Wat betekent keep quiet in Engels?

Wat is de betekenis van het woord keep quiet in Engels? Het artikel legt de volledige betekenis uit, de uitspraak samen met tweetalige voorbeelden en instructies voor het gebruik van keep quiet in Engels.

Het woord keep quiet in Engels betekent keep covered, voorblijven, door blijven gaan met, op afstand houden, uit de buurt blijven, op afstand houden, opzij leggen, bedwingen, verwerken, weerhouden van, binnenhouden, iets voor zich houden, , van iets afblijven, iets blijven doen, niet betreden, niet binnengaan, buiten houden, gelijke tred houden, bijhouden, bijhouden, volgen, bijblijven, bijhouden, doorgaan met, iets/iemand bijhouden, iets bijhouden, iemand bijhouden, iets bijhouden, in de gaten houden, geen spier vertrekken, blijven drijven, het hoofd boven water houden, op een afstand houden, op afstand houden, van zich afhouden, wakker houden, uit zijn slaap houden, op een afstand blijven, uit de buurt blijven, bezig blijven, kalm blijven, rustig blijven, wegblijven bij, dichtbij houden, in de buurt blijven, in de buurt blijven bij, blijven komen, laten komen, gezelschap houden, koel houden, rustig blijven, kalm blijven, koel houden, koel bewaren, koud houden, fit blijven, in vorm blijven, vers houden, koel bewaren, vers blijven, zich onthouden van, zijn lach inhouden, doorgaan, verstopt houden, verborgen houden, vasthouden, blijven hopen, het huishouden doen, de boekhouding doen, in gedachten houden, contact houden, ga zo door!, in beweging blijven, iets blijven dragen, verboden toegang, de stand bijhouden, de score bijhouden, de stand bijhouden, geheimhouden, zwijgen over, stil zitten, stil houden, in de gaten houden, in de gaten houden, de deur openhouden, de deur openlaten, blijven geloven, de deksel erop houden, onder de pet houden, onderdrukken, aan iets vasthouden, op iets blijven, bijhouden, iets bijhouden, verborgen houden, stil houden, onder de onthullingsdoek houden, zo door blijven gaan, zo door gaan, op de hoogte houden, up-to-date houden, bijgewerkt houden, op de hoogte blijven, de wacht houden over, in het ongewisse laten, kop op!, zijn hoofd koel houden, zijn woord houden, zijn belofte nakomen, op de uitkijk. Raadpleeg de onderstaande details voor meer informatie.

Luister naar uitspraak

Betekenis van het woord keep quiet

keep covered

(figuurlijk (niet openbaar maken)


phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (be first, outdo others)

door blijven gaan met

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (continue)

Eva struggled at first, but kept at it, and passed her driving test at the first attempt.

op afstand houden

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (prevent from getting closer)

uit de buurt blijven

phrasal verb, intransitive (stay at a distance)

I keep away from people who are ill.

op afstand houden

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (prevent getting closer)

A fence around the racing track keeps spectators back.

opzij leggen

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (save) (figuurlijk)

It's a good idea to keep some money back for unexpected needs.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (repress [sth])

The teacher asked the boys to keep the noise down.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (digest with difficulty)

Although my stomach was upset, I kept my breakfast down.

weerhouden van

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (prevent)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (repress, restrain: emotion, etc.) (figuurlijk)

Tim could barely keep his excitement in as he told us the news.

iets voor zich houden

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (withhold, prevent from getting out)

Tania was bursting to tell Audrey the secret, but somehow she managed to keep it in.

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (do not walk on)

Please keep off the grass.

van iets afblijven

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (resist, not indulge in)

He is an alcoholic, and it is a daily struggle for him to keep off the booze.

iets blijven doen

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (persist: in doing [sth])

Why do you keep on talking after I've asked you to be quiet?

niet betreden, niet binnengaan

phrasal verb, intransitive (not enter)

A notice on the fence warned people to keep out.

buiten houden

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (prevent from entering)

A waterproof jacket will keep the rain out.

gelijke tred houden

phrasal verb, intransitive (go as fast)

He walked so fast that I could barely keep up.


phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (perform as well) (figuurlijk)

Real Madrid are in such good form that the other teams are struggling to keep up.

bijhouden, volgen

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (stay informed) (figuurlijk)

Technology moves too fast these days for me to keep up.

bijblijven, bijhouden

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (not fall behind) (figuurlijk)

The course is very intensive, and some students are having difficulties in keeping up.

doorgaan met

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (maintain, continue)

Rita still keeps her gardening up even though she's in her eighties.

iets/iemand bijhouden

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (go as fast)

The old woman struggled to keep up with her agile young granddaughter.

iets bijhouden

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (stay informed) (figuurlijk)

Are you keeping up with all the news from Copenhagen?

iemand bijhouden

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (perform as well) (figuurlijk)

Stella is failing to keep up with her classmates in maths.

iets bijhouden

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (not fall behind) (figuurlijk)

It's hard to keep up with my studies when I have to work at the restaurant every evening.

in de gaten houden

verbal expression (informal (monitor) (informeel, fig.)

