What does 支持する in Japanese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 支持する in Japanese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 支持する in Japanese.

The word 支持する in Japanese means 補強する, 支持する, 支持する, 支持する、支援する, 支持する、黙認する, ~を取り入れる、採用する、支持する, ~に賛成する、同意する、納得する, 代表する、支持する, 〜に味方する、推奨する、支持する, ~をサポートする 、 支持する 、 応援する, ~を支える 、 支持する. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 支持する


(figurative (support)

The abundant scientific evidence bolsters the argument for the threat of global warming.


(endorse, be in favor of sth)

The senator would never support that bill; it goes against his principles!


(support: a candidate) (候補者)

The party has chosen to endorse this candidate.


(support a project, plan)

Mary championed the idea of increasing recycling at her company.


(allow, consent to)


(cause: embrace)


(in favor) (同意)

He was for the plan, but his wife was against it. He is for the liberal candidate for mayor.


(represent) (人々や利益を)

This party stands for fair pay and workers' rights.


(US (advocate)

I will stand for you whatever happens, you can rely on me.

~をサポートする 、 支持する 、 応援する

(sports: team) (スポーツチーム)

彼はヤンキースをサポート(or: 支持、応援)している。
He supports the Yankees.

~を支える 、 支持する

(be in favor of doing sth) (人、主義、思想など)

He supported raising taxes.

Let's learn Japanese

So now that you know more about the meaning of 支持する in Japanese, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Japanese.

Do you know about Japanese

Japanese is an East Asian language spoken by more than 125 million people in Japan and Japanese diaspora around the world. The Japanese language also stands out for being commonly written in a combination of three typefaces: kanji and two types of kana onomatopoeia including hiragana and katakana. Kanji is used to write Chinese words or Japanese words that use kanji to express meaning. Hiragana is used to record Japanese original words and grammatical elements such as auxiliary verbs, auxiliary verbs, verb endings, adjectives... Katakana is used to transcribe foreign words.