영어의 move은(는) 무슨 뜻인가요?

영어에서 move라는 단어의 의미는 무엇입니까? 이 문서에서는 전체 의미, 발음과 함께 이중 언어 예제 및 영어에서 move를 사용하는 방법에 대한 지침을 설명합니다.

영어move라는 단어는 움직이다, 전진하다, 접근하다, 이동하다, ~로 위치를 옮기다, ~로 화제를 전환하다, 바꾸다, ~하기 위해 움직이다, ~을 이동시키다, ~을 감동시키다, 이사하다, 움직임, 나아감, 접근, 차례, 수, 이사, 차례, 조치, 수단, 이동하다, 나아가다, 팔리다, 차례가 되다, 배설되다, ~하는 것을 제안하다, ~하는 것을 제의하다, ~을 이전하다, ~을 움직이다, ~을 움직이다, ~을 팔다, ~가 ~하도록 결심하게 하다, ~가 ~하도록 만들다, 가만히 있지 못하다, 자주 이사하다, 활발히 움직이다, 돌아다니다, 전진하다, 앞으로 가다, 가던 길을 가다, 자리를 뜨다, 활동적으로 생활하다, 바삐 움직이다, 수시로 이동하거나 이사하다, 전진하다, 앞으로 가다, 진전을 이루다, 진행하다, 발전하다, 이사하다, 전입하다, 간섭하다, 관여하다, ~로 이사가다, 떠나다, 다른 곳으로 떠나다, 삶이나 생활을 새롭게 시작하다, 다음 단계나 순서로 넘어가다, ~으로 넘어가다, ~을 이동시키다, 이사 나오다, 전출하다, 옆으로 비키다, 양보하다, 물러서다, 승진하다, 움직이다, 배변하다, 배설하다, 행동을 취하다, 수단을 강구하다, 행동을 취하다, 수단을 강구하다, ~에게 수작을 걸다, 이사해서 떠나다, 물러서다, ~을 멀리 치우다, ~에서 떨어지다, ~에서 멀어지다, ~을 ~에서 멀리 놓다, 뒤로 물러나다, 뒷걸음질하다, 돌아가다, ~을 원래 장소로 옮기다, ~을 뒤로 밀다, ~을 앞쪽으로 옮기다, 이사하다, ~을 통과하다, ~을 지나다, 계속 이동하는, 분주한, 활동적인, 분주한, 활동적인, 잘못 둔 수를 의미합니다. 자세한 내용은 아래 세부정보를 참조하세요.

발음 듣기

단어 move의 의미


intransitive verb (be in motion)

Stop moving and the wasp will leave you alone.
그만 움직이면 말벌이 너를 건드리지 않을 거야.

전진하다, 접근하다

intransitive verb (advance)

(동사: 동작이나 작용을 나타냅니다. '가다, 읽다, 괴롭히다, 공부시키다, 먹히다, 파생되다' 등이 있습니다.)
The protesters moved towards the line of police.


intransitive verb (change position, location)

This seat is reserved. I'm afraid you'll have to move.
여기는 예약석입니다. 죄송하지만 다른 곳으로 이동해 주시기 바랍니다.

~로 위치를 옮기다

(change position, location)

(동사: 동작이나 작용을 나타냅니다. '가다, 읽다, 괴롭히다, 공부시키다, 먹히다, 파생되다' 등이 있습니다.)
Amy moved to a seat near the front of the room.

~로 화제를 전환하다, 바꾸다

(turn attention to)

(동사: 동작이나 작용을 나타냅니다. '가다, 읽다, 괴롭히다, 공부시키다, 먹히다, 파생되다' 등이 있습니다.)
I want to move to the question of how we are to finance this project.

~하기 위해 움직이다

verbal expression (take action)

(동사: 동작이나 작용을 나타냅니다. '가다, 읽다, 괴롭히다, 공부시키다, 먹히다, 파생되다' 등이 있습니다.)
He moved to open the door but she grabbed his arm.

~을 이동시키다

transitive verb (change position, location of)

I moved the car closer to the house.
차를 집에서 더 가까운 곳으로 이동시켰다.

