英语 中的 co 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 co 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 co 的说明。

英语 中的co 表示公司 gōng sī, 钴 gǔ, 合…, 科罗拉多州, 指挥官 zhǐ huī guān, 指挥官 zhǐ huī guān, 共同管理人, 联合主席(职务) lián hé zhǔ xí zhí wù, 同谋者 tóng móu zhě, 联合主任,联合董事, 联合导演, 联合总监, 合作驾驶者, 联合创始人, 搭档主持, 共同主持, 共同主持, 和…共同主持, 共同发明人,共同发明者, 同时发生 tóng shí fā shēng, 合作社,合作性商业机构,合作性企业 hé zuò shè,hé zuò xìng shāng yè jī gòu,hé zuò xìng qǐ yè, 共有者 gòng yǒu zhě, 共同所有权 gòng tóng suǒ yǒu quán, 共同抚养子女, 共同抚养子女, 父母共同养育, 合伙人 hé huǒ rén, 合伙,合伙制 hé huǒ, 联合主席 lián hé zhǔ xí, 联合生产 lián hé shēng chǎn, 联合赞助者, 联合主演 lián hé zhǔ yǎn, 联袂主演 lián mèi zhǔ yǎn, 与...联袂主演, 同事 tóng shì, 合著者,共同作者 hé zhù zhě, 合著, 与…一起合著, 联合主席 lián hé zhǔ xí, 共同领导, 联合主席 lián hé zhǔ xí, 联合主席 lián hé zhǔ xí, 联合女主席, 共同被告人, 相互依赖 xiāng hù yī lài, 相互依赖的 xiāng hù yī lài de, 相互依赖的关系中的一方 xiāng hù yī lài de guān xì zhōng de yì fāng, 男女生兼收的,男女同校的 nán nǚ shēng jiān shōu de,nán nǚ tóng xiào de, 男女兼收学校里的女生 nán nǚ jiān shōu xué xiào lǐ de nǚ shēng, 男女同校教育 nán nǚ tóng xiào jiào yù, 男女合校的 nán nǚ hé xiào de, 共同存在 gòng tóng cún zài, 与...共存, 和平共处 hé píng gòng chǔ, 共生 gòng shēng, 并存, 与...共存,与...并存, 共同继承人 gòng tóng jì chéng rén, 共同保险 gòng tóng bǎo xiǎn, 共同签名者 gòng tóng qiān míng zhě, 合并症, 合作 hé zuò, 与...合作,与...协作, 合作的 hé zuò de, 合作完成的 hé zuò wán chéng de, 愿意合作的, 联合企业,合作企业 lián hé qǐ yè,hé zuò qǐ yè, 借鉴,吸取 xī qǔ, 增补...为新成员,认命, 吸纳, 增选, 收编, 被吸纳的, 被占用的, 协调 xié tiáo, 协调 xié tiáo, 协调,匹配 xié tiáo, 与...协调, 与...配合, 经纬度 jīng wěi dù, 副驾驶员, 共同驾驶, 共同被告 gòng tóng bèi gào, 共同署名 gòng tóng shǔ míng, 联署保证..., 联合署名..., 同事 tóng shì, 拒绝合作 jù jué hé zuò。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 co 的含义

公司 gōng sī

noun (abbreviation (Company) (简写)

Shares in Acme Co. rose last week.

钴 gǔ

noun (written, abbreviation (cobalt)


prefix (law: joint, in conjunction with)


noun (written, abbreviation (US state: Colorado) (美国西部州)

A package arrived today from Denver, CO.

指挥官 zhǐ huī guān

noun (abbreviation (military: commanding officer) (军队, 首字母缩略语)

Go see your CO for you new assignment.

指挥官 zhǐ huī guān

noun (military: officer in charge) (军事)


noun (law: equal authority) (法律)

联合主席(职务) lián hé zhǔ xí zhí wù

noun (shared presidency over a meeting)

The meeting will take place under the co-chairmanship of Mr. Henrik Osborne and Mr. Charles Flake.

同谋者 tóng móu zhě

noun ([sb] involved in a plot)


noun (business)


noun (film) (电影)


noun (music: band, etc.) (音乐)


noun (assistant driver)


noun ([sb]: establishes [sth] jointly)


noun (joint presenter)


intransitive verb (present together)

For this year's television special, two famous actors will co-host.


transitive verb (present jointly)


(present jointly)


noun (joint creator of [sth])

同时发生 tóng shí fā shēng

intransitive verb (happen at same time)

合作社,合作性商业机构,合作性企业 hé zuò shè,hé zuò xìng shāng yè jī gòu,hé zuò xìng qǐ yè

noun (abbreviation (business: cooperative) (cooperative 的缩写)

The workers formed a co-op and ran the store themselves.

共有者 gòng yǒu zhě

noun ([sb] who owns [sth] jointly)

Mrs. Smith is one of the co-owners of the restaurant, along with her daughter.

共同所有权 gòng tóng suǒ yǒu quán

noun (joint ownership)


transitive verb (raise child while separated)


intransitive verb (separated parents: raise child)


noun (raising child while separated)

合伙人 hé huǒ rén

noun (business: joint partner)

合伙,合伙制 hé huǒ

noun (business association of equals)

联合主席 lián hé zhǔ xí

noun (one of two presidents)

联合生产 lián hé shēng chǎn

noun ([sth] produced jointly)


noun ([sb] who sponsors [sth] jointly)

联合主演 lián hé zhǔ yǎn

noun (actor: shares top billing)

Claudette Colbert was Clark Gable's co-star in the film "It Happened One Night."

