英语 中的 board 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 board 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 board 的说明。

英语 中的board 表示条状木板 tiáo zhuàng mù bǎn, 矩形木板 jǔ xíng mù bǎn, 硬纸板 yìng zhǐ bǎn, 棋盘, 黑板 hēi bǎn, 董事会 dǒng shì huì, 膳食 shàn shí, 登上 dēng shàng, 在…寄宿,在…寄膳, 护板,板墙, 考试委员会组织的考试 kǎo shì wěi yuán huì zǔ zhī de kǎo shì, 登机, 上船, 住校 zhù xiào, 送...去寄养家庭, 因病退伍, 用木板封住…, 诚实的 chéng shí de, 光明正大, 全面 quán miàn, 全面的 quán miàn de, 顾问委员会 gù wèn wěi yuán huì, 重头来过,重起炉灶 chóng qǐ lú zào, 脚板 jiǎo bǎn, 公告板系统,布告栏系统, 硬纸板书, 棋盘游戏 qí pán yóu xì, 董事会议 dǒng shì huì yì, 董事会 dǒng shì huì, 学校董事会 xué xiào dǒng shì huì, 理事会 lǐ shì huì, 政府的卫生部门,卫生局 zhèng fǔ de wèi shēng bù mén,wèi shēng jú, 监事会 jiān shì huì, 同业公会 tóng yè gōng huì, 理事会 lǐ shì huì, 白板笔, 董事会会议室 dǒng shì huì huì yì shì, 切面包板 qiē miàn bāo bǎn, 布告牌 bù gào pái, 董事会主席 dǒng shì huì zhǔ xí, 黑板擦, 切菜板 qiē cài bǎn, 电路板, 货币发行局, 砧板,切菜板 zhēn bǎn,qiē cài bǎn, 离站板, 跳水板 tiào shuǐ bǎn, 征兵局 zhēng bīng jú, (餐具沥水用的)滴水板 cān jù lì shuǐ yòng de dī shuǐ bǎn, 西洋棋盘 xī yáng qí pán, 制图板 zhì tú bǎn, 编辑部, 指甲锉 zhǐ jiǎ cuò, 执行委员会 zhí xíng wěi yuán huì, 会议展示架, 泡沫芯层, 干舷, 全食宿 quán shí sù, 半膳宿 bàn shàn sù, 烫衣板 tàng yī bǎn, 职位公告板,职位布告栏, 求职平台,招聘平台, 排行榜, 标记板,写字板, 情绪板, 布告牌 bù gào pái, 场外交易的, 上(车、船等), 在飞机上(船上、火车上), 参与 cān yù, 赞同 zàn tóng, 主板的, 车上的, 就职,入职 jiù zhí, 显灵板 xiǎn líng bǎn, 假释委员会, 建筑板材, 广告板, 审查委员会,评审委员会, 食宿 shí sù, 夹板广告牌,三明治广告牌, 学校董事会 xué xiào dǒng shì huì, 壁脚板 bì jiǎo bǎn, 共鸣器,共振器 gòng míng qì,gòng zhèn qì, 参谋,被征询意见者, 认真考虑, 接受。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 board 的含义

条状木板 tiáo zhuàng mù bǎn

noun (wooden plank)

Somebody put a board over the mud so people could walk on it.

矩形木板 jǔ xíng mù bǎn

noun (often plural (wooden rectangle)

During hurricanes, put boards over the windows.

硬纸板 yìng zhǐ bǎn

noun (stiff card, placard)

The chauffeur held a board with John's name on it.


noun (flat surface for playing a game)

To win at backgammon, you must be first to remove all your pieces from the board.

黑板 hēi bǎn

noun (school: writing surface) (教室里的)

Come to the front of the class to write the answers on the board.

董事会 dǒng shì huì

noun (management group)

Dr. Kimball was just appointed to the board of directors.

膳食 shàn shí

noun (meals with accommodation)

The scholarship includes room and board.

登上 dēng shàng

transitive verb (get on: vehicle, ship, plane) (车、船、飞机等)

The Smiths boarded the ship for America.


intransitive verb (lodge) (在别人家里)

Jason boarded with a family while at university.


noun (hockey rink) (冰球)

The board is closed for repairs, so all hockey games have been rescheduled.

考试委员会组织的考试 kǎo shì wěi yuán huì zǔ zhī de kǎo shì

plural noun (US (examination)

Medical students must pass the boards before starting to practice.

登机, 上船

intransitive verb (transport: be boarded) (乘客)

The plane is going to board in five minutes.

住校 zhù xiào

intransitive verb (school: be boarding pupil)

James isn't a day boy, he boards.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (UK, dated (child: send to a foster family)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (mainly UK (military: discharge on medical grounds)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (cover temporarily with panels)

They boarded up the windows before the hurricane arrived.

诚实的 chéng shí de

adjective (figurative (honest)

He likes to keep his business dealings aboveboard.


adverb (figurative (honestly)

Be assured, I always operate aboveboard.

全面 quán miàn

adverb (globally, universally)

全面的 quán miàn de

adjective (global, universal)

Across-the-board tax increases hurt the poor far more than the rich.

顾问委员会 gù wèn wěi yuán huì

noun (committee that advises [sb])

The advisory board strongly discouraged us from going ahead with it.

重头来过,重起炉灶 chóng qǐ lú zào

adverb (figurative, informal (starting over) (失败后)

脚板 jiǎo bǎn

noun (along base of wall)

When you're vacuuming the room, don't forget the baseboards.


noun (obsolete, initialism (bulletin board system)


noun (with hard pages)

棋盘游戏 qí pán yóu xì

noun (game played on flat board) (如跳棋等)

We spent all afternoon playing board games because the weather was so bad.

