英语 中的 blood sample 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 blood sample 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 blood sample 的说明。

英语 中的blood sample 表示血 xuè, 流血 liú xuè, 生命力,心力 shēng mìng lì,xīn lì, 血统 xuè tǒng, 有血缘关系的 yǒu xuè yuán guān xì de, 汁液 zhī yè, 热血 rè xiě / rè xuè, 兄弟 xiōng dì, 给(猎狗)尝(某动物的)血的味道 gěi liè gǒu cháng mǒu dòng wù de xiě de wèi dào / gěi liè gǒu cháng mǒu dòng wù de xuè de wèi dào, 用猎物的血涂(新猎手的)脸, 仇恨 chóu hèn, 血肠, 血液酒精浓度, 血腥场面, 浴血奋斗,艰苦奋斗, 暴力血腥的行为, 血库 xiě kù / xuè kù, 亲兄弟 qīn xiōng dì, 把兄弟 bǎ xiōng dì, 血细胞 xiě xì bāo / xuè xì bāo, 血球计数, 血钻, 血液病 xiě yè bìng / xuè yè bìng, 捐血者 juān xuè zhě, 献血活动, 血仇 xiě chóu / xuè chóu, 血循环, 血浓于水, 失血 shī xiě / shī xuè, 雇佣杀手的钱 gù yōng shā shǒu de qián, 抚恤金, 补偿金, 血腥钱,沾满了他人鲜血的钱 xiě xīng qián / xuè xīng qián,zhān mǎn le tā rén xiān xiě de qián / zhān mǎn le tā rén xiān xuè de qián, 血月, 红橙,血橙, 全血细胞计数, 血浆 xiě jiāng / xuè jiāng, 败血症 bài xiě zhèng / bài xuè zhèng, 血压 xuè yā, 血压袖带, 血红的 xiě hóng de / xuè hóng de, 血红 xiě hóng / xuè hóng, 血亲 xiě qīn / xuè qīn, 血亲 xiě qīn / xuè qīn, 血肠, 血涂片, 血涂片检查, 狩猎运动,猎杀鸟兽的运动, 血迹 xiě jì / xuè jì, 血糖 xiě táng / xuè táng, 血糖指数 xiě táng zhǐ shù / xuè táng zhǐ shù, 血糖水平, 供血, 血液试验 xiě yè shì yàn / xuè yè shì yàn, 血亲关系, 输血 shū xiě / shū xuè, 血型 xiě xíng / xuè xíng, 血型定型 xiě xíng dìng xíng / xuè xíng dìng xíng, 血管 xuè guǎn, 血液化验 xiě yè huà yàn / xuè yè huà yàn, 紧张激烈的, 大屠杀 dà tú shā, 放血,放血疗法 fàng xiě / fàng xuè,fàng xiě liáo fǎ / fàng xuè liáo fǎ, 暴力流血事件,肆意杀戮 bào lì liú xiě shì jiàn / bào lì liú xuè shì jiàn,sì yì shā lù, 贵族出身,名门望族,贵族血统 guì zú chū shēn,míng mén wàng zú,guì zú xiě tǒng / guì zú xuè tǒng, 贵族, 皇室, 全血细胞计数, 抽血, 拿下一血, 出师告捷, 血肉之躯, 亲人, 同父异母的兄弟, 混血, 杂交品种 zá jiāo pǐn zhǒng, 同父异母的, 混种的,混血的,半纯种的 hùn xiě de / hùn xuè de, 高血压 gāo xiě yā / gāo xuè yā, 残忍地 cán rěn de, 生命力,生命线,生机,命脉,命根子 shēng mìng lì,shēng mìng xiàn,shēng jī,mìng mài,mìng gēn zi, 命脉 mìng mài, 低血压 dī xiě yā / dī xuè yā, 纯种的 chún zhǒng de, 纯血统的, 红血球 hóng xiě qiú / hóng xuè qiú, 血脉相连的 xiě mài xiāng lián de / xuè mài xiāng lián de, 屠杀 tú shā, 苦干 kǔ gàn, 白细胞 bái xì bāo, 新鲜血液。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 blood sample 的含义

血 xuè

noun (red fluid in body)

After the fight, his face was covered in blood.

流血 liú xuè

noun (literary (bloodshed)

There was much blood before the battle's end.

生命力,心力 shēng mìng lì,xīn lì

noun (figurative (life)

Years of struggle drained the blood from him.

