英语 中的 dead tired 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 dead tired 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 dead tired 的说明。

英语 中的dead tired 表示死的 sǐ de, 死人 sǐ rén, 麻木的 má mù de, 筋疲力竭的,没有精力的 jīn pí lì jié de ,méi yǒu jīng lì de, 缺乏活力的 quē fá huó lì de, 不再冒气泡的 bú zài mào qì pào de, 不再有用的 bú zài yǒu yòng de, 熄灭的 xī miè de, 没电的 méi diàn de, 没电的 méi diàn de, 出界的,死的 chū jiè de,sǐ de, 突然且彻底的 tū rán qiě chè dǐ de, 空了的 kōng le de / Deleted, 停滞的 tíng zhì de, 不毛的 bù máo de, 彻底的 chè dǐ de, 完全地 wán quán de, 十足,完完全全 shí zú,wán wán quán quán, 后果很严重, 徒劳无益 tú láo wú yì, 脑死亡的, 蠢的 chǔn de, 重振旗鼓,重新来过 chóng zhèn qí gǔ,chóng xīn lái guò, 鬼门关走一遭, 墨西哥鬼节 mò xī gē guǐ jié, 坚决反对 jiān jué fǎn duì, 就在前面 jiù zài qián miàn, 无信号区, 被杀死埋葬, 不再生效, 死亡 sǐ wáng, 早已结束的, 死透了, 死尸 sǐ shī, 风平浪静 fēng píng làng jìng, 死寂 sǐ jì, 死猫反弹, 正中, 在正中, 秘密投放点, 很可能会失败的事, 极为简单的, 尽头 jìn tóu, 胜负未分的比赛 shèng fù wèi fēn de bǐ sài, 无益之事, 引擎失灵, 失灵 shī líng, 死语言,已经消亡的语言 sǐ yǔ yán,yǐ jīng xiāo wáng de yǔ yán, 废弃的语言 fèi qì de yǔ yán, 空文法律, 死信, 蹲举, 艰巨任务, 无用的人或物 wú yòng de rén huò wù, 死定了, 到院死亡的, 死人 sǐ rén, 死尸 sǐ shī, 航位推测, 完全正确的, 跟另一人极像的人 gēn lìng yì rén jí xiàng de rén, 死海 sǐ hǎi, 坚决的 jiān jué de, 坚决反对...的, 完全停止 wán quán tíng zhǐ, 笔直的 bǐ zhí de, 酣睡 hān shuì, 沉重的东西 chén zhòng de dōng xī, 负担,重负,重担 fù dān ,zhòng fù,zhòng dàn, 总载重量, (车辆等的)自重 chē liàng děng de zì zhòng, 静重 jìng zhòng, 沉重的 chén zhòng de, 盲区 máng qū, 死水区, 无出路的,死胡同的,死路一条的, 死路 sǐ lù, 野芝麻属, 突然死亡 tū rán sǐ wáng, 去你的!走远点!, 非常的,极度的 fēi cháng de ,jí dù de, 非常地,极度地 fēi cháng de ,jí dù de, 美呆的, 累得要命,累得半死不活的 lèi de yào mìng,lèi de bàn sǐ bù huó de, 半夜三更时 bàn yè sān gēng shí, 死了很久的,很久以前就过世了的, 我死也不…,除非踩着我的尸体过去 wǒ sǐ yě bù …,chú fēi cǎi zhe wǒ de shī tǐ guò qù, 装死, 外貌酷似的人 wài mào kù sì de rén, 死而复生,复活 sǐ ér fù shēng,fù huó。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 dead tired 的含义

死的 sǐ de

adjective (no longer alive)

The bug still wasn't dead, so he stepped on it again.

死人 sǐ rén

plural noun (people no longer alive)

There are a lot of dead buried in that cemetery.

麻木的 má mù de

adjective (figurative (numb)

My right foot is dead. Let me walk around a little to wake it up.

筋疲力竭的,没有精力的 jīn pí lì jié de ,méi yǒu jīng lì de

adjective (informal, figurative (exhausted) (口语)

I am dead! Walking around all day is exhausting.

缺乏活力的 quē fá huó lì de

adjective (informal, figurative (lacking activity)

This party is dead. Let's go to another one.

不再冒气泡的 bú zài mào qì pào de

adjective (figurative (flat, no longer fizzy)

Is the lemonade dead? I like it fizzy.

