair's natural color, or do you dye your hair?

正常死亡 zhèng cháng sǐ wáng

noun (death resulting from natural causes)

My grandfather was killed in an accident, but my grandmother died a natural death.

自然成长 zì rán chéng zhǎng

noun (normal physical or mental growth)

Pesticides interfere with the natural development of amphibians.


noun (meteorological or geological catastrophe)

自然环境 zì rán huán jìng

noun (habitat)

Fish die outside their natural environment.

天然气 tiān rán qì

noun (fuel consisting largely of methane)

I heat my home with natural gas.

天赋 tiān fù

noun (inherent talent, aptitude)

Lynn has a natural gift for math.


noun (potential geological disaster)

博物学 bó wù xué

noun (scientific study of plants and animals)

Unfortunately, many Americans believe that natural history should bow to religious and political ideals.

天然免疫 tiān rán miǎn yì

noun (innate defence against illness)

Some steroids can inhibit the body's natural immunity against diseases.

本能 běn néng

noun (automatic or innate impulse)

When faced with danger the natural instinct of most animals is to flee.

自然语言 zì rán yǔ yán

noun (language that has evolved naturally)

Programming languages and natural languages have many things in common.


noun (natural relationship of things)

自然资源 zì rán zī yuán

plural noun (natural fuels and energy)

Pollution is harming our natural resources.

天然橡胶 tiān rán xiàng jiāo

noun (latex made from sap of the rubber tree)

These gloves are made from plastic, but those are natural rubber.

自然科学 zì rán kē xué

noun (often pl (knowledge of processes in nature)

There are many overlaps between the natural sciences and the human sciences.

自然选择 zì rán xuǎn zé

noun (Darwinist theory: survival of the fittest) (达尔文生物进化理论)

Weaker animals die out due to natural selection.

自然状态 zì rán zhuàng tài

noun (normal condition)

天然状态 tiān rán zhuàng tài

noun (unaffected by humans)

In its natural state, the lake was much clearer than it is now.

自然趋势 zì rán qū shì

noun (automatic inclination)

Parents have a natural tendency to worry about their children.

自然界 zì rán jiè

noun (nature, life on earth)

Animals, plants, and insects are all part of the natural world.

天生的,与生俱来的 tiān shēng de ,yǔ shēng jù lái de

adjective (showing ability from the beginning)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。