What does compagnia in Italian mean?

What is the meaning of the word compagnia in Italian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use compagnia in Italian.

The word compagnia in Italian means company, company, party, company, firm, company, brotherhood, confraternity, seek company, airline, airline company, national company, shipping company, theatre company, phone company, complement conveying company, companion, chaperone, lady-in-waiting, of good company, and so on and so forth, be of good company, keep sbd company, thanks for the company, thank you for the company, in the company of others, the Society of Jesus, keep company. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word compagnia


sostantivo femminile (lo stare insieme)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
È bello stare in compagnia.
It's nice to be together.

company, party

sostantivo femminile (gruppo, comitiva) (group of people)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
L'allegra compagnia si riuniva tutti i sabati sera per mangiare la pizza o andare al cinema.
The happy party met up every Saturday evening for a pizza or to go to the movies.

company, firm

sostantivo femminile (impresa, associazione) (business)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
La compagnia di assicurazioni ha sedi in tutto il mondo.
The insurance company (or: firm) has offices all over the world.


sostantivo femminile (militare (reparto) (military unit)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
Mio zio è stato promosso a ufficiale della compagnia.
My uncle was promoted to officer of the company.

brotherhood, confraternity

sostantivo femminile (religione (confraternita) (religion)

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
Mio nonno era membro di una compagnia religiosa.
My grandfather was a member of a religious confraternity.

seek company

(intransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived.")

airline, airline company

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
Quella compagnia aerea in pochi anni è già diventata un colosso.
That airline has already become a colossus in just a few years.

national company

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

shipping company

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)
Non conosco le compagnie marittime triestine.

theatre company

sostantivo femminile (teatro: cast)

phone company

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

complement conveying company

(Italian grammar)

companion, chaperone, lady-in-waiting

(noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.)

of good company

and so on and so forth

be of good company

keep sbd company

verbo transitivo o transitivo pronominale (stare insieme)

thanks for the company, thank you for the company

(expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own.")

in the company of others

locuzione avverbiale (con altre persone)

When I saw him he was in the company of others.

the Society of Jesus

(religious order)

keep company

(verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end.")
Devo andare in ospedale a tenere compagnia a mia nonna.
I have to go to the hospital to keep my grandmother company.

Let's learn Italian

So now that you know more about the meaning of compagnia in Italian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Italian.

Do you know about Italian

Italian (italiano) is a Romance language and is spoken by about 70 million people, most of whom live in Italy. Italian uses the Latin alphabet. The letters J, K, W, X and Y do not exist in the standard Italian alphabet, but they still appear in loanwords from Italian. Italian is the second most widely spoken in the European Union with 67 million speakers (15% of the EU population) and it is spoken as a second language by 13.4 million EU citizens (3%). Italian is the principal working language of the Holy See, serving as the lingua franca in the Roman Catholic hierarchy. An important event that helped to the spread of Italian was Napoleon's conquest and occupation of Italy in the early 19th century. This conquest spurred the unification of Italy several decades later and pushed the language of the Italian language. Italian became a language used not only among secretaries, aristocrats and the Italian courts, but also by the bourgeoisie.