不再有用的 bú zài yǒu yòng de

adjective (informal, figurative (no longer useful)

I think the blender is dead and we need to get another one.

熄灭的 xī miè de

adjective (figurative (no longer burning)

The fire appears to be dead.

没电的 méi diàn de

adjective (figurative (battery) (指电池)

The battery is dead so the car won't start.

没电的 méi diàn de

adjective (figurative (electricity) (指电力)

Here is the problem. The circuit is dead and needs to be replaced.

出界的,死的 chū jiè de,sǐ de

adjective (figurative (sports: out of play) (体育比赛术语)

The hit occurred while the ball was dead, so the team will be penalised.

突然且彻底的 tū rán qiě chè dǐ de

adjective (abrupt)

The car came to a dead stop after hitting the tree.

空了的 kōng le de / Deleted

adjective (informal, figurative (container: empty)

The keg is dead. We need to find another party that still has beer.

停滞的 tíng zhì de

adjective (figurative (stagnant)

This stock is dead today. It hasn't moved up or down in hours.

不毛的 bù máo de

adjective (infertile)

The land is dead, and nothing will grow on it.

彻底的 chè dǐ de

adjective (figurative (complete)

The project was a dead failure, and accomplished nothing.

完全地 wán quán de

adverb (informal (completely) (非正式用语)

He was dead wrong!

十足,完完全全 shí zú,wán wán quán quán

adverb (slang (very) (俚语)

That was dead easy!


noun (figurative, slang (in serious trouble)

Touch me again and you're a dead man!

徒劳无益 tú láo wú yì

verbal expression (figurative (pursue a hopeless cause)

I tried to convince him to come with us, but felt that I was beating a dead horse.


adjective (patient: brain no longer functions) (病人)

She was assessed to be brain dead following the crash.

蠢的 chǔn de

adjective (figurative, pejorative, slang (person: stupid, unthinking) (人)

Who hasn't heard of Ronald Reagan? Is that girl brain dead?

重振旗鼓,重新来过 chóng zhèn qí gǔ,chóng xīn lái guò

verbal expression (figurative (succeed again) (比喻)

In last place going into the final lap, the runner came back from the dead to win the race.


verbal expression (figurative (recover) (比喻)

After the triple bypass, he came back from the dead and now he is living an active life.

墨西哥鬼节 mò xī gē guǐ jié

noun (celebration: All Souls)

坚决反对 jiān jué fǎn duì

(informal (totally opposed to)

I wanted to go to Art School, but my parents were dead against it.

就在前面 jiù zài qián miàn

adverb (US, slang (directly in front) (俚语)

You can't possibly miss the target: it's dead ahead!


noun (loss of signal)


adjective (dead, deceased)

I remember my fourth grade teacher, but she's long since been dead and buried I'm sure.


adjective (no longer in effect)

That law is dead and buried.

死亡 sǐ wáng

adjective (dead, deceased)

Cyril has been dead and gone for over twenty years now.


adjective (figurative (long since over, finished)

The mining industry in this country is dead and gone.


adjective (UK, informal (no longer alive) (非正式用语)

死尸 sǐ shī

noun (corpse)

The dead body lay undiscovered for three days.

风平浪静 fēng píng làng jìng

noun (nautical: no wind) (航海术语)

A sailing ship can make no progress at all in a dead calm.

死寂 sǐ jì

noun (total stillness)

A dead calm enveloped the house after his wife left him.


noun (figurative (stock market: brief recovery) (股市:短暂复苏)


noun (exact centre, precise middle)


adverb (precisely in the middle)


(secret spot)


noun (informal, figurative ([sth] that will not succeed)


adjective (figurative, informal (very simple to do)

尽头 jìn tóu

noun (road: cul-de-sac)

The street led to a dead end so we had to turn around.

胜负未分的比赛 shèng fù wèi fēn de bǐ sài

noun (informal (sport: draw)

The race was declared a dead heat.


noun (figurative ([sth] no longer relevant)

There is no point in raising the issue of pay at the staff meeting again; it's a dead horse.


expression (boat: with engine failure) (指船等)

失灵 shī líng

expression (figurative (failed, no longer viable)

死语言,已经消亡的语言 sǐ yǔ yán,yǐ jīng xiāo wáng de yǔ yán

noun (no longer spoken) (使用者已绝迹的语言)

Latin is a dead language.

