英语 中的 bean 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 bean 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 bean 的说明。

英语 中的bean 表示豆子 , 蚕豆 dòu zi, 打中...的头部, 豆科植物 dòu kē zhí wù, 脑袋 nǎo dài, 豆腐 dòu fǔ, 豆芽 dòu yá, 豆袋椅 dòu dài yǐ, (游戏用的)豆子袋 yóu xì yòng de dòu zi dài, 豆袋椅 dòu dài yǐ, 黑大豆 hēi dà dòu, 黑豆 hēi dòu, 奶油豆 nǎi yóu dòu, 蓖麻子 bì má zǐ, 可可豆 kě kě dòu, 咖啡豆 kā fēi dòu, 蚕豆 cán dòu, 蚕豆 cán dòu, 笛豆, 四季豆 sì jì dòu, 四季豆 sì jì dòu, 豆豆糖,软糖豆 dòu dòu táng,ruǎn táng dòu, 四季豆的豆子, 利马豆, 绿豆 lǜ dòu, 白腰豆, 花豆 huā dòu, 红豆, 红花菜豆 hóng huā cài dòu, 菜豆,油豆角 cài dòu, 黄豆 huáng dòu, 豆奶,豆浆, 大豆 dà dòu, 黄豆,大豆 huáng dòu,dà dòu, 黄豆,大豆 huáng dòu,dà dòu, 黄豆做的 huáng dòu zuò de, 青豆 qīng dòu。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 bean 的含义

豆子 , 蚕豆 dòu zi

noun (legume)

Dried beans are economical and can be used in a variety of recipes.


transitive verb (US, slang (hit in the head)

During the baseball game, Derek's hit beaned Jeremy right in the head.

豆科植物 dòu kē zhí wù

noun (legume plant)

The climate here is perfect for growing corn, beans, and tomatoes.

脑袋 nǎo dài

noun (US, Can, slang (head)

You can solve this problem if you use your bean.

豆腐 dòu fǔ

noun (food: tofu)

Bean curd or tofu is used a lot in East Asian cooking.

豆芽 dòu yá

plural noun (edible bean shoots)

I ordered a salad made of bean sprouts and green onions.

豆袋椅 dòu dài yǐ

noun (soft seat)

Mia sits on a beanbag to play video games.

(游戏用的)豆子袋 yóu xì yòng de dòu zi dài

noun (toy)

The street performer was juggling with five beanbags.

豆袋椅 dòu dài yǐ

noun (large soft bead-filled sack to sit on)

黑大豆 hēi dà dòu

noun (Latin American: black turtle bean) (一种常用于拉丁美洲饮食中的豆子)

Black beans with rice is a common dish in many Latin American countries.

黑豆 hēi dòu

noun (Asian: soybean) (一种亚洲人常食用的豆类)

奶油豆 nǎi yóu dòu

noun (mainly UK (legume: lima bean)

The vegetarian option on our menu this evening is a casserole made with butter beans.

蓖麻子 bì má zǐ

noun (seed of castor oil plant)

I think the castor bean is pressed to obtain its oil.

可可豆 kě kě dòu

noun (often plural (seed of cacao tree)

The principle ingredient in chocolate comes from fermented and roasted cocoa beans.

咖啡豆 kā fēi dòu

noun (usually plural (seed of coffee tree)

The coffee I'm serving was made from freshly ground coffee beans.

蚕豆 cán dòu

noun (botany: plant)

蚕豆 cán dòu

noun (usually plural (edible pulse)

Fava beans are delicious in stews but do tend to cause flatulence.


noun (pale-green seed)

四季豆 sì jì dòu

noun (green vegetable)

One of my favorite meals is a simple plate piled high with freshly steamed French beans.

四季豆 sì jì dòu

plural noun (legume: French bean)

The African nation of Burkina Faso produces green beans for export to Europe.

豆豆糖,软糖豆 dòu dòu táng,ruǎn táng dòu

noun (candy: small chewy sweet) (形状如豆,内软外硬的一种糖)

Sally bought a packet of jelly beans.


plural noun (red-brown edible legumes)

The main ingredients of chilli con carne are minced beef and kidney beans.


noun (mainly US (legume: butter bean)

绿豆 lǜ dòu

noun (small green legume)

Mung beans are easy to sprout. When preparing chop suey in the San Francisco style, the sprouts of the mung bean are called for.


noun (legume: small white kidney bean)

花豆 huā dòu

noun (variety of pulse or legume)

Burrito filling is often made with pinto beans.


noun (legume: kidney bean)

红花菜豆 hóng huā cài dòu

noun (edible green bean)

We had cod in parsley sauce served with runner beans and new potatoes.

菜豆,油豆角 cài dòu

noun (legume: crisp bean pod)

黄豆 huáng dòu

noun (edible legume)


noun (liquid obtained from soybeans)

大豆 dà dòu


黄豆,大豆 huáng dòu,dà dòu

noun (food: soybean seed) (食物)

They serve edible soybeans as an appetizer.

黄豆,大豆 huáng dòu,dà dòu

noun (soybean plant: legume) (植物)

Soybeans aren't harvested till late autumn.

黄豆做的 huáng dòu zuò de

adjective (made of soybeans)

Have you tried this new soybean dip?

青豆 qīng dòu

noun (green vegetable)

My dad grows a variety of vegetables, such as peas and string beans.

让我们学习 英语

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。