~을 감동시키다

transitive verb (often passive (affect emotionally)

Everyone was moved by the film.
모든 사람이 그 영화에 감동했다.


intransitive verb (change residence)

When I was five years old, we moved.
내가 다섯 살때 우리는 이사했다.


noun (movement)

(명사: 사람 및 사물의 이름과 다른 말에 의존하는 의존 명사가 있습니다. '하늘, 스티브 잡스, 밥 먹는 , 안타까울따름' 등이 있습니다.)
With a sudden move, he grabbed the robber.
민첩하게 움직임으로 그는 강도를 잡았다.

나아감, 접근

noun (step toward [sth])

(명사: 사람 및 사물의 이름과 다른 말에 의존하는 의존 명사가 있습니다. '하늘, 스티브 잡스, 밥 먹는 , 안타까울따름' 등이 있습니다.)
The sheriff blocked the outlaw's move for the door.
범죄자가 문 쪽으로 나아가려(or: 접근하려) 했으나 보안관이 가로막았다.


noun (game: turn) (게임)

(명사: 사람 및 사물의 이름과 다른 말에 의존하는 의존 명사가 있습니다. '하늘, 스티브 잡스, 밥 먹는 , 안타까울따름' 등이 있습니다.)
It is my move next.
다음은 내 차례야.

noun (game: choice of action) (바둑 등)

My opponent anticipated my every move.


noun (informal (house move: change of residence) (주택)

All our belongings are packed up in boxes, ready for the move.


noun (game: turn, go) (게임)

It's your move; hurry up and roll the dice.

조치, 수단

noun (action, step)

The police tried to anticipate the criminal's next move. Critics believe the government's move to tackle poverty does not go far enough.

이동하다, 나아가다

intransitive verb (follow a course)

The storm is moving to the east.


intransitive verb (merchandise: be sold)

The new merchandise isn't moving.

차례가 되다

intransitive verb (game: take a turn)

It's your turn to move.


intransitive verb (bowels: evacuate) (소화)

The food made his bowels move quickly.

~하는 것을 제안하다, ~하는 것을 제의하다

(make a proposal)

The council member moved to adjourn the session.

~을 이전하다

transitive verb (change residence) (주소)

She moved apartments twice last year.

~을 움직이다

transitive verb (advance: a game piece)

He moved his piece forward four spaces.

~을 움직이다

transitive verb (put in motion)

He moved his arms up and down.

~을 팔다

transitive verb (informal (sell: goods, merchandise)

We have to move the merchandise before the end of the fiscal year.

~가 ~하도록 결심하게 하다

(impel emotionally)

Karen was moved to take in the stray dogs.

~가 ~하도록 만들다

(cause, provoke)

His actions moved her to call the police.

가만히 있지 못하다

phrasal verb, intransitive (UK (fidget, be restless)

The child was moving about in his chair because he was bored.

자주 이사하다

phrasal verb, intransitive (UK (relocate frequently)

Irena often has to move about because of her job; she's lived in three different countries in the last five years.

활발히 움직이다, 돌아다니다

phrasal verb, intransitive (UK (be mobile or active)

You should move about more, not sit in front of the computer all day!

전진하다, 앞으로 가다

phrasal verb, intransitive (advance, go forward)

The train was moving along at great speed.

가던 길을 가다, 자리를 뜨다

phrasal verb, intransitive (leave, go on your way)

The officer told the boys to move along.

활동적으로 생활하다, 바삐 움직이다

phrasal verb, intransitive (be mobile, active)

The doctor said I have to move around in order to maintain my weight. He's always moving around; he never stays long in one place.

수시로 이동하거나 이사하다

phrasal verb, intransitive (relocate frequently)

Diplomats frequently move around from one country to another.

전진하다, 앞으로 가다

phrasal verb, intransitive (advance, go forwards)

Put the car in gear so you can move forward.

진전을 이루다, 진행하다, 발전하다

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (make progress)

Now that I have the supplies I need, I can move forward with my project. We've moved forward as a country since the days of racial and gender discrimination.

이사하다, 전입하다

phrasal verb, intransitive (make one's home)

I've found a new flat, and I'm moving in next week.

간섭하다, 관여하다

phrasal verb, intransitive (become involved)

Terry's future mother-in-law moved in and took over control of all the wedding arrangements.

~로 이사가다

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (take up residence in)

They moved into their new home last week.


phrasal verb, intransitive (vehicle: drive away)

He put the car in gear and moved off down the highway.

