Hvað þýðir set free í Enska?

Hver er merking orðsins set free í Enska? Greinin útskýrir alla merkingu, framburð ásamt tvítyngdum dæmum og leiðbeiningum um hvernig á að nota set free í Enska.

Orðið set free í Enska þýðir safn, sett, sjónvarp, harðna, setja, ákveðinn, ákveðinn, hópur, upptökustaður, græðlingur, hópur, haldast í stað, liggja á, setja fyrir, setja, stilla, ákveða, setja upp, ákveða, siga, ráðast á, greina á milli, taka frá, leggja frá, kasta frá, leggja frá, skrifa niður, setja fram, fara af stað, leggja af stað, leggja af stað, virkja, orsaka, undirstrika, reita til reiði, ráðast á, leggja af stað, undirbúa, kynna, segja til um, ætla, taka að sér, byrja, raða, hugarfar, kosta, fresta, fresta, baka til, þref, setja saman, splæsa, útvarp. Til að fá frekari upplýsingar, vinsamlegast skoðaðu upplýsingarnar hér að neðan.

Hlustaðu á framburð

Merking orðsins set free


noun (collection)

I have a complete set of Dickens, bound in blue leather.


noun (kit)

Don't worry, I will get my set of tools and fix it.


noun (abbreviation (television set)

We are experiencing technical difficulties. Do not adjust your set.


intransitive verb (harden)

The plaster needs twenty-four hours to set properly. Leave enough time to let the glue set.


transitive verb (place, put)

He set the glass on the edge of the table.


adjective (agreed, fixed)

Eleanor's set hours of work are 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.


(determined to do)

Marcus is set on getting into Oxford.


noun (group)

I have made a new set of friends.


noun (TV, film: stage)

The actor needed to be on set all day, as they were filming.


noun (horticulture: young plant)

I have bought fifty onion sets this year.


noun (class, group)

Rose is in the top set for French.

haldast í stað

intransitive verb (hair: be fixed in place)

Your hair will set well if you use this hairspray.

liggja á

intransitive verb (hen: sit on eggs)

The hen is setting in the nest.

setja fyrir

transitive verb (assign [sb] [sth])

The teacher set his pupils several tasks.


transitive verb (type)

Can you set this report for me in a plain typeface?


transitive verb (watch: adjust)

I just changed the battery in the clock, so I have to set the time on it again.


transitive verb (date: schedule)

Let's set a June date for the wedding.

setja upp

transitive verb (theater: arrange scene)

While the curtains were closed, they quickly set the next scene.


transitive verb (fix, put in place)

The boss sets the hours we work. The sales targets have been set for this month.


(urge to attack)

If you go into that garden, the owner will set his dog on you.

ráðast á

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (attack: [sb])

The burglars set about their victim when they were disturbed.

greina á milli

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (distinguish, make different)

Stein's intelligence sets him apart from other soccer players.

taka frá

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (reserve, put aside)

The family set one bedroom apart for use by guests.

leggja frá

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (put to one side)

I set aside my work to check on the baby. Set your pencils aside and read through the test first.

kasta frá

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (disregard temporarily)

Set your fears aside and jump into the water.

leggja frá

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (place, put on a surface)

She set down the book on a nearby table.

skrifa niður

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (put in writing)

If you set your thoughts down on paper first, it helps you to think about things more clearly.

setja fram

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (present, describe)

In his autobiography, he sets forth the story of his life.

fara af stað

phrasal verb, intransitive (begin a journey)

We'll have to set off very early to avoid the rush-hour traffic.

leggja af stað

(begin: a journey)

That morning, we set off on our trip to California.

leggja af stað

(begin a journey)

I usually set off for work at 8 a.m.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (trigger, switch on)

He set off an alarm when he opened the back door.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (event: cause to happen)

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand set off the First World War.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (highlight by contrasting)

That colour looks good on you; it sets off your eyes.

reita til reiði

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (make [sb] angry)

Don't mention politics to Richard; you'll set him off.

ráðast á

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (attack)

When we refused to hand over our wallets, they set on us with a pair of baseball bats.

leggja af stað

phrasal verb, intransitive (start a journey)

They set out for London early the following day. We'll set out at five in the morning.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (lay out, arrange)

Isabelle set out the cutlery for dinner.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (present)

Each member of the committee set out their ideas, then they all took a vote.

segja til um

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (often passive (law: specify)

The constitution sets out the council's decision-making procedures.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (intend)

I didn't set out to hurt you; I'm sorry if what I said was upsetting.

taka að sér

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (undertake)

He set out to mend the fences, but ran out of wire before he was halfway done.


phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (start: doing)

Lena did not have a dress for the prom, so she took out her sewing machine and set to making one.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (arrange)

Helen set up the chairs in a semi-circle.


noun (attitude, mentality) (eintöluorð)

(hvorugkyns nafnorð: Fallorð sem vísar til hlutar, persónu, hugmyndar, eða álíka, og er alltaf í hvorugkyni.)
You need a positive mindset to overcome these obstacles.


(cost: a certain sum)

This repair work is likely to set me back more than £500.


(schedule for later)

The boss set the meeting back to give people more time to complete their reports.


(delay by a given time)

We can set the appointment back a few days if you can't make it tomorrow.

baka til

(positioned further back, recessed)

When you look at the garden you'll see that the birch tree's set back against the fence.


noun (informal (brief, intense argument)

Esme had a set-to with a traffic warden who told her she was parked illegally.

setja saman


I bought my son a swing set and had to set it up in the yard yesterday.


verbal expression (mainly US, informal (pay for drinks)

That generous woman set us all up with drinks last night.


noun (UK, dated (radio set)

The whole family gathered round the wireless to listen to the news.

Við skulum læra Enska

Þannig að nú þegar þú veist meira um merkingu set free í Enska geturðu lært hvernig á að nota þau með völdum dæmum og hvernig á að lestu þau. Og mundu að læra tengd orð sem við mælum með. Vefsíðan okkar er stöðugt að uppfæra með nýjum orðum og nýjum dæmum svo þú getir flett upp merkingu annarra orða sem þú þekkir ekki í Enska.

Veistu um Enska

Enska kemur frá germönskum ættbálkum sem fluttu til Englands og hefur þróast á meira en 1.400 ára tímabili. Enska er þriðja mest talaða tungumál í heimi, á eftir kínversku og spænsku. Það er mest lærða annað tungumálið og opinbert tungumál næstum 60 fullvalda ríkja. Þetta tungumál hefur fleiri málara sem annað og erlent tungumál en móðurmál. Enska er einnig sameiginlegt tungumál Sameinuðu þjóðanna, Evrópusambandsins og margra annarra alþjóðlegra tungumála og svæðisbundin samtök. Nú á dögum geta enskumælandi um allan heim átt samskipti með tiltölulega auðveldum hætti.