What does 奇妙な in Japanese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 奇妙な in Japanese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 奇妙な in Japanese.

The word 奇妙な in Japanese means 変な, 風変わりな 、 とっぴな 、 奇抜な 、 奇天烈な, 奇抜な、奇妙な、クレージーな, 奇妙な 、 不思議な 、 変な 、 おかしな, 並外れた 、 並々ならぬ 、 素晴らしい, 奇妙な、変な、変った, おかしい, 奇妙な、風変わりな, 異常な、奇妙な、妙な, おかしい、奇妙な、異常な, 奇妙な、変な, 奇妙な、風変わりな、おかしな, 奇妙な 、 変な 、 風変わりな, おかしな、変な、妙な、奇妙な, 突飛な 、 奇妙な 、 異様な, 逆説的な、矛盾した、奇妙な, 奇妙な 、 変な 、 風変わりな, 奇妙な、風変わりな, 奇妙な、変な, おかしな、奇妙な, 並外れた、非凡な, 変な、変わった、奇妙な、おかしな, 奇妙な、夢のような, 異常な、奇妙な, 奇妙な 、 おかしい 、 変な, 変な、妙な、奇妙な, 奇妙な[変な、気色悪い]人. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word 奇妙な


(slang (strange, eccentric) (口語)

Greta has an oddball sense of humor.

風変わりな 、 とっぴな 、 奇抜な 、 奇天烈な


Dessert was a bizarre dish that included fish as an ingredient.


(slang (bizarre)

彼女はいつも奇抜(or: クレージー)で色鮮やかな服を着ている。
She always wears such crazy, colourful clothes.

奇妙な 、 不思議な 、 変な 、 おかしな

(strange) (物・事が)

The art is fascinating, but the display is curious.

並外れた 、 並々ならぬ 、 素晴らしい

(act) (素晴らしい)

The athlete made an extraordinary jump.


(figurative, slang (eccentric)

That Howard Hughes dude was far out.


(unfamiliar, strange)

Eating insects is just so foreign to us.


(strange, peculiar)

The birthmark on Betty's leg is a freakish color.


(informal (sthg, event: unusual) (出来事など)


(vulgar, offensive, slang (inappropriate, wrong) (卑語)

That was a really f***ed-up thing you did.


(informal (sb, sth: odd)

That guy is kind of funny. Let's go somewhere else.


(mainly US (bizarre or crazy)

奇妙な 、 変な 、 風変わりな

(person: eccentric) (人が)

その男はかなり奇妙(or: 変、風変わり)だった。時間を尋ねてばかりいたんだ。
That guy was quite odd. He kept asking the time.


(slang (strange, unusual)

突飛な 、 奇妙な 、 異様な


I was embarrassed when my son showed up to church in outlandish clothes.



It's paradoxical that pro-life activists support the war.

奇妙な 、 変な 、 風変わりな


Patricia watched the vase fly across the room of its own volition. "Well, that's peculiar," she thought.


(quirky manner)


(dated (strange)

A three-legged cat? That's queer!


(informal, dated, UK (strange, odd)

He's involved in some rum business with used cars.


(unique, exceptional)

He's a singular fellow who grew up abroad.



One of the pastries had a strange shape.


(bizarre, dreamlike)

Seeing the actors walk on stage after the movie was surreal.


(not conforming to norms)

The bright kid had an unnatural interest in fire.

奇妙な 、 おかしい 、 変な

(informal (situation, thing: strange)

彼は金曜の夜に家にいたって? それは変だね(or: おかしいね)。
He stayed home on a Friday night? That's weird.



外から妙な(or: 変な)音がしたんだ。
We heard some weird sounds outside!


(slang, pejorative, dated (unpleasantly strange person)

Let's learn Japanese

So now that you know more about the meaning of 奇妙な in Japanese, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Japanese.

Do you know about Japanese

Japanese is an East Asian language spoken by more than 125 million people in Japan and Japanese diaspora around the world. The Japanese language also stands out for being commonly written in a combination of three typefaces: kanji and two types of kana onomatopoeia including hiragana and katakana. Kanji is used to write Chinese words or Japanese words that use kanji to express meaning. Hiragana is used to record Japanese original words and grammatical elements such as auxiliary verbs, auxiliary verbs, verb endings, adjectives... Katakana is used to transcribe foreign words.