다른 곳으로 떠나다

phrasal verb, intransitive (go elsewhere)

I've really enjoyed my time in Rome, but now it's time for me to move on.

삶이나 생활을 새롭게 시작하다

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal, figurative (accept change)

Roger is ready to move on after his divorce.

다음 단계나 순서로 넘어가다

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (take up new activity, subject)

If everyone understands that now, let's move on.

~으로 넘어가다

(figurative (progress to) (다음 단계나 순서 등)

After the children have mastered addition they will move on to division.

~을 이동시키다

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (often passive (compel to go elsewhere)

They went to the park, but once more the police moved them on.

이사 나오다, 전출하다

phrasal verb, intransitive (leave one's home)

Although I got on well with my parents, I couldn't wait to move out.

옆으로 비키다

phrasal verb, intransitive (move aside to create space)

The rude man refused to move over to let me pass.

양보하다, 물러서다

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (concede loss of position)

Tony moved over to let Andrew take over as team leader.


phrasal verb, intransitive (be promoted)

Sarah moved up and is now a sales manager.


phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (shift across to make room for [sb]) (공간을 만들기 위해)

When Paul arrived, we all had to move up to make room for him on the sofa.

배변하다, 배설하다

verbal expression (defecate)

For proper digestive health, it is necessary to evacuate the bowels regularly. This patient is unable to completely evacuate his bowels.

행동을 취하다, 수단을 강구하다

verbal expression (informal (leave)

He was tired of this town, so he decided to make a move.

행동을 취하다, 수단을 강구하다

verbal expression (figurative, informal (begin, act)

Jane thought it was the right time to make a move and open her own restaurant.

~에게 수작을 걸다

verbal expression (informal (try to seduce)

이사해서 떠나다

(relocate, go to live elsewhere)

I moved away when I was 18 years old and went to live in the city.
나는 18살에 이사해서 떠나고 도시에 가서 살게 됐다.


(retreat, step back)

I moved away from the fire because it was too hot.
나는 너무 뜨거워서 불쪽에서 물러섰다.

~을 멀리 치우다

(place at a greater distance)

The mother moved the glass away, out of the child's reach.
엄마는 아이가 닿을 수 없게 유리를 멀리 치웠다.

~에서 떨어지다, ~에서 멀어지다

verbal expression (step further from)

Alice moved away from the rubbish bin when she noticed the bad smell.

~을 ~에서 멀리 놓다

verbal expression (place at a greater distance from)

The mother moved the glass away from the child's reach.

뒤로 물러나다, 뒷걸음질하다

(step backwards, retreat)

I moved back when I saw the Rottweiler in my path.


(return to previous location) (원래 있던 곳으로)

I will move back home when my exams finish.

~을 원래 장소로 옮기다

(place in previous location)

We had moved the furniture to the sides of the room to create space for people to dance at the party, and the next day we moved it back.

~을 뒤로 밀다

(shift backwards)

The sofa needs to be moved back - it doesn't look good there. Maria moved her chair back, as it was too close to the fire.

~을 앞쪽으로 옮기다

(place closer to the front)

In order to rotate the stock, move the old product forward and put the new product behind it on the shelf.


(change residence)

We're moving house so we need to pack everything into boxes.

~을 통과하다, ~을 지나다

verbal expression (travel through a place)

The army is currently moving through the forest on their way to the city.

계속 이동하는

adjective (informal (restless, mobile)

After robbing the bank, he was constantly on the move trying to evade the authorities.

분주한, 활동적인

adverb (informal (moving around)

Be careful out there; the lions are on the move.

분주한, 활동적인

adverb (while moving)

My smartphone enables me to keep up with email on the move.

잘못 둔 수

noun (informal (error)

Telling me to follow his advice was definitely a wrong move. I realize now that buying that new car was a wrong move.

영어 배우자

이제 영어에서 move의 의미에 대해 더 많이 알았으므로 선택한 예를 통해 사용 방법과 읽어보세요. 그리고 우리가 제안하는 관련 단어를 배우는 것을 잊지 마세요. 우리 웹사이트는 영어에서 모르는 다른 단어의 의미를 찾을 수 있도록 새로운 단어와 새로운 예를 지속적으로 업데이트하고 있습니다.

move 관련 단어

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