英语 中的 anti 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 anti 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 anti 的说明。

英语 中的anti 表示反对的 fǎn duì de, 对抗 duì kàng, 反对者 fǎn duì zhě, 抗衰老的,抗老化的, 反美的 fǎn měi de, 反美主义 fǎn měi zhǔ yì, 反南非种族隔离制度的, 反阿拉伯的 fǎn ā lā bó de, 反避税的, 反英的 fǎn yīng de, 反天主教的 fǎn tiān zhǔ jiào de, 反基督教的 fǎn jī dū jiào de, 反倾销的, 反对西欧国家联合的(人) fǎn duì xī ōu guó jiā lián hé de ( rén ), 反法的 fǎn fǎ de, 反德的 fǎn dé de, 反移民的 fǎn yí mín de, 反帝国主义的 fǎn dì guó zhǔ yì de, 抗炎药, 抗炎的, 反通货膨胀的, 反知识的,反智的, 反对戴口罩的, 反对戴口罩的人, 防锈的 fáng xiù de, 反犹主义者 fǎn yóu zhǔ yì zhě, 反犹的 fǎn yóu de, 反犹主义 fǎn yóu zhǔ yì, 反对接种疫苗的, 反对接种疫苗的人, 反对堕胎的 fǎn duì duò tāi de, 用以应对空袭的 yòng yǐ yìng duì kōng xí de, 抗过敏的, 反弹道的, 抗癌的 kàng ái de, 反教权主义, 反对共产主义的 fǎn duì gòng chǎn zhǔ yì de, 反对共产主义者 fǎn duì gòng chǎn zhǔ yì zhě, 反竞争的, 反贪污, 反腐败, 反贪的, 反腐的, 反民主的 fǎn mín zhǔ de, 反体制的,反正统的, 防眩光的,防眩的,抗眩光的, 反政府的, 非英雄角色 fēi yīng xióng jué sè, 防抱死的, 止汗的 zhǐ hàn de, 反种族歧视,反种族主义, 反种族歧视的,反种族主义的, 反种族主义的, 反对性别歧视者,反性别歧视者, 反对性别歧视的,反性别歧视的, 防滑的 fáng huá de, 反物种歧视, 反物种歧视者, 反物种歧视的, 防盗的 fáng dào de, 防盗装置 fáng dào zhuāng zhì, 反垄断的 fǎn lǒng duàn de, 抗肿瘤的, 反对战争的 fǎn duì zhàn zhēng de, 逆时针的 nì shí zhēn de, 逆时针地 nì shí zhēn de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 anti 的含义

反对的 fǎn duì de

adjective (against)

We're for the war, but they're anti.

对抗 duì kàng

prefix (against; opposed) (前缀)

For example: antibacterial

反对者 fǎn duì zhě

noun (informal (person: opposition)

Both those who favored the measure and the antis held rallies in front of the capitol.


adjective (reduces signs of age)

The best anti-aging treatment is a good night's sleep.

反美的 fǎn měi de

adjective (hostile to USA)

Anti-American sentiments are widespread in the country.

反美主义 fǎn měi zhǔ yì

noun (hostility to USA)

People have often accused the folk singer of anti-Americanism.


adjective (against racial segregation)

Nelson Mandela was a leading figure in the anti-apartheid movement.

反阿拉伯的 fǎn ā lā bó de

adjective (hostile to Arabs)

Some consider restrictions against women wearing burkas in public to be an anti-Arab measure.


adjective (type of tax duty)

反英的 fǎn yīng de

adjective (hostile to the British)

People who are Anglophobes are anti-British by definition.

反天主教的 fǎn tiān zhǔ jiào de

adjective (hostile to Catholics)

The child abuse scandals have led to many anti-Catholic protests.

反基督教的 fǎn jī dū jiào de

adjective (hostile to Christianity)


adjective (protective: tariff, duty, law)

Anti-dumping duties are essentially fines to discourage predatory pricing in international trade.

