英语 中的 crotchet 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 crotchet 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 crotchet 的说明。

英语 中的crotchet 表示四分之一 sì fēn zhī yī, 四分之一 sì fēn zhī yī, 四分之一 sì fēn zhī yī, 区 qū, 二角五分钱, 季度, 一刻钟 yí kè zhōng, 学季 xué jì, 一节 yì jié, 弦 xián, 四分之一磅, 方面 fāng miàn, 四分音符 sì fēn yīn fú, 直角转弯的, 营房 yíng fáng, 护士住房, 分尸, 把一分为四, 给…安排住宿, 四分音符 sì fēn yīn fú, …过一刻 guò yí kè, 差十五分钟到…(点), ...点差一刻, 差一刻到… chà yí kè dào …, 上弦, 从四面八方 cóng sì miàn bā fāng, 各处 gè chù, 法国巴黎的拉丁区 fǎ guó bā lí de lā dīng qū, 15分钟, 差一刻钟, ...点过一刻, 直角转弯,旋转90度, 季 jì, 四分之一杯, 四分之一决赛 sì fēn zhī yī jué sài, 宿舍,寝室 sù shè ,qǐn shì, 四分之三的, 四分之三视图,四分之三侧面。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 crotchet 的含义

四分之一 sì fēn zhī yī

noun (0.25, fourth, 25%)

An eighth and an eighth add up to one quarter.

四分之一 sì fēn zhī yī

expression (extent: 1/4, one fourth)

A quarter of twelve is three. // Three quarters of 200 is 150.

四分之一 sì fēn zhī yī

adverb (extent: 1/4, one fourth)

The water bottle was only a quarter full.

区 qū

noun (district, area)

Gareth lived in a pleasant quarter; quiet but with some nice bars and shops.


noun (US, Can (coin: $0.25)

Can you lend me a quarter?


noun (business: 3 months)

The firm's turnover for the second quarter was lower than predicted.

一刻钟 yí kè zhōng

noun (15 minutes)

The church clock struck the quarter.

学季 xué jì

noun (school, university: trimester) (学校)

一节 yì jié

noun (American football period) (体育运动)

The home team are doing well in this quarter.

弦 xián

noun (phase of the moon) (月相)

The moon is now in its last quarter.


noun (informal (weight: quarter of a pound)

Tabitha bought a quarter of mint humbugs.

方面 fāng miàn

noun (often plural (unspecified area, group) (消息等来源的)

In some quarters, rumour has it that the Prime Minister is going to resign.

四分音符 sì fēn yīn fú

noun (musical time)


noun as adjective (turn: 90 degrees)

Make a quarter turn to the right.

营房 yíng fáng

plural noun (military housing)

Sally found her quarters less comfortable than she would have liked, but she supposed that was just one aspect of army life she'd have to get used to.


plural noun (nurses' housing)

Mike headed back to his quarters after a long day on the ward.


transitive verb (historical (executed body: cut into 4) (吊剖分尸刑)

Guy Fawkes was hung, drawn, and quartered.


transitive verb (divide into four)

Fred quartered the sandwich and gave one piece to each of the four children.


transitive verb (house)

The army quartered Simon and his family in one of the houses on the base.

四分音符 sì fēn yīn fú

noun (music: fourth of a whole note)

A quarter note is twice as long as an eighth note.

…过一刻 guò yí kè

expression (time: fifteen minutes after) (时间,比如三点一刻)

He arrived at a quarter past nine.


expression (15 minutes before the hour)

I'll meet you at a quarter till one... in the afternoon, of course.


expression (informal (15 minutes before the hour)

差一刻到… chà yí kè dào …

expression (time: fifteen minutes before) (时间)

It's almost a quarter to five; we're running late.


noun (astronomy) (天文学)

从四面八方 cóng sì miàn bā fāng

adverb (from everyone, everywhere)

When the player came onto the field there were cheers from every quarter.

各处 gè chù

adverb (in all areas, all over)

Prague is certainly lovely: there are fine old buildings in every quarter.

法国巴黎的拉丁区 fǎ guó bā lí de lā dīng qū

noun (student district)

The Latin Quarter in Paris is on the Left Bank of the Seine, around the Sorbonne university.


noun (15 minutes: quarter of an hour)


noun (15 minutes to or past the hour)

You'll have to wait for the quarter hour to hear the clock chime again.


noun (fifteen minutes after the hour) (指时间)

It's three o'clock now; I can stay here till quarter past.


noun (90-degree rotation)

季 jì

noun (3 months)


noun (US (measure: one fourth of a cupful)

四分之一决赛 sì fēn zhī yī jué sài

noun (elimination contest)

The townspeople were excited for the quarterfinal of the singing competition.

宿舍,寝室 sù shè ,qǐn shì

noun (dormitory, bedroom, etc.)


adjective (three-fourths the usual length)


adjective (portrait: between a front and side view) (肖像画)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。