英语 中的 electric 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 electric 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 electric 的说明。

英语 中的electric 表示电的 diàn de, 用电的 yòng diàn de, 生动活泼的,令人振奋的 shēng dòng huó pō de ,lìng rén zhèn fèn de, 电荷, 电路 diàn lù, 柴电动力的,柴油电力驱动的, 内燃机车, 电动搅拌器, 电热毯 diàn rè tǎn, 电车 diàn chē, (死刑)电椅 sǐ xíng diàn yǐ, 电流 diàn liú, 放电 fàng diàn, 电钻 diàn zuàn, 电鳗 diàn mán, 电扇 diàn shàn, 电吉他 diàn jí tā, 电热 diàn rè, 电暖气 diàn nuǎn qì, 电力供热 diàn lì gōng rè, 电热水壶, 电灯, 电灯光, 电灯泡 diàn dēng pào, 电表 diàn biǎo, 电动机, 电力 diàn lì, 电动剃须刀 diàn dòng tì xū dāo, 电动刮胡刀 diàn dòng guā hú dāo, 触电 chù diàn, 电灶 diàn zào, 电气列车, 电动打字机 diàn dòng dǎ zì jī, 电线 diàn xiàn, 雷暴 léi bào, 电水壶, 非电器的 fēi diàn qì de, 手电筒 shǒu diàn tǒng。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 electric 的含义

电的 diàn de

adjective (relating to electricity)

An electric charge creates an electric field. Our electric bill seems to keep getting more expensive.

用电的 yòng diàn de

adjective (uses electricity)

The car has electric wing mirrors.

生动活泼的,令人振奋的 shēng dòng huó pō de ,lìng rén zhèn fèn de

adjective (figurative (alive, excited) (比喻)

The atmosphere in the stadium was electric during the final minutes of the game.


noun (electrical force)

Instead of bullets, a taser shoots a 50,000-volt charge of electricity. When Steve touched the electrical outlet, the sudden charge made him jump.
泰