反对西欧国家联合的(人) fǎn duì xī ōu guó jiā lián hé de ( rén )

adjective (hostile to European Union)

The politician is well-known for his anti-European opinions.

反法的 fǎn fǎ de

adjective (hostile to the French)

The cyclist denied making anti-French comments about other riders in the race.

反德的 fǎn dé de

adjective (hostile to Germans)

Anti-German feeling was so high during World War II that many people actually changed their German surnames.

反移民的 fǎn yí mín de

adjective (opposed to immigration)

That politician is anti-immigration, yet his housekeeper is an illegal alien.

反帝国主义的 fǎn dì guó zhǔ yì de

noun (opposition to imperialist policies)

Anti-imperialism is often associated with the political left.


noun (medicine: drug)


adjective (reducing inflammation)


adjective (finance: to restrict inflation)


adjective (hostile to intellectuality)


adjective (refusing to wear hygienic face covering)


noun (informal ([sb]: refuses to wear hygienic face mask)

防锈的 fáng xiù de

adjective (spray, paint) (喷剂、漆)

反犹主义者 fǎn yóu zhǔ yì zhě

noun (person: hostile to Jews)

George was labelled an anti-Semite because of his jokes about Jews.

反犹的 fǎn yóu de

adjective (hostile toward Jews)

In the Middle Ages, anti-Semitic sentiments kept Jews out of guilds and trade professions.

反犹主义 fǎn yóu zhǔ yì

noun (hostility toward Jews)

Some people have accused the writer of anti-Semitism.


adjective (informal (opposed to vaccinations)


noun (informal ([sb] opposed to vaccinations)

反对堕胎的 fǎn duì duò tāi de

adjective (against pregnancy termination)

用以应对空袭的 yòng yǐ yìng duì kōng xí de

adjective (used in combatting air attacks)


adjective (not causing allergic reaction)


adjective (counters missiles)

抗癌的 kàng ái de

adjective (that combats cancer)


noun (opposition to the clergy)

反对共产主义的 fǎn duì gòng chǎn zhǔ yì de

adjective (politics: against communism)

反对共产主义者 fǎn duì gòng chǎn zhǔ yì zhě

noun (someone opposed to communism)


adjective (trade: restricts competition)

反贪污, 反腐败

noun (prevention of fraud)

反贪的, 反腐的

noun as adjective (measures: preventing fraud)

反民主的 fǎn mín zhǔ de

adjective (opposed to democracy)


adjective (opposed to existing power)


adjective (protecting against light)


adjective (opposed to government)

非英雄角色 fēi yīng xióng jué sè

noun (unconventional protagonist)

Meursault is the antihero of the novel "The Stranger" by Camus.


adjective (brakes: will not lock)

止汗的 zhǐ hàn de

noun as adjective (that prevents sweating)

I use an antiperspirant spray rather than a roll-on.


noun (opposition to discrimination)


noun as adjective (against race discrimination)


adjective (against racial discrimination)


noun (person: against sexism)


adjective (against sexism)

防滑的 fáng huá de

adjective (automotive: preventing sliding) (汽车)


noun (belief in equality of species)


noun (believer in equality of species)


adjective (believing in equality of species)

防盗的 fáng dào de

adjective (protecting against thieves)

防盗装置 fáng dào zhuāng zhì

noun (gadget: deters theft)

My new car is equipped with an anti-theft device.

反垄断的 fǎn lǒng duàn de

adjective (mainly US (business: preserving competition)


adjective (fighting tumors)

反对战争的 fǎn duì zhàn zhēng de

adjective (against armed conflict)

逆时针的 nì shí zhēn de

adjective (direction: opposite to clock hands)

Turn the handle in a counterclockwise direction to switch off the machine.

逆时针地 nì shí zhēn de

adverb (movement: opposite to clock hands)

To open the jar, you have to turn the lid counter-clockwise.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。