英语 中的 droppings 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 droppings 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 droppings 的说明。

英语 中的droppings 表示下落 xià luò, 掉下 diào xià, 倒下 dǎo xià, 掉下的东西, 动物的粪便, 抛弃 pāo qì, 下跌 xià diē, 一滴 yì dī, 一滴 yì dī, 下降 xià jiàng, 失手落下 shī shǒu là xià, 让…自由落下 ràng … zì yóu luò xià, 下落,下降 xià luò,xià jiàng, 下降 xià jiàng, 使降低,使下降,使减少 shǐ jiàng dī,shǐ jiǎn shǎo, 放弃 fàng qì, 一滴 yì dī, 下降 xià jiàng, 陡坡 dǒu pō, 递送,卸货 dì sòng,xiè huò, (情报等的)秘密传递 qíng bào děng de mì mì chuán dì, (水滴状的)硬糖 shuǐ dī zhuàng de yìng táng, 空投 kōng tóu, 背景幕 bèi jǐng mù, (绞刑架的)下落板 jiǎo xíng jià de xià luò bǎn, 改变 gǎi biàn, 药物滴剂 yào wù dī jì, 滴下 dī xià, 发布 fā bù, 停止 tíng zhǐ, 省略,略去 shěng lüè,lüè qù, 不再理会 bú zài lǐ huì, 让...下车, 投寄, 生孩子 shēng hái zi, 空投 kōng tóu, 输掉 shū diào, 输掉 shū diào, 吞服 tūn fú, 发行 fā xíng, 鸟粪,鸟屎 niǎo fèn, 提到名人。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 droppings 的含义

下落 xià luò

noun (act of [sth] lowering)

掉下 diào xià

noun (act of [sth] falling to the ground)

倒下 dǎo xià

noun (act of [sb] falling to the ground) (人)


noun ([sth] that fell to the ground)


noun (usually plural (animal dung)

The heath was covered with rabbit droppings.

抛弃 pāo qì

noun (act of abandoning)

下跌 xià diē

adjective (lowering, decreasing)

一滴 yì dī

noun (liquid: small amount)

The witch tilted the bottle carefully, adding precisely three drops to her potion.

一滴 yì dī

noun (liquid: small amount) (液体)

I just felt a drop of rain.

下降 xià jiàng

noun (decline, reduction)

The stock's drop in value surprised analysts.

失手落下 shī shǒu là xià

transitive verb (let fall accidentally)

He dropped his keys on the pavement.

让…自由落下 ràng … zì yóu luò xià

transitive verb (let fall intentionally) (刻意地)

The table tennis player dropped the ball on the table to serve.

下落,下降 xià luò,xià jiàng

intransitive verb (decline, fall)

The water level will drop at low tide.

下降 xià jiàng

intransitive verb (figurative (decline, fall)

The stock dropped today.

使降低,使下降,使减少 shǐ jiàng dī,shǐ jiǎn shǎo

transitive verb (reduce)

The weak market dropped the stock by thirty points.

放弃 fàng qì

transitive verb (abandon)

The project was dropped after it was found to be unprofitable. She decided to drop her geology class.

一滴 yì dī

noun (small amount)

Just put a drop of ointment on the wound. She didn't have a drop of sympathy for the man.
在伤口上滴一滴药膏就可以了。 她对那个男人没有丝毫同情。

下降 xià jiàng

noun (fall in altitude)

The plane's drop scared everyone.

陡坡 dǒu pō

noun (slope)

This ski slope has a five hundred metre drop.

递送,卸货 dì sòng,xiè huò

noun (delivery) (指货物)

The drop of the merchandise is supposed to take place before three o'clock.

(情报等的)秘密传递 qíng bào děng de mì mì chuán dì

noun (espionage)

The drop occurred in a park close to the CIA building.

(水滴状的)硬糖 shuǐ dī zhuàng de yìng táng

noun (sweet, lozenge)

He bought some cough drops to soothe his sore throat.

空投 kōng tóu

noun (slang (parachute) (俚语)

Yeah, we had a good drop today. The sky was clear and we could see for miles.

背景幕 bèi jǐng mù

noun (stage scenery) (舞台上的)

The drop was lowered onto the stage as a background for the day scene.

(绞刑架的)下落板 jiǎo xíng jià de xià luò bǎn

noun (trapdoor on gallows)

The drop opened and the convict was executed by hanging.

改变 gǎi biàn

noun (music: change in rhythm, bass) (音乐)

药物滴剂 yào wù dī jì

plural noun (liquid medicine)

Eye drops might help take away your itch and redness.

滴下 dī xià

intransitive verb (fall in drops)

Rain began dropping from the sky.

发布 fā bù

intransitive verb (figurative, slang (new music: be released) (音乐、歌曲等)

停止 tíng zhǐ

transitive verb (often passive (stop from working)

The telephone call was dropped and he had to call again.

省略,略去 shěng lüè,lüè qù

transitive verb (omit, when speaking) (讲话时)

It was obvious that he was from Boston because he kept dropping his r's.
很明显他来自波士顿,因为他说话时不断省去 r 这个音。

不再理会 bú zài lǐ huì

transitive verb (dismiss)

They dropped him as a customer after he started complaining too much.


transitive verb (give a lift to) (在途中)

Please drop me in town when you go to buy groceries.


transitive verb (write and mail) (信件)

I'll drop you a postcard when we get there.

生孩子 shēng hái zi

transitive verb (offensive!, slang (give birth to)

Mary has dropped another baby. That's seven she's got now!

空投 kōng tóu

transitive verb (from a plane) (从飞机上)

The aid organisation often drops supplies from planes into disaster areas.

输掉 shū diào

transitive verb (informal (lose through gambling, spend) (在赌博中)

He dropped a thousand dollars at the casino over the weekend.

输掉 shū diào

transitive verb (lose points, a game) (比赛、分数等)

The Red Sox dropped two games to the Yankees yesterday.

吞服 tūn fú

transitive verb (informal (take: a drug) (特指毒品)

The addict dropped a lot of acid while he was alive.

发行 fā xíng

transitive verb (figurative, slang (new music: release) (新歌)

鸟粪,鸟屎 niǎo fèn

noun (excrement of a bird)

I just got my car cleaned, and now there are bird droppings all over it.


noun (mentioning famous person) (以抬高自己)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。