废弃的语言 fèi qì de yǔ yán

noun (no longer a first language)


noun (law not yet formally repealed) (指已经失效但尚未正式废除的)


noun (letter stuck in transit) (指无法投递也无法退回的信件)


noun (exercise move without assistance)


noun (situation requiring great strength)

无用的人或物 wú yòng de rén huò wù

noun (informal ([sb], [sth]: useless)

Don't ask her to help: she's a dead loss.


(slang (doomed person)


adjective (dead before reaching hospital)

He was rushed to the hospital but was dead on arrival.

死人 sǐ rén

noun ([sb] no longer alive)

The man was arrested for using the passport of a dead person to try to enter the country.

死尸 sǐ shī

noun (corpse)

After the accident, dead people were lying on the road.


noun (nautical: calculation of position) (航海)


adjective (slang (totally correct)

How did you know that answer? You are dead right! You were dead right about that guy; he is a total creep!

跟另一人极像的人 gēn lìng yì rén jí xiàng de rén

noun (slang (person: identical to [sb]) (俚语)

He was a dead ringer for the President, and made a good living impersonating him.

死海 sǐ hǎi

noun (body of salt water in Middle East)

The Dead Sea is a huge salt lake between Israel and Jordan lying 422 meters below sea level.

坚决的 jiān jué de

adjective (informal (resolute, determined)

Mark was dead set on becoming a naval pilot.


(informal (resolutely opposed to)

Jerry was dead set against the Prime Minister's proposal.

完全停止 wán quán tíng zhǐ

noun (complete halt) (计算机)

They heard a loud bang in the engine and the car came to a dead stop.

笔直的 bǐ zhí de

adjective (without any curve)

Lisa's hair is dead straight, and she wishes it were curly.

酣睡 hān shuì

adjective (slang, figurative (asleep)

Once he is asleep he is dead to the world: we can make noise if we want.

沉重的东西 chén zhòng de dōng xī

noun ([sth] heavy, motionless)

负担,重负,重担 fù dān ,zhòng fù,zhòng dàn

noun (figurative (burden) (比喻)


noun (weight a ship can carry)

(车辆等的)自重 chē liàng děng de zì zhòng

noun (weight of vehicle without a load)

静重 jìng zhòng

noun (fixed weight on structure or equipment)

沉重的 chén zhòng de

adjective (figurative (burdensome)

盲区 máng qū

noun (figurative (area: no phone signal) (电波未覆盖的区域)


noun (ocean: polluted area)


noun as adjective (figurative (job, etc.: with no future)

Rick hated his dead-end job.

死路 sǐ lù

noun (road: no exit)

Don't turn there: it's a dead-end street.


noun (non-stinging plant)

突然死亡 tū rán sǐ wáng

(die suddenly)

He dropped dead of a heart attack.


interjection (figurative, informal (get lost!)

When he wouldn't leave her alone, she said, "Drop dead" and walked away.

非常的,极度的 fēi cháng de ,jí dù de

adjective (figurative, informal (spectacular)

Rita could be a fashion model, with her drop-dead legs.

非常地,极度地 fēi cháng de ,jí dù de

adverb (figurative, informal (spectacularly)


adjective (figurative, informal (person: very attractive) (非正式用语)

累得要命,累得半死不活的 lèi de yào mìng,lèi de bàn sǐ bù huó de

adjective (figurative (exhausted) (比喻)

David continued the climb, although he was half dead from the effort; he had to make it to the top.

半夜三更时 bàn yè sān gēng shí

adverb (in the middle of the night)

Strange noises in the dead of night can be very scary.


adjective ([sb]: died a long time ago)

我死也不…,除非踩着我的尸体过去 wǒ sǐ yě bù …,chú fēi cǎi zhe wǒ de shī tǐ guò qù

interjection (slang, figurative (expressing complete refusal) (表示强烈反对)

You'll have custody of my children over my dead body! You want to borrow my jeans? Over my dead body!


(lie as though dead)

Some animals play dead as a way of defending themselves when they are in danger.

外貌酷似的人 wài mào kù sì de rén

noun (slang (person identical to another)

Has anyone ever said that you're a ringer for George Clooney?

死而复生,复活 sǐ ér fù shēng,fù huó

verbal expression (come back to life, be resurrected) (源自《圣经》)

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