英语 中的 cherry 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 cherry 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 cherry 的说明。

英语 中的cherry 表示樱桃 yīng táo, 处女膜 chù nǚ mó, 樱桃红色, 樱桃红色的, 含樱桃的, 处女的 chù nǚ de, 樱桃树 yīng táo shù, 樱桃树 yīng táo shù, 黑莓树, 黑莓 hēi méi, 黑莓木, 樱花, 樱桃园 yīng táo yuán, 动臂装卸机 dòng bei zhuāng xiè jī, 采摘樱桃的人 cǎi zhāi yīng táo de rén, 畏难的人, 樱桃派 yīng táo pài, 樱桃红 yīng táo hóng, 樱桃红的 yīng táo hóng de, 樱桃番茄 yīng táo fān qié, 樱桃树 yīng táo shù, 樱桃木 yīng táo mù, 精挑细选 jīng tiāo xì xuǎn, 酸樱桃。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 cherry 的含义

樱桃 yīng táo

noun (fruit)

Cherries make a good topping for waffles.

处女膜 chù nǚ mó

noun (US, vulgar, slang (hymen)

Lena has dated a lot of guys but she still has her cherry.


noun (bright red colour)

The trim on the front porch is painted cherry.


adjective (bright red)

Dorothy wore cherry pumps.


noun as adjective (containing cherries)

Would you like another helping of cherry pie?

处女的 chù nǚ de

adjective (US, slang, vulgar (being virgin)

Everyone knows that Liz is cherry.

樱桃树 yīng táo shù

noun (wood)

This antique dresser is made of cherry.

樱桃树 yīng táo shù

noun (tree)

The pear tree was struck by lightning, but the cherry wasn't affected.


noun (North American tree)

黑莓 hēi méi

noun (fruit of North American tree)


noun (wood of North American tree)


noun (flower of cherry tree)

The cherry blossom is an important cultural symbol in Japan.

樱桃园 yīng táo yuán

noun (field where cherry trees are grown)

I like to go to the cherry orchard when it is in blossom, to listen to the sound of the bees.

动臂装卸机 dòng bei zhuāng xiè jī

noun (US (crane, lift)

The city uses a cherry picker to repair the street lights.

采摘樱桃的人 cǎi zhāi yīng táo de rén

noun (person: harvests cherries)

When I was a student, in the summers I worked as a cherry picker in the cherry orchards to make extra money.


noun (US, slang, figurative (person: avoids challenges)

樱桃派 yīng táo pài

noun (sweet pastry containing cherries) (一种馅饼)

My mother prefers to use morello cherries in her cherry pies.

樱桃红 yīng táo hóng

noun (deep red colour)

Her lips were of cherry red, her eyes of the palest blue.

樱桃红的 yīng táo hóng de

adjective (of a deep red colour)

The beautiful jewel was a deep cherry-red colour.

樱桃番茄 yīng táo fān qié

noun (small tomato)

Cherry tomatoes halved and stuffed with tuna make a quick and easy appetizer.

樱桃树 yīng táo shù

noun (tree: bears cherries)

I'm going to pick all of the fruit off the cherry tree this morning.

樱桃木 yīng táo mù

noun (wood of the cherry tree)

I used to have a cherry-wood guitar that not only looked beautiful but also had a lovely sound.

精挑细选 jīng tiāo xì xuǎn

intransitive verb (figurative (make a personal selection)

He cherry-picked the data to support his point of view.


noun (fruit: morello cherry)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。