联袂主演 lián mèi zhǔ yǎn

intransitive verb (actor: share top billing)

They fell in love while co-starring in a romantic comedy.


(actor: share top billing with)

同事 tóng shì

noun (colleague)

Sally and a co-worker were discussing a problem at the office water cooler.

合著者,共同作者 hé zhù zhě

noun (joint writer) (文章等的)

Tim's coauthor is one of his university colleagues.


transitive verb (write jointly)

The two professors co-authored a paper on global warming.


transitive verb (write jointly)

Caroline coauthored the book with her husband.

联合主席 lián hé zhǔ xí

noun ([sb] who presides jointly)


transitive verb (lead [sth] jointly)

联合主席 lián hé zhǔ xí

noun ([sb]: presides jointly over meeting)

Bob is co-chairman of the committee.

联合主席 lián hé zhǔ xí

noun ([sb] who presides jointly)


noun (female who presides jointly)


noun (law: joint defendant)

相互依赖 xiāng hù yī lài

noun (couple's mutual reliance) (尤指有消极后果的)

相互依赖的 xiāng hù yī lài de

adjective (couple: mutually reliant) (美式用法)

相互依赖的关系中的一方 xiāng hù yī lài de guān xì zhōng de yì fāng

noun (one of a mutually-reliant couple)

男女生兼收的,男女同校的 nán nǚ shēng jiān shōu de,nán nǚ tóng xiào de

adjective (mainly US, abbreviation (coeducational) (学校)

Did you live in a coed dorm in college?

男女兼收学校里的女生 nán nǚ jiān shōu xué xiào lǐ de nǚ shēng

noun (US, dated, abbreviation (female student)

How many students join sororities or call themselves coeds now?

男女同校教育 nán nǚ tóng xiào jiào yù

noun (mixed-sex schooling)

男女合校的 nán nǚ hé xiào de

adjective (mainly US (school: for both sexes)

The school Valerie went to was coeducational, but she is a teacher at an all-girls' school.

共同存在 gòng tóng cún zài

intransitive verb (exist at the same time)

The species in this forest coexist in a delicate balance.


(exist at the same time as)

Ants coexisted with dinosaurs.

和平共处 hé píng gòng chǔ

intransitive verb (live side by side)

A number of religious sects coexist peacefully in this country.

共生 gòng shēng

(live side by side with)

Surprisingly, the dogs coexist with the cats here without issues.


intransitive verb (be present simultaneously)

Love and hate actually co-exist inside the human soul.


(be present simultaneously with)

共同继承人 gòng tóng jì chéng rén

noun (law: joint inheritor)

共同保险 gòng tóng bǎo xiǎn

noun (mainly US (shared insurance policy)

共同签名者 gòng tóng qiān míng zhě

noun (finance: joint signer of a check)


noun (coexistent medical condition)

合作 hé zuò

intransitive verb (act together)

Neighbours cooperated to clean up the park.


(act with)

The witness would not cooperate with the investigation.

合作的 hé zuò de

adjective (working together)

The mural was a cooperative effort by various different artists.

合作完成的 hé zuò wán chéng de

adjective (done in cooperation)

Thanks to the cooperative attitudes of the students, the event was a huge success.


adjective (willing to cooperate)

It's difficult to work with Tom because he's not very cooperative.

联合企业,合作企业 lián hé qǐ yè,hé zuò qǐ yè

noun (joint business)

We buy all our vegetables from a cooperative.

借鉴,吸取 xī qǔ

transitive verb (appropriate)


transitive verb (take in as a member)

吸纳, 增选

noun (mainly US (election by members of group)


noun (mainly US (being taken over by [sb])


adjective (taken in as a member)

Gina is a co-opted member of the committee.


adjective (appropriated, seized)

The co-opted property will be returned to its rightful owners.

协调 xié tiáo

transitive verb (organize, bring together) (工作)

Marnie and Stella coordinated the company picnic.

协调 xié tiáo

(match: colours, etc.) (颜色)

Mrs. Jones wants to coordinate the curtains with the furniture.

协调,匹配 xié tiáo

intransitive verb (colours, etc.: match) (颜色)

The colours in the meeting room coordinate well.


(match, go together)

The color palette chosen for this room coordinates well with the architecture.


(work together with)

I coordinated with Mr. Smith's secretary to arrange a business lunch.

经纬度 jīng wěi dù

plural noun (position on map)

It's simple to use a GPS to discover your coordinates.


noun (aircraft pilot: has joint control) (飞机)

When the pilot had a heart attack, the co-pilot took over.


transitive verb (aircraft: control jointly) (飞机)

Roger co-piloted the plane with Captain Sanderson.

共同被告 gòng tóng bèi gào

noun (law: joint defendant) (尤指离婚案中因与原告配偶通奸而被诉者)

共同署名 gòng tóng shǔ míng

transitive verb (sign jointly)


transitive verb (sign as a guarantor)


transitive verb (mark with two signs)

同事 tóng shì

noun (colleague)

Karen and Betsy are not only coworkers, but also friends.

拒绝合作 jù jué hé zuò

verbal expression (be unwilling)

The suspect was arrested for refusing to cooperate.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。