英语 中的 date 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 date 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 date 的说明。

英语 中的date 表示日期 rì qī, 日子 rì zi, 日期 rì qī, 时代 shí dài, 约会 yuē huì, 枣 zǎo, 鉴定…的时期,确定…的年代 jiàn dìng de shí qī, 起始于,自…日期起一直存在,可追溯至 qǐ shǐ yú, 与...约会, 使…显老 shǐ … xiǎn lǎo, 约会对象 yuē huì duì xiàng, (与异性)约会 yǔ yì xìng yuē huì, 追溯到…, 以后 yǐ hòu, 此日期前最佳,最佳食用日期, 出生日期 chū shēng rì qī, 盲约会 máng yuē huì, 告诉...最新消息, 以放射性碳含量测定…的年代,用碳素测定…的年代, 截止日期 jié zhǐ rì qī, 截止日期 jié zhǐ rì qī, 最后期限 zuì hòu qī xiàn, 出生日期 chū shēng rì qī, 出生日期 chū shēng rì qī, 签发日期, 到期日 dào qī rì, 到期日 dào qī rì, 枣椰树, 约会强暴, 日期戳, (橡皮)邮戳 xiàng pí yóu chuō, 给...盖日期戳, 新闻电讯注明日期地点的一行 xīn wén diàn xùn zhù míng rì qī dì diǎn de yì háng, 国际日期变更线, 死亡日期, 死亡周年纪念日, 交货日期, 预产期 yù chǎn qī, 两对男女一起约会, 两对情侣约会, 支付日 zhī fù rì, 截止日期 jié zhǐ rì qī, 预产期 yù chǎn qī, 生效日期,生效日, 结束日期, 过期日 guò qī rì, 过期日 guò qī rì, 去约会 qù yuē huì, 国际日期变更线, 出借日 chū jiè rì, 发行日 fā xíng rì, 使…了解最新消息, 使…保持更新, 了解最新消息, 关键日期, 约定见面时间 yuē dìng jiàn miàn shí jiān, 过时的 guò shí de, 失效的 shī xiào de, 过期的,不新鲜的 guò qī de ,bù xīn xiān de, 玩伴 wán bàn, 股权登记日, 发布日期, 销售期限, 确定日期 què dìng rì qī, 为…定好日子, 确定婚礼日期, 清算日,结算日, 装船日期, 预定日期 yù dìng rì qī, 至今 zhì jīn, 现代的 xiàn dài de, 最新的 zuì xīn de, 有效期 yǒu xiào qī, 有效日期, 从年初到现在。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 date 的含义

日期 rì qī

noun (day of the month)

Today's date is September 14.

日子 rì zi

noun (specific day)

I will meet you again at a later date.

日期 rì qī

noun (inscription) (刻印的)

I have an old coin, bearing the date 1783.

时代 shí dài

noun (time, historical period)

Those paintings belong to a later date.

约会 yuē huì

noun (romantic meeting)

Robert is late for his date.

枣 zǎo

noun (fruit)

Dates are one of my favourite fruits.

鉴定…的时期,确定…的年代 jiàn dìng de shí qī

transitive verb (ascertain era)

Scientists are trying to date the fossils.

起始于,自…日期起一直存在,可追溯至 qǐ shǐ yú

(exist since)

The settlements here date from 1678.


transitive verb (mostly US (romantic)

Alex is dating Pat.

使…显老 shǐ … xiǎn lǎo

transitive verb (informal (show age)

The fact that she remembers commercials from the 70's really dates her.

约会对象 yuē huì duì xiàng

noun (US (companion)

Henry and his date went to the movies.

(与异性)约会 yǔ yì xìng yuē huì

intransitive verb (date people)

The adolescent is too young to date.


(exist since)

The fossils dated back to the Precambrian eon.

以后 yǐ hòu

adverb (on an unspecified future day)


noun (expiration)

出生日期 chū shēng rì qī

noun (date [sb] was born)

My birthdate is August 20, 1970.

盲约会 máng yuē huì

noun (date with unknown person)

Davina is going out on a blind date this evening.


verbal expression (give [sb] the most recent information)

Alice brought me up to date with all her news.


transitive verb (estimate age from radioactivity)

截止日期 jié zhǐ rì qī

noun (deadline for applications, entries)

The closing date for submitting an application form is July 15th.

截止日期 jié zhǐ rì qī

noun (deadline)

The cutoff date for voter registration is two weeks before the election.

最后期限 zuì hòu qī xiàn

noun (deadline)

The cutoff date for submitting your application is February 15.