董事会议 dǒng shì huì yì

noun (meeting of a committee)

All directors are requested to attend Friday's board meeting.

董事会 dǒng shì huì

noun (business: governing committee)

The board of directors must approve any change in the company's constitution.

学校董事会 xué xiào dǒng shì huì

noun (schools: administrative body)

The court said that boards of education could not segregate children by race.

理事会 lǐ shì huì

noun (public institution: managers)

政府的卫生部门,卫生局 zhèng fǔ de wèi shēng bù mén,wèi shēng jú

noun (US, Can (government health department) (加拿大用法)

The local board of health can't even give the flu vaccines away!

监事会 jiān shì huì

noun (US (local authority)

The county board of supervisors decides on expenditures for rural road maintenance.

同业公会 tóng yè gōng huì

noun (business association)

理事会 lǐ shì huì

noun (governing committee)

The university's board of trustees approved the rise in tuition fees.


noun (marker for writing on a whiteboard)

董事会会议室 dǒng shì huì huì yì shì

noun (room where committee meets)

The employees have no voice here: all the big decisions are made in the boardroom.

切面包板 qiē miàn bāo bǎn

noun (surface for slicing)

Please cut on the breadboard; if you cut right on the countertop, you'll damage the plastic.

布告牌 bù gào pái

noun (for public notices)

There is a bulletin board at the foot of the stairs where lecturers pin up important information for students. The website has a bulletin board where you can post messages.

董事会主席 dǒng shì huì zhǔ xí

noun (head of governing committee)

The chairman of the board oversees strategic planning for the company.


noun (eraser for blackboard)

We slapped the chalkboard erasers together to get rid of the chalk dust.

切菜板 qiē cài bǎn

noun (surface used for chopping food)

If you cut raw meat on a chopping board, you should wash it thoroughly before using it for vegetables.


noun (electrical component)


noun (bank that sets exchange rates)

砧板,切菜板 zhēn bǎn,qiē cài bǎn

noun (surface for chopping food) (美国英语)

Don't cut the meat directly on the counter. Please use the cutting board.


noun (transport: panel showing outgoing services) (交通)

跳水板 tiào shuǐ bǎn

noun (springboard into pool)

She bounced three times on the diving board before entering the water with a splash.

征兵局 zhēng bīng jú

noun (US (military service) (美国)

(餐具沥水用的)滴水板 cān jù lì shuǐ yòng de dī shuǐ bǎn

noun (surface by a sink for draining dishes)

西洋棋盘 xī yáng qí pán

noun (UK (chequered games board)

制图板 zhì tú bǎn

noun (support for paper)


noun (decides content of magazine, etc.)

指甲锉 zhǐ jiǎ cuò

noun (fingernail-filing tool)

I could tell I'd aroused her interest when she laid down her emery board.

执行委员会 zhí xíng wěi yuán huì

noun (administrative committee)

The executive board of the company voted to increase their own salaries.


noun (easel for large sheets of paper)

The flip board was set up in the meeting room, but nobody had had the foresight to provide a flip chart to put on it.


noun (lightweight polystyrene board)


noun (distance: deck to water) (轮船)

全食宿 quán shí sù

noun (accommodation: room and meals)

Full board costs less than 50 euro per day. Her university scholarship includes full board.

半膳宿 bàn shàn sù

noun (lodging arrangement) (住宿并可享用早餐及一顿主餐)

We prefer half board to full board because it's less restrictive.

烫衣板 tàng yī bǎn

noun (flat board for pressing clothes)

My sister changes the baby's nappy on her ironing board.


noun (noticeboard advertising work vacancies)


noun (website advertising work vacancies)


noun (scoreboard)


noun (erasable white- or blackboard)

I will write all the notes on the marker board so you can follow along.


noun (display used to plan or design [sth]) (设计)

布告牌 bù gào pái

noun (UK (bulletin board)

Albert posted a "roommate wanted" sign on the noticeboard.


adjective (transaction: not on stock exchange)


adverb (onto or into: transport)

Once everyone has climbed on board, the bus will close its doors.


adverb (on or in: transport)

I really enjoyed the food on board the cruise liner.

参与 cān yù

adverb (figurative (working for shared goal)

With you on board, we can make this project a big success!

赞同 zàn tóng

(figurative, informal (in agreement, support)

Make sure your whole team is on board with this before you go ahead.


adjective (computing: on motherboard) (计算机)

The device has 8GB of on board memory.


adjective (on a ship, vehicle)

My favourite thing about our cruise ship was the on-board beauty salon.

就职,入职 jiù zhí

transitive verb (induct: new employee) (新员工)

The HR manager explained how the company onboards new employees.

显灵板 xiǎn líng bǎn

noun (board used by spiritualists)

The Ouija board, which is named after the French and German words for "yes", is used to convey messages from the spirit world.


noun (prisoner release)

Jim is due to appear before the parole board in a week's time.


noun (construction panel: chipboard)


noun (cardboard or foamboard panel)


noun (panel: considers a matter)

If you are not satisfied with the police department's ruling on a complaint, you could appeal to the review board.

食宿 shí sù

noun (rental arrangement: room plus meals)


noun (advertising)

学校董事会 xué xiào dǒng shì huì

noun (education committee)

The school board met to decide the district's budget for new classrooms.

壁脚板 bì jiǎo bǎn

noun (UK (baseboard)

共鸣器,共振器 gòng míng qì,gòng zhèn qì

noun (resonator in a musical instrument)


noun (figurative (person whose response is solicited)

I often use my husband as a sounding board for my ideas before presenting them to my boss.

认真考虑, 接受

verbal expression (figurative (be receptive)

She wasn't prepared to take my ideas on board.

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。