英语 中的 stomach pain 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 stomach pain 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 stomach pain 的说明。

英语 中的stomach pain 表示胃 wèi, 肚子 dǔ zi, 容忍 róng rěn, 吃得下 chī de xià, 胃胀, 忐忑不安, 空腹, 对…没有胃口,对…没兴趣, 敢于 gǎn yú, 胃酸, 胃虫, 胃痉挛, 腹部多余脂肪 fù bù duō yú zhī fáng, 肠胃炎 cháng wèi yán, 胃泵机,洗胃器,洗胃机, 胃溃疡 wèi kuì yáng, 肠胃不适, 胃肠感染病毒, 胃痛 wèi tòng, 胰脏, 杂碎, 胃痛 wèi tòng, 强壮的腹肌。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 stomach pain 的含义

胃 wèi

noun (body organ)

Food is digested in the stomach. I ate too much and now my stomach hurts.

肚子 dǔ zi

noun (outside, belly)

The man's stomach was enormous.

容忍 róng rěn

transitive verb (figurative, usually with negative (tolerate)

Maggie can't stomach people who are rude.

吃得下 chī de xià

transitive verb (eat and digest)

Lydia can't stomach shellfish; they always make her sick.


noun (swollen abdomen)


plural noun (figurative (nerves, performance anxiety)

I had butterflies in my stomach before the exam. Nina always gets butterflies before a performance.


noun (state: not having eaten)

It's not a good idea to drink alcohol on an empty stomach.


verbal expression (figurative (lack appetite, courage for [sth]) (比喻)

John had little stomach for the task at hand.

敢于 gǎn yú

verbal expression (figurative (have the courage for [sth])


noun (gastric juice)


noun (UK (gastric infection)


plural noun (painful spasms in the abdomen)

腹部多余脂肪 fù bù duō yú zhī fáng

noun (excess abdominal fat)

The only way to reduce your stomach fat is to lose weight overall.

肠胃炎 cháng wèi yán

noun (US, abbreviation (gastric infection)


noun (device for emptying stomach contents)

胃溃疡 wèi kuì yáng

noun (damage to stomach lining)

They used to think stomach ulcers were caused by stress.


noun (illness affecting stomach)


noun (gastroenteritis: gastric flu)

胃痛 wèi tòng

noun (pain in the stomach)

The kids got a stomachache from eating too much candy on Halloween.

胰脏, 杂碎

noun (often plural (animal pancreas eaten as food)

胃痛 wèi tòng

noun (pain in upper abdomen)

Ian was suffering from an upset stomach.


noun (slang, figurative (toned abdominal muscles)

Ian was a handsome young man with a washboard stomach and muscular arms.

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