出生日期 chū shēng rì qī

noun (written, abbreviation (date of birth)

出生日期 chū shēng rì qī

noun (day, month and year when [sb] was born)

Please include your full name and date of birth on the form.


noun (bureaucratic (issue date)

到期日 dào qī rì

noun (bond) (债务、票据)

The date of maturity for this bond is December 31, 2014.

到期日 dào qī rì

noun (mortgage) (按揭贷款)

The date of maturity for the mortgage on the property is still many years away.


noun (botany)


noun (forced sex by a new acquaintance)


noun (stamped mark indicating date)

The post office always puts a date stamp on the envelope.

(橡皮)邮戳 xiàng pí yóu chuō

noun (tool: stamps the date on [sth])

The librarian used a date stamp and ink pad whenever a reader borrowed a book.


transitive verb (stamp [sth] with the date)

The admin staff date-stamp all the application forms which they receive.

新闻电讯注明日期地点的一行 xīn wén diàn xùn zhù míng rì qī dì diǎn de yì háng

noun (news: line telling date and place of origin)


noun (international date line)


noun (day on which [sb] died)

I have been able to track down his birth date but I can't find a record of his death date.


noun (anniversary of death date)


noun (day: goods scheduled to arrive)

We will not be able to meet the original delivery date but we will expedite shipment as soon as the goods are available.

预产期 yù chǎn qī

noun (baby: expected day of birth)


noun (two couples meeting socially)

We're going on a double date - it will be less awkward that way.


intransitive verb (socialize with another couple)

Flavio and I never get to double-date because all our friends are single.

支付日 zhī fù rì

noun (deadline for payment)

The due date for the electric bill is 25th March.

截止日期 jié zhǐ rì qī

noun (deadline for work)

The due date for delivering the finished project is 3 November. The due date for your essays is 10 May.

预产期 yù chǎn qī

noun (expected date of birth)

Your due date is 24 weeks from today.


noun (law: day [sth] scheduled to happen) (法律)

The effective date of the contract is the 1st of the month.


noun (day when [sth] finishes or closes)

过期日 guò qī rì

noun (of food, medicine, etc.) (食物等)

What's the expiration date on that carton of milk?

过期日 guò qī rì

noun (when [sth] is no longer valid)

My credit card number is 1234567891234, expiry date 05/09.

去约会 qù yuē huì

verbal expression (go out with [sb] romantically)

Want to go on a date this Friday night? I'll pick you up at eight.


noun (initialism (International Date Line)

出借日 chū jiè rì

noun (library book: date borrowed) (图书馆书籍等)

发行日 fā xíng rì

noun (finance: date on which bond, security, insurance policy is issued) (股票证券等)


verbal expression (inform regularly)

We'll keep you up to date with the latest business news.


verbal expression (update)

It's important to keep your business website up to date.


verbal expression (stay informed)

I read Vogue magazine to keep up to date with all the latest fashions.


noun (day [sth] important happens)

约定见面时间 yuē dìng jiàn miàn shí jiān

verbal expression (arrange [sth] for a specific day)

I made a date with her for Friday; we are going out to dinner.

过时的 guò shí de

adjective (old-fashioned, outmoded)

The 70's-style couch is out of date.

失效的 shī xiào de

adjective (no longer valid)

That program had been updated; yours is an out-of-date version.

过期的,不新鲜的 guò qī de ,bù xīn xiān de

adjective (food: no longer fresh) (食物)

The milk expired two weeks ago and is thus out of date.

玩伴 wán bàn

(appointment for children)


noun (date to officially own shares)


noun (when [sth] is published or broadcast)


noun (on food packaging)

确定日期 què dìng rì qī

verbal expression (decide specific day)

The conference will be next year, but the organizers haven't yet set a date.


verbal expression (schedule a day for)

We have set the date for the next meeting: March 23rd.


verbal expression (informal (fix wedding day)

When are you and your girlfriend going to set the date?


noun (day by which payment must be made)


noun (day when a consignment is sent out)

预定日期 yù dìng rì qī

noun (deadline, day)

至今 zhì jīn

adverb (up to now)

To date, I haven't heard anything new about the situation. To date, we have not received your payment.

现代的 xiàn dài de

adjective (current, modern)

Is your operating system up to date?

最新的 zuì xīn de

adjective (person: informed)

Jen was always up to date on her celebrity gossip.

有效期 yǒu xiào qī

noun (day by which [sth] must be used or consumed)


noun (day when [sth] expires)


noun (from start of year to now)

Our income has fallen during the year to date. How much tax have you already paid in the year to date?

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 date 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

date 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。