血统 xuè tǒng

noun (lineage)

My parents are from Dublin, so I have Irish blood.

有血缘关系的 yǒu xuè yuán guān xì de

adjective (related biologically)

Genetic evidence proves that there is a blood relationship between the child and the father.

汁液 zhī yè

noun (juice) (植物等)

The blood of a beet is bright purple.

热血 rè xiě / rè xuè

noun (figurative (temperament)

His hot blood often gets him into trouble.

兄弟 xiōng dì

noun (figurative, slang (friend)

What's up, blood?

给(猎狗)尝(某动物的)血的味道 gěi liè gǒu cháng mǒu dòng wù de xiě de wèi dào / gěi liè gǒu cháng mǒu dòng wù de xuè de wèi dào

transitive verb (hunting dog)

You must blood the hounds so they will hunt the rabbits.


transitive verb (initiate into hunting)

The master of the hunt blooded the novice in a special ceremony.

仇恨 chóu hèn

noun (figurative (resentment, acrimony)

There has been bad blood between the two women for many years.


noun (sausage made with blood)


plural noun (amount of alcohol in bloodstream)


noun (informal (gore) (影视)


noun (informal, figurative (violent struggle, effort)

It takes blood and guts to win a war.


noun (figurative (violence, intensity)

For all his blood and thunder on the football field, Mark is a kind and gentle man.

血库 xiě kù / xuè kù

noun (for donated blood)

The blood bank provides blood for surgery and transfusions.

亲兄弟 qīn xiōng dì

noun (biological male sibling)

He's not my blood brother, just my step brother.

把兄弟 bǎ xiōng dì

noun (figurative (loyal male friend)

They cut their palms and shook hands to become blood brothers.

血细胞 xiě xì bāo / xuè xì bāo

noun (corpuscle)


noun (number of cells in [sb]'s blood)


noun (gem mined to fund war)

The civil war in Sierra Leone was funded by diamonds, which gave rise to the movie "Blood Diamond".

血液病 xiě yè bìng / xuè yè bìng

noun (disease affecting the blood)

Sickle cell anemia is a type of blood disease.

捐血者 juān xuè zhě

noun (person who donates blood)

I'm a regular blood donor; I have donated 119 pints.


noun (event: blood donation)

I'll be giving my 95th pint at the blood drive on Monday.

血仇 xiě chóu / xuè chóu

noun (family vendetta)

Their father's heinous murder started a blood feud.


noun (blood circulation)

Blockages in the arteries of the leg can cause low blood flow, and pain while walking.


expression (figurative (family relationships are strongest)

Neil will always support his brother's position on this matter because blood is thicker than water.

失血 shī xiě / shī xuè

noun (amount of blood haemorrhaged)

雇佣杀手的钱 gù yōng shā shǒu de qián

noun (payment to a hired killer)

The assassin never told his wife that the money he gave her was blood money; he lied about it.

抚恤金, 补偿金

noun (payment to murder victim's kin)

血腥钱,沾满了他人鲜血的钱 xiě xīng qián / xuè xīng qián,zhān mǎn le tā rén xiān xiě de qián / zhān mǎn le tā rén xiān xuè de qián

noun (figurative (earned by sacrificing others)

Judas received blood money when he betrayed Jesus. She considered money earned at the cost of so many people's lives 'blood money' and refused to accept it.


noun (in total lunar eclipse)


(fruit) (水果)


noun (blood cell count)

血浆 xiě jiāng / xuè jiāng

noun (yellowish fluid in blood)

More than half of total blood volume is blood plasma.

败血症 bài xiě zhèng / bài xuè zhèng

noun (condition: septicemia)

血压 xuè yā

noun (on vessels)

The doctor told me that my blood pressure was rather high.


noun (medical device)

The nurse placed a blood pressure cuff around my arm.

血红的 xiě hóng de / xuè hóng de

adjective (vibrantly red)

She was wearing blood red lipstick.

血红 xiě hóng / xuè hóng

noun (vibrant red colour)

That carpet is a garish blood red.

血亲 xiě qīn / xuè qīn

noun (biological relative)

My African friend calls me his American mother, but of course I'm not a blood relation.

血亲 xiě qīn / xuè qīn

noun (biological relation)

Parents, siblings, and grandparents are all blood relatives.


(cuisine) (菜肴)


noun (blood specimen on microscope slide)


noun (blood test)


noun (often plural (game, contest: involves death of animals)

血迹 xiě jì / xuè jì

noun (dried blood mark)

Wash blood stains in cold water or you'll never get them out of fabric.