I'm keeping a check on his work to ensure that he's doing it right.

geen spier vertrekken

verbal expression (informal (look serious, avoid smiling)

I couldn't keep a straight face when she said she was a virgin. It was difficult to keep a straight face when I played that prank on my coworkers.

blijven drijven

(not sink)

het hoofd boven water houden

(figurative (stay in business) (figuurlijk)

op een afstand houden, op afstand houden, van zich afhouden

verbal expression (figurative (prevent getting closer)

Vaccination is the most effective way to keep the flu at bay.

wakker houden

(prevent from sleeping)

Drinking coffee at night keeps me awake. The monster movie was so scary that it kept the children awake all night.

uit zijn slaap houden

verbal expression (refrain from sleeping)

The party was so boring that I had to struggle to keep awake. I could hardly keep awake during that boring lecture.

op een afstand blijven, uit de buurt blijven

intransitive verb (stay at distance)

A notice outside the monkeys' cage warns visitors to keep back.

bezig blijven

intransitive verb (informal (occupy oneself, find [sth] to do)

Since my daughter left for college, I keep busy by working in my garden. With the district manager in the store, everyone kept busy all day.

kalm blijven, rustig blijven

intransitive verb (remain composed)

He will try to make you angry but you must keep calm. Everyone, please keep calm until the police arrive!

wegblijven bij

verbal expression (stay away)

dichtbij houden

(keep nearby)

Claire decided to work from home so that she could keep her children close.

in de buurt blijven

(stay near)

Tina told the twins to keep close as they crossed the busy road.

in de buurt blijven bij

verbal expression (stay near)

Keep close to me when we're at the concert; I don't want you to get lost.

blijven komen

verbal expression (informal (be relentless)

Hij wilde dat de nachtmerries stopten maar ze bleven maar komen.

laten komen

verbal expression (generate lots) (informeel)

Laat die biertjes maar komen, we hebben dorst!

gezelschap houden

(prevent being lonely)

Brian has his dog to keep him company.

koel houden

(avoid getting hot)

William was using a small electric fan to keep cool.

rustig blijven, kalm blijven

(figurative (remain calm)

Just keep cool, and act like you don't know anything.

koel houden

(prevent getting hot)

These plants don't like too much heat, so keep them cool by planting them in a partially shaded spot.

koel bewaren, koud houden

(drink, etc.: chill)

Gemma put the wine in the fridge to keep it cool.

fit blijven, in vorm blijven

intransitive verb (do physical exercise)

I like to keep fit by doing belly dance.

vers houden

(food: stop going stale)

Packaging needs to keep the food fresh for as long as possible.

koel bewaren, vers blijven

(informal (food: not go stale)

Bananas will keep fresh in the freezer for up to three months.

zich onthouden van


I can't keep from eating ice cream.

zijn lach inhouden

verbal expression (not laugh)

During that horrible performance, I could hardly keep from laughing.


verbal expression (persist, continue)

Keep going, you're almost to the top of the hill.

verstopt houden, verborgen houden

transitive verb (conceal)

Sara kept her diary hidden so that her little sister wouldn't read it.


verbal expression (informal (maintain one's grasp on)

The child kept hold of his mother's hand as they crossed the road.

blijven hopen

verbal expression (be optimistic)

het huishouden doen

(do housework)

While she was sick, her sister kept house for her.

de boekhouding doen

(figurative (maintain accounts)

Since Brett kept house for the company, he was the first suspected of wrongdoing when the company was accused of fraud.

in gedachten houden

verbal expression (remember, consider)

Now, keep in mind that in May of 1929 the stock market hadn't crashed yet.

contact houden

verbal expression (informal (stay in contact)

Cousin Andrea kept in touch by sending packages from South America.

ga zo door!

verbal expression (informal (maintain at same pace or level)

You got straight A's this term - keep it up! Good work, Alan - keep it up!

in beweging blijven

verbal expression (not stay still)

Some species of sharks have to keep moving to survive.

iets blijven dragen

(continue to wear: clothing)

I keep my shirt on when I'm at the beach, so I don't burn.

verboden toegang

interjection (written (sign: do not enter) (op bordje)

"Keep out!" a crudely painted sign on the gate warned.

de stand bijhouden, de score bijhouden

intransitive verb (literal (sport: record results)

Please keep score for your team while he does the same for his team.

de stand bijhouden

(figurative (track what is given and owed) (figuurlijk)

Gillian is always keeping score in her relationship with Mike; she thinks he does fewer chores than her.


transitive verb (conceal, not divulge)

Government information should be kept secret.

zwijgen over

(not tell secret)

The witness was being blackmailed to keep silent.

stil zitten

(not move)

The mother told her son to keep still as she tried to cut his hair.

stil houden

(hold steady)

You need one person to keep the cat still and another to trim its claws.

in de gaten houden

(figurative, informal (monitor) (figuurlijk)

It's important to keep tabs so that we don't run out of essential items.

in de gaten houden

verbal expression (informal, figurative (monitor) (figuurlijk)

A business should keep tabs on what its competitors are doing.

de deur openhouden, de deur openlaten

verbal expression (figurative (allow possibility) (figuurlijk)

The Prime Minister said he would like to keep the door open for future negotiations.

blijven geloven

verbal expression (stay true to beliefs)

Cahill urged fans to keep the faith after the team slumped to its eighth loss in 12 matches.

de deksel erop houden

verbal expression (cover [sth])

If you want the rice to cook properly, you have to keep the lid on.

onder de pet houden

verbal expression (figurative (secret: not tell) (figuurlijk)

James was struggling to keep the lid on the secret.


verbal expression (words, feelings: suppress) (gevoelens)

aan iets vasthouden

(schedule, rules: adhere)

However hard we try, it is difficult to keep to a diet and lose weight. This plan will work if we keep to it.

op iets blijven

(not stray from: a path, etc.)

When walking in the countryside, keep to the path.


intransitive verb (note or record progress)

Write down what you've achieved each day, as it's important to keep track.

iets bijhouden

transitive verb (monitor, maintain record of)

My daughter emails me every day so I can keep track of her movements. You should keep track of your expenses so that you know how much money you have left.

verborgen houden, stil houden

verbal expression (figurative, informal (not reveal)

The company is keeping the latest model under wraps until the official launch.

onder de onthullingsdoek houden

verbal expression (statue: cover up) (standbeeld)

The museum is keeping the statue under wraps while restoration work continues.

zo door blijven gaan, zo door gaan

verbal expression (expressing approval)

My teacher told me to keep up the good work after I scored 100% in the exam.

op de hoogte houden

verbal expression (inform regularly)

We'll keep you up to date with the latest business news.

up-to-date houden, bijgewerkt houden

verbal expression (update)

It's important to keep your business website up to date.

op de hoogte blijven

intransitive verb (stay informed)

I read Vogue magazine to keep up to date with all the latest fashions.

de wacht houden over

transitive verb (observe, monitor)

in het ongewisse laten

verbal expression (informal (be unpredictable)

The novel is a murder mystery that will keep you guessing until the very end.

kop op!

interjection (informal, figurative (encouragement) (informeel)

Keep your chin up – I'm sure you'll find a solution to the problem.

zijn hoofd koel houden

verbal expression (figurative, informal (remain calm) (figuurlijk, inf.)

You need to keep your cool if provoked.

zijn woord houden, zijn belofte nakomen

verbal expression (fulfil a promise)

He never keeps his word; he always tells my secrets. // A good friend is one who keeps his word.

op de uitkijk

adjective (keep watch)

I'll keep on the lookout and let you know if I spot anything unusual.

Laten we Engels leren

Dus nu je meer weet over de betekenis van keep quiet in Engels, kun je leren hoe je ze kunt gebruiken aan de hand van geselecteerde voorbeelden en hoe je lees ze. En vergeet niet om de verwante woorden die we voorstellen te leren. Onze website wordt voortdurend bijgewerkt met nieuwe woorden en nieuwe voorbeelden, zodat u de betekenissen van andere woorden die u niet kent, kunt opzoeken in Engels.

Ken je iets van Engels

Het Engels is afkomstig van Germaanse stammen die naar Engeland zijn geëmigreerd en is over een periode van meer dan 1400 jaar geëvolueerd. Engels is de derde meest gesproken taal ter wereld, na Chinees en Spaans. Het is de meest geleerde tweede taal en de officiële taal van bijna 60 soevereine landen. Deze taal heeft een groter aantal sprekers als tweede en vreemde taal dan moedertaalsprekers. Engels is ook de co-officiële taal van de Verenigde Naties, van de Europese Unie en van vele andere internationale en regionale organisaties. Tegenwoordig kunnen Engelstaligen over de hele wereld relatief gemakkelijk communiceren.