英语 中的 drive 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 drive 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 drive 的说明。

英语 中的drive 表示开车 kāi chē, 开(车) kāi ( chē ), 驾车运送 jià chē yùn sòng, 驱使 qū shǐ, 开车送…到…去, 驱使,迫使 qū shǐ,pò shǐ, 强迫某人做某事 qiáng pò mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì, 推动 tuī dòng, 驱动的 qū dòng de, 驾驶 jià shǐ, 驾车旅行 jià chē lǚ xíng, 动力,推动力 dòng lì,tuī dòng lì, 一车, 欲望 yù wàng, 冲刺 chōng cì, 强攻, 活动 huó dòng, 干劲 gàn jìn, 传动装置 chuán dòng zhuāng zhì, 驾驶档 jià shǐ dàng, 猛击,猛抽,猛踢 měng jī,měng chōu,měng tī, 驱动器 qū dòng qì, 路,大道 lù,dà dào, 私人车道, 促使某人做某事 cù shǐ mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì, 急驶 jí shǐ, 猛进 měng jìn, 驾车出行 jià chē chū xíng, 击,踢 jī,tī, 猛踢,猛击 měng tī,měng jī, 使(跑垒)得分 shǐ pǎo lěi dé fēn, 使漂流 shǐ piāo liú, 推动 tuī dòng, 把…逼到(某种程度), 把…推动到, 将...钉进, 抽,猛击 chōu,měng jī, 驱车离开 qū chē lí kāi, 飞车经过 fēi chē jīng guò, 压低 yā dī, 推进 tuī jìn, 驱车向前 qū chē xiàng qián, 向前开..., 驱车到达 qū chē dào dá, 开车进入 kāi chē jìn rù, 开车撞上 kāi chē zhuàng shàng, 使…发疯, 把...逼疯, 令…欲罢不能, 驶出 shǐ chū, 赶走 gǎn zǒu, 驱车来到 qū chē lái dào, 使…上涨,抬高…, 献血活动, 赶牛, 链条传动 liàn tiáo chuán dòng, 磁盘驱动 cí pán qū dòng, 酒后驾车 jiǔ hòu jià chē, 讲价 jiǎng jià, 进行一场艰苦的谈判 jìn xíng yì chǎng jiān kǔ de tán pàn, 在...和...间作梗, 暗示, 意指, 赶走 gǎn zǒu, 使…后退, 飞车射杀 fēi chē shè shā, 飞车射杀 fēi chē shè shā, 把…逼疯, 让人受不了, 让…为之疯狂, 开车送...回家, 将...推至应有的位置, 令人意识到, 免下车餐厅, 汽车影院 qì chē yǐng yuàn, 露天的,汽车的,免下车的 lù tiān de,qì chē de, 赶走 gǎn zǒu, 继续开车, 使某人极为恼怒 shǐ mǒu rén jí wéi nǎo nù, 把某人迷得七荤八素 bǎ mǒu rén mí de qī hūn bā sù, 驶过 shǐ guò, 把....逼疯, 驱动轴, 让...感到无助, 让...绝望, 传动系统, 使…大怒 shǐ dà nù, 自己驱车前往 zì jǐ qū chē qián wǎng, 激励自己做..., 驾车枪击, 可以驶进的剧院 kě yǐ shǐ jìn de jù yuàn, 免下车餐馆, 免下车即可获得服务的, 节约运动, 节省开支 jié shěng kāi zhī, 闪存盘, 食品捐赠活动, 四轮驱动的 sì lún qū dòng de, 四驱的, 前轮驱动 qián lún qū dòng, 开车兜风 kāi chē dōu fēng, 硬盘驱动器, 平直球, 平直球,直球, 租来自己驾驶的, 自己开车度假的, 性欲冲动 xìng yù chōng dòng, 磁带驱动器 cí dài qū dòng qì, 试驾。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 drive 的含义

开车 kāi chē

intransitive verb (operate a vehicle)

I can't drive yet. I'm only 15.

开(车) kāi ( chē )

transitive verb (operate: a vehicle)

Would you like to drive my new car?

驾车运送 jià chē yùn sòng

transitive verb (passenger: transport)

I'll be late to the show unless you can drive me.

驱使 qū shǐ

transitive verb (cause movement)

Wind drives the fan and creates electricity.


transitive verb (passenger: transport)

Could you drive me to the station?

驱使,迫使 qū shǐ,pò shǐ

(figurative (compel, cause)

The addiction drove him to a life of crime and misery.

强迫某人做某事 qiáng pò mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì

(figurative (compel, cause)

The desire to make her parents proud is what drives her to succeed.

推动 tuī dòng

transitive verb (figurative (push, power)

Spending drives the economy.

驱动的 qū dòng de

adjective (part of machine)

There's a problem in the drive train.

驾驶 jià shǐ

noun (journey by car)

The drive was really tiring.

