英语 中的 cat 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 cat 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 cat 的说明。

英语 中的cat 表示猫,猫咪 māo ,māo mī, 猫科,猫科动物 māo kē,māo kē dòng wù, 家伙 jiā huo, 九尾鞭 jiǔ wěi biān, 双体船,筏 shuāng tǐ chuán,fá, 呕吐 ǒu tù, 寻欢问柳, 流浪猫 liú làng māo, 玩弄女性者 wán nòng nǚ xìng zhě, 大型猫科动物, 花斑猫, 欲擒故纵的关系, 猫鼠游戏, 猫砂盒, 飞贼 fēi zéi, (开在门上供猫进出用的)猫洞 kāi zài mén shàng gōng māo jìn chū yòng de māo dòng, 猫粮 māo liáng, 没话说了?,怎么不说话了?, 猫女士, 猫砂, 打瞌睡 dǎ kē shuì, 猫薄荷 māo bò he, CAT扫描, 九尾鞭 jiǔ wěi biān, 代人照看猫, 猫爪 māo zhuǎ / māo zhǎo, 爪牙,傀儡,被人利用的人 zhǎo yá / zhuǎ yá,kuǐ lěi,bèi rén lì yòng de rén, 猫薄荷,樟脑草 māo bò he,zhāng nǎo cǎo, 柴郡猫, 死猫反弹, 宠物猫 chǒng wù māo, 家猫 jiā māo, 大款, 大亨 dà hēng, 有钱有势的人, 大款, 阔佬, 姜黄色的猫, 爵士乐手,爵士音乐家, 爵士音乐迷, 家猫 jiā māo, 丛林猫 cóng lín māo, 秘密泄露,真相大白 mì mì xiè lù,zhēn xiàng dà bái, 砂, 波斯猫 bō sī māo, 猫咪,咪咪 māo mī ,mī mī, 小白兔,绵羊 xiǎo bái tù,mián yáng, 袋鼬, 剑齿虎, 热带草原猫, 胆小鬼 dǎn xiǎo guǐ, 暹罗猫 xiān luó māo, 斑猫 bān māo, 虎斑猫 hǔ bān māo。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 cat 的含义

猫,猫咪 māo ,māo mī

noun (feline: domestic) (家畜)

My aunt has a black cat. My cat is getting old; she doesn't go out hunting any more.

猫科,猫科动物 māo kē,māo kē dòng wù

noun (feline: wild, big) (生物学)

The leopard is a big cat.

家伙 jiā huo

noun (dated, slang (guy)

That Chas is a cool cat.

九尾鞭 jiǔ wěi biān

noun (whip)

The prisoner was whipped with a cat.

双体船,筏 shuāng tǐ chuán,fá

noun (slang (catamaran)

My parents went sailing on their cat.

呕吐 ǒu tù

intransitive verb (UK, slang, dated (vomit)

That cheese makes me want to cat.


phrasal verb, intransitive (slang (look for sex)

Wives don't want their husbands to cat around with other women.

流浪猫 liú làng māo

noun (US (stray cat)

玩弄女性者 wán nòng nǚ xìng zhě

noun (dated, figurative, slang (man: womanizer) (俚语)


noun (informal (large wild feline)


noun (cat: with colored markings)

The majority of calico cats are female.


expression (figurative (gamelike relationship)


noun (children's game)


noun (toilet box for cats)

One of my son's chores is to clean out the cat box daily and add fresh litter when needed.

飞贼 fēi zéi

noun (stealthy thief)

The cat burglar entered the house by climbing up the drain-pipe and through an open window on the second floor.

(开在门上供猫进出用的)猫洞 kāi zài mén shàng gōng māo jìn chū yòng de māo dòng

noun (opening in door for cat)

We've just fitted a cat flap into the kitchen door so that our cat Jake can come and go as he pleases.

猫粮 māo liáng

noun (food intended for cats)

The tinned cat food is more expensive but the cats prefer it. Some cats prefer dry cat food while others prefer wet cat food from a can.


expression (figurative, informal (Why aren't you talking?)

What's the matter, has the cat got your tongue?


noun (informal, pejorative (woman: owns cats) (指和许多猫住在一起的单身老女人)


noun (uncountable (toilet material for cats)

打瞌睡 dǎ kē shuì

noun (short daytime sleep)

She doesn't sleep well at night but takes cat naps during the day.

猫薄荷 māo bò he

noun (herb: stimulant to cats)

My cat loves to roll in fresh catnip.


noun (diagnostic imaging technique)

The doctor ordered a CAT scan in addition to the lab tests.

九尾鞭 jiǔ wěi biān

noun (whip with nine cords)

Sailors who behaved badly were whipped on the back with a cat-o'-nine-tails as a punishment.


intransitive verb (mind [sb] else's pet cat)

猫爪 māo zhuǎ / māo zhǎo

noun (foot of a cat)

A cat's paw is soft on the bottom, but has dangerous retractable claws.

爪牙,傀儡,被人利用的人 zhǎo yá / zhuǎ yá,kuǐ lěi,bèi rén lì yòng de rén

noun (figurative (duped person) (比喻)

猫薄荷,樟脑草 māo bò he,zhāng nǎo cǎo

noun (herb which appeals to cats) (一种香草)

My cat loves toys that have catnip in them.


noun (fictional character) (虚钩角色)


noun (figurative (stock market: brief recovery) (股市:短暂复苏)

宠物猫 chǒng wù māo

noun (feline kept as a pet)

The European wild cat is bigger than the average domestic cat.

家猫 jiā māo

noun (species of small feline)

The domestic cat has been with us for centuries.


noun ([sb] wealthy)

大亨 dà hēng

noun (important, influential person)


noun (lazy, privileged person)

大款, 阔佬

noun ([sb] rich by questionable dealings)


noun (feline with orange fur)


noun (dated, slang (jazz musician)


noun (dated, slang (jazz fan)

家猫 jiā māo

noun (domestic feline, pet cat)

A lion is a wild cat, not a house cat.

丛林猫 cóng lín māo

noun (wildcat)

秘密泄露,真相大白 mì mì xiè lù,zhēn xiàng dà bái

verbal expression (figurative, informal (reveal the secret) (非正式用语)

Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag about me being pregnant.

noun (uncountable (gravel for pet waste) (指清理动物粪便用的)

I changed the litter in the cat's tray.

波斯猫 bō sī māo

noun (long-haired domestic feline)

A Persian cat needs to be brushed several times a week.

猫咪,咪咪 māo mī ,mī mī

noun (informal, UK (cat: affectionate term)

Our pussycat's quite old now but we still love her. Here pussy, pussy, pussy; come here!

小白兔,绵羊 xiǎo bái tù,mián yáng

noun (informal, figurative (person: not threatening) (温顺讨人喜欢的人,比喻)

He looks threatening but he's a pussycat at heart.


noun (Aus (catlike marsupial)


noun (prehistoric feline)


noun (hybrid cat breed)

胆小鬼 dǎn xiǎo guǐ

noun (childish (coward)

暹罗猫 xiān luó māo

noun (short-haired cat with pale fur)

斑猫 bān māo

noun (tabby cat: feline with striped fur)

Jillian adopted a tabby from the animal shelter.

虎斑猫 hǔ bān māo

noun (feline with striped fur)

My tabby cat caught three mice last week.

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cat 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。