血糖 xiě táng / xuè táng

noun (glucose in blood)

Hypoglycemia means you have a low level of blood sugar.

血糖指数 xiě táng zhǐ shù / xuè táng zhǐ shù

noun (glucose in blood: level)

High blood sugar is a sign of diabetes.


noun (glucose in blood: amount)

Sometimes my blood sugar level drops and I pass out.


noun (circulation) (血液循环)

血液试验 xiě yè shì yàn / xuè yè shì yàn

noun (lab test on blood sample)

His blood test showed a high cholesterol level.


plural noun (relationships by birth)

输血 shū xiě / shū xuè

noun (transfer: donor blood)

Many people get blood transfusions after car accidents to replace the blood they lost from their wounds.

血型 xiě xíng / xuè xíng

noun (blood group, classification)

The most common blood type is O negative.

血型定型 xiě xíng dìng xíng / xuè xíng dìng xíng

noun (classifying blood by group)

血管 xuè guǎn

noun (vein, artery or capillary)

His eyes were so irritated that the blood vessels were very visible.

血液化验 xiě yè huà yàn / xuè yè huà yàn

noun (blood test)

A yearly physical examination typically includes blood work.


noun as adjective (figurative (violent, intense)

Tonight's match is set to be a blood-and-thunder encounter.

大屠杀 dà tú shā

noun (figurative (massacre)

The battle was a bloodbath, with 10,000 soldiers killed.

放血,放血疗法 fàng xiě / fàng xuè,fàng xiě liáo fǎ / fàng xuè liáo fǎ

noun (treatment: cutting open a vein) (本义)

暴力流血事件,肆意杀戮 bào lì liú xiě shì jiàn / bào lì liú xuè shì jiàn,sì yì shā lù

noun (figurative (violence, bloodshed) (比喻)

贵族出身,名门望族,贵族血统 guì zú chū shēn,míng mén wàng zú,guì zú xiě tǒng / guì zú xuè tǒng

noun (figurative (aristocratic or royal descent)

贵族, 皇室

noun (figurative (aristocratic, royal person)

Queen Elizabeth II is a blue blood.


noun (initialism (complete blood count)


(make blood flow)

The swordsman's thrust drew blood.


verbal expression (injure opponent first)

Charles drew first blood in the swordfight.


verbal expression (figurative (win first attack)

Julia drew first blood in the debate with the government minister.


noun (human body, human nature)


noun (relative, offspring)


noun (sibling with one parent in common)


noun (offensive (person of mixed race)

杂交品种 zá jiāo pǐn zhǒng

noun (animal of mixed breed)

That beautiful dog is a half blood.


adjective (sibling: with one parent in common)

混种的,混血的,半纯种的 hùn xiě de / hùn xuè de

adjective (animal: of mixed breed) (动物)

高血压 gāo xiě yā / gāo xuè yā

noun (medicine: hypertension) (医学)

Exercise and diet are the best way to control high blood pressure.

残忍地 cán rěn de

adverb (figurative (without emotion)

The gunman killed his victim in cold blood.

生命力,生命线,生机,命脉,命根子 shēng mìng lì,shēng mìng xiàn,shēng jī,mìng mài,mìng gēn zi

noun (figurative (source of life, energy) (比喻)

Agriculture is the lifeblood of that country.

命脉 mìng mài

noun (literary (blood: symbol of life)

She watched as his eyes slowly closed and his lifeblood seeped away.

低血压 dī xiě yā / dī xuè yā

noun (hypotension)

Low blood pressure can make you feel dizzy.

纯种的 chún zhǒng de

adjective (of unmixed breed)


adjective (of unmixed ancestry)

红血球 hóng xiě qiú / hóng xuè qiú

noun (red corpuscle: component of blood)

Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body.

血脉相连的 xiě mài xiāng lián de / xuè mài xiāng lián de

adjective (born to the same family)

She's my aunt, though we're not related by blood.

屠杀 tú shā

(wound or kill)

The terrorists have spilled the blood of innocents in the name of their cause.

苦干 kǔ gàn

verbal expression (figurative, informal (work extremely hard) (比喻,非正式用语)

I sweat blood for that woman - I don't know what more she could expect.

白细胞 bái xì bāo

noun (white corpuscle, leukocyte)

As she recovered, her white blood cell count dropped into the normal range.


noun (uncountable, figurative (youthful people, fresh ideas) (比喻想法和人员等)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。