What does 当然 in Japanese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 当然 in Japanese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 当然 in Japanese.

The word 当然 in Japanese means of course, 当然, 当然, 当然, もちろん、当然, もちろん 、 当然, ~を諦める, ~の権利を持っている(がある)、当然~すべきである, 道理上、当然, 必然的に、当然, もちろん、当たり前、当然, もちろん 、 当然, 当然 、 もちろん 、 むろん 、 言うまでもなく, もちろん、当然、確かに, 全く 、 当然 、 絶対に. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word 当然

of course



Louise was justifiably angry when she discovered that someone had taken money from her purse.



Matt's degree has unquestionably helped him to get a well-paying job.



Shaun told several obvious lies in the interview; unsurprisingly, he did not get the job.


(expressing polite consent)

But of course, you're right!

もちろん 、 当然

(of course)

Certainly, you may go.


(be resigned)

The team never gave up hope of victory.


(be entitled to do sth)

We have the right to be here. You can't make us leave.


(within acceptable or reasonable limits)

I will consider any suggestion provided it is in reason.



Inevitably, he arrived late with a whole bunch of poor excuses.


(slang (naturally)

I'll have a hotdog - with ketchup and mustard, natch!

もちろん 、 当然

(of course)

Kate naturally wanted to do well at her job.

当然 、 もちろん 、 むろん 、 言うまでもなく

(of course)

ⓘこの文は英語例文の訳ではありません。 彼は明らかに嘘をついているとその場にいる全員がわかっていた。
Obviously, we left after they ran out of beer.


(naturally, as might be expected)

Of course, I will need to know where you are going.

全く 、 当然 、 絶対に

(extremely) (強調)

Her behavior was positively disgusting!

Let's learn Japanese

So now that you know more about the meaning of 当然 in Japanese, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Japanese.

Do you know about Japanese

Japanese is an East Asian language spoken by more than 125 million people in Japan and Japanese diaspora around the world. The Japanese language also stands out for being commonly written in a combination of three typefaces: kanji and two types of kana onomatopoeia including hiragana and katakana. Kanji is used to write Chinese words or Japanese words that use kanji to express meaning. Hiragana is used to record Japanese original words and grammatical elements such as auxiliary verbs, auxiliary verbs, verb endings, adjectives... Katakana is used to transcribe foreign words.