驾车旅行 jià chē lǚ xíng

noun (pleasure trip)

Let's go for a drive in the country.

动力,推动力 dòng lì,tuī dòng lì

noun (push) (内部的,内心的)

His drive to succeed led him into business.


noun ([sth] driven: animals, cargo) (指被运送的货物或牲畜)

The whole drive of cattle fell ill and nearly died en route.

欲望 yù wàng

noun (psychology: urge)

He has difficulty controlling his drives.

冲刺 chōng cì

noun (forward course)

They somehow found the energy for a final drive for the finish line.


noun (military thrust) (军事)

The army's drive into enemy territory was a great success.

活动 huó dòng

noun (charity)

The spring fund-raising drive was very successful.

干劲 gàn jìn

noun (energy)

She's got a lot of drive and that motivates everyone.

传动装置 chuán dòng zhuāng zhì

noun (machinery)

The belt drive is poorly designed.

驾驶档 jià shǐ dàng

noun (automobiles)

Move the car from neutral to drive and release the brakes.

猛击,猛抽,猛踢 měng jī,měng chōu,měng tī

noun (sports: hitting) (体育运动术语)

Her drive sent the ball right past her opponent.
她一记抽球, 球从对手身边飞过。

驱动器 qū dòng qì

noun (computing) (计算机)

Insert the CD into the drive.

路,大道 lù,dà dào

noun (road name) (路名)

Jane's address is 65 Poplar Drive.


noun (driveway: path from house to road)

An expensive-looking sports car turned into the drive. // Sarah parked her car in the driveway.

促使某人做某事 cù shǐ mǒu rén zuò mǒu shì

verbal expression (figurative (motivate)

What drives her to succeed is a desire to make her parents proud.

急驶 jí shǐ

intransitive verb (be impelled)

The yacht drove before the strong wind.

猛进 měng jìn

intransitive verb (go forward vigorously)

The storm drove onwards, gathering strength.

驾车出行 jià chē chū xíng

intransitive verb (travel by vehicle)

Shall we drive or take the train?

击,踢 jī,tī

intransitive verb (sports: hit or kick) (体育运动术语)

In golf, I find driving easier than putting.

猛踢,猛击 měng tī,měng jī

transitive verb (sport: hit, kick) (体育比赛术语)

Kane drove a low shot past the goalkeeper.

使(跑垒)得分 shǐ pǎo lěi dé fēn

transitive verb (baseball: advance) (棒球)

He drove the runner home with a hit.

使漂流 shǐ piāo liú

transitive verb (logs: float down river)

They drove the logs down the river.

推动 tuī dòng

transitive verb (figurative (motivate)

Ian's desire to be the best is what drives him.


transitive verb (figurative (provoke)

Her children always drive her to the point of madness.


transitive verb (figurative (push)

She drove the conversation to a certain topic.


(nail, blade: hammer)

He drove the nail into the wall.

抽,猛击 chōu,měng jī

(sport: hit, kick) (体育运动)

She drove the ball into the net.

驱车离开 qū chē lí kāi

phrasal verb, intransitive (depart in a vehicle)

She wiped a tear from her eye as he drove away.

飞车经过 fēi chē jīng guò

phrasal verb, intransitive (go past in a vehicle)

Ray drove by in his truck.

压低 yā dī

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (force to decrease)

The current economic crisis will drive down house prices.

推进 tuī jìn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (propel)

The new legislation was driven forward by fears of mass immigration.

驱车向前 qū chē xiàng qián

phrasal verb, intransitive (steer ahead)

Instead of reversing, he drove forward into a tree.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (vehicle: steer ahead)

驱车到达 qū chē dào dá

phrasal verb, intransitive (go by car)

If we take the train we don't have to drive in and face all that traffic.

开车进入 kāi chē jìn rù

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (enter: in a vehicle)

You will receive a ticket when you drive into the parking garage.

开车撞上 kāi chē zhuàng shàng

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (crash: a vehicle)

The drunk driver drove into a wall.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (make insane)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (annoy) (烦躁)


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (arouse sexually) (激起性欲)

驶出 shǐ chū

phrasal verb, intransitive (vehicle: pull out, move off)

I sadly watched him drive off, knowing I wouldn't see him again.

赶走 gǎn zǒu

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (force to leave)

The natives were driven out of their villages by the foreign invaders.

驱车来到 qū chē lái dào

phrasal verb, intransitive (arrive in a vehicle)

I was surprised to see him drive up in a flashy sportscar.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (price: cause to rise) (价格)

Demand for housing is driving house prices up.


noun (event: blood donation)

I'll be giving my 95th pint at the blood drive on Monday.


noun (herding livestock)

链条传动 liàn tiáo chuán dòng

noun (mechanism: roller chain)

My first motorcycle had a chain drive and I had to remember to check the tension. The chain drive on a bicycle transfers power from the pedals to turn the wheels.

