英语 中的 ad 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 ad 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 ad 的说明。

英语 中的ad 表示广告 guǎng gào, 公元 gōng yuán, 公元后 gōng yuán hòu, 为特定目的而设的, 定制的 dìng zhì de, 特别委员会 tè bié wěi yuán huì, 人身攻击的 rén shēn gōng jī de, 人身攻击, 直至永远地 zhí zhì yǒng yuǎn de, 无止境地 wú zhǐ jìng de, 暂时 zàn shí, 暂时的 zàn shí de, 即兴表演,即兴发表 jí xìng biǎo yǎn,jí xìng fā biǎo, 即兴表演,即兴发言 jí xìng biǎo yǎn,jí xìng fā yán, 即兴的 jí xìng de, 临场发挥地,即席地 jí xí de, 即兴表演 jí xìng biǎo yǎn, 即兴地 jí xìng de, 随意地 suí yì de, (单调重复太多)令人厌烦地 dān diào chóng fù tài duō lìng rén yàn fán de, 从价, 按价 cóng jià, 从价的,按价的 cóng jià de,àn jià de, 从价税收 cóng jià shuì shōu, 分类广告 fēn lèi guǎng gào, 分类广告 fēn lèi guǎng gào, 分类广告 fēn lèi guǎng gào, 分类广告 fēn lèi guǎng gào, 分类广告 fēn lèi guǎng gào, 终止日, 招聘广告 zhāo pìn guǎng gào。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 ad 的含义

广告 guǎng gào

noun (informal, abbreviation (advertisement)

The point of the ad is to inspire customers to buy more products.

公元 gōng yuán

adverb (Latin, initialism (anno domini: year)

The Roman Emperor Domitian ruled Britain briefly in 271 AD.

公元后 gōng yuán hòu

adverb (Latin (in year after birth of Christ) (拉丁语)


adverb (Latin (for a specific purpose)

The firm can provide its services ad hoc.

定制的 dìng zhì de

adjective (Latin (customized)

The company provides an ad hoc service to customers.

特别委员会 tè bié wěi yuán huì

noun (group: specific issue)

An ad hoc committee was formed to advise on the financial problems they faced.

人身攻击的 rén shēn gōng jī de

adjective (Latin (attack: personal)

The judge objected to the lawyer's argument ad hominem, and ordered him to stick to the facts of the case.


noun (Latin (argument: personal)

直至永远地 zhí zhì yǒng yuǎn de

adverb (Latin (to infinity)

无止境地 wú zhǐ jìng de

adverb (Latin, figurative (endlessly)

Stephen is a history teacher; he can go on about the Second World War ad infinitum.

暂时 zàn shí

adverb (Latin (in the meantime)

暂时的 zàn shí de

adjective (Latin (temporary)

即兴表演,即兴发表 jí xìng biǎo yǎn,jí xìng fā biǎo

transitive verb (Latin (improvise)

I lost my notes, so I had to ad-lib my entire speech.

即兴表演,即兴发言 jí xìng biǎo yǎn,jí xìng fā yán

intransitive verb (Latin (improvise)

The actor forgot his lines and was forced to ad-lib.

即兴的 jí xìng de

adjective (Latin, abbreviation (ad libitum: improvised)

That wasn't bad for an ad lib presentation.

临场发挥地,即席地 jí xí de

adverb (Latin, abbreviation (ad libitum: improvised)

My entire speech was made ad lib.

即兴表演 jí xìng biǎo yǎn

noun (informal, Latin ([sth] improvised)

That reply was so beautifully timed and phrased that it's hard to believe it was an ad lib.

即兴地 jí xìng de

adverb (music: not required)

随意地 suí yì de

adverb (at one's pleasure)

(单调重复太多)令人厌烦地 dān diào chóng fù tài duō lìng rén yàn fán de

adverb (repeatedly or excessively)

She talks ad nauseam about her children; doesn't she have anything else to talk about?

从价, 按价 cóng jià

adverb (tax: according to value) (税收)

从价的,按价的 cóng jià de,àn jià de

adjective (tax: according to value) (税收)

从价税收 cóng jià shuì shōu

noun (tax based on a % of property value)

分类广告 fēn lèi guǎng gào

noun (informal (small newspaper advertisement) (报纸)

Here's a classified for two kittens, free.

分类广告 fēn lèi guǎng gào

plural noun (informal (newspaper or website section)

Mila put an ad in the classifieds to sell her car.

分类广告 fēn lèi guǎng gào

noun (informal, abbreviation (small advertisement in a newspaper)

Mark placed a classified ad in the local newspaper.

分类广告 fēn lèi guǎng gào

plural noun (informal, abbreviation (newspaper or website section)

分类广告 fēn lèi guǎng gào

noun (small advert in newspaper)

My brother wanted to sell his car, so he placed a classified advertisement in the local newspaper.


noun (Latin (law: conclusion) (法律)

招聘广告 zhāo pìn guǎng gào

noun (US, informal, abbreviation (classified advertisement)

Let's check the want ads and see if anyone's selling a bicycle cheap.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 ad 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。