磁盘驱动 cí pán qū dòng

noun (computing: hardware)

酒后驾车 jiǔ hòu jià chē

verbal expression (operate vehicle while drunk)

It is illegal to drink and drive.

讲价 jiǎng jià

verbal expression (negotiate a deal)

I got a good price on my new car because I drove a hard bargain with the salesman.

进行一场艰苦的谈判 jìn xíng yì chǎng jiān kǔ de tán pàn

verbal expression (be tough negotiator)

The shopkeeper drove a hard bargain, but we eventually agreed on a price for the vase.


verbal expression (figurative (cause bad feeling between)

I can't help feeling that your mother is trying to drive a wedge between us.

暗示, 意指

(figurative (suggest, intend to say) (比喻)

What are you driving at?

赶走 gǎn zǒu

(repel, force to leave)

She drove him away with her constant nagging.


(cause [sb/sth] to retreat)

飞车射杀 fēi chē shè shā

noun (shooting from a passing car)

Osman admitted that he was the gunman in a drive-by.

飞车射杀 fēi chē shè shā

adjective (shooting: from passing car)

A man has life-threatening injuries after a drive-by incident in Tucson.


verbal expression (informal (make insane)


verbal expression (slang (annoy)

That hip-hop music just drives me crazy!


verbal expression (slang (arouse sexually)

The way you kiss drives me crazy.


(take [sb] home in car)


(propel into place)

A sharp blow of the hammer drove the nail home.


(figurative (instil or impress the truth of [sth])

My dad's funeral really drove home the fact that he was gone forever.


noun (US (restaurant)

When my father met my mother she was a waitress at the drive-in.

汽车影院 qì chē yǐng yuàn

noun (US (cinema)

露天的,汽车的,免下车的 lù tiān de,qì chē de

adjective (US (cinema, restaurant) (影院、餐厅等)

There are very few drive-in theaters left in North America.

赶走 gǎn zǒu

transitive verb (chase away)

We had to drive off the wolves that were stalking the sheep.


(keep driving without stopping)

使某人极为恼怒 shǐ mǒu rén jí wéi nǎo nù

verbal expression (figurative, informal (annoy)

The baby's constant crying drove James out of his mind.

把某人迷得七荤八素 bǎ mǒu rén mí de qī hūn bā sù

verbal expression (figurative, informal (arouse sexually)

Watching you sunbathe used to drive me out of my mind.

驶过 shǐ guò

(vehicle: go on top of [sth])

The driver slowly drove over the loose gravel.


verbal expression (slang, figurative (make insane) (俚语)

You're driving me round the bend!


noun (mechanism)


verbal expression (cause [sb] to feel hopeless)


verbal expression (informal (cause [sb] to feel exasperated)


noun (automotive system)

使…大怒 shǐ dà nù

verbal expression (informal, figurative (irritate [sb])

自己驱车前往 zì jǐ qū chē qián wǎng

verbal expression (go by car)

I don't think you should drive yourself to the hospital.


verbal expression (figurative (motivate yourself)


noun (gunfire from car)

The police have arrested an 18-year-old gang member in connection with a drive-by shooting.

可以驶进的剧院 kě yǐ shǐ jìn de jù yuàn

noun (US (car-park cinema)


noun (takeaway restaurant)

Dave made a quick detour to the drive-through for fries on his way home from the office.


noun as adjective (used from a car)

The drive-through restaurant is inaccessible to pedestrians.


noun (strategy to save money)

节省开支 jié shěng kāi zhī

noun (government: reduction in spending money)


noun (computer: memory device)

Every paper I wrote this year is on this flash drive.


noun (charity event)

The church is holding a food drive this weekend to help needy families.

四轮驱动的 sì lún qū dòng de

noun (vehicle: SUV) (车辆)

Drivers in rural areas need a four-wheel drive to cope with winter conditions.


noun as adjective (vehicle: of SUV type)

前轮驱动 qián lún qū dòng

noun (car: power to front wheels only) (汽车)

Her new car's got front-wheel drive; it's a lot better on slippery roads than her old one was.

开车兜风 kāi chē dōu fēng

verbal expression (take: car trip)

Let's go for a drive to the beach with our children.


noun (data-reading hardware) (电脑的)

The police were able to retrieve information from the fraudster's hard drive.


noun (baseball hit) (棒球击球)


noun (colloquial (baseball hit) (棒球)

The batter hit a liner in the second inning.


adjective (UK (rented vehicle: driven by the renter)


adjective (UK (vacation: driving your own car)

性欲冲动 xìng yù chōng dòng

noun (sexual desire)

After his surgery he had little sex drive.

磁带驱动器 cí dài qū dòng qì

noun (transfers data between computer and tape)

We used to load reels of tape onto the tape drive so old data could be read.


noun (trial of car before buying)

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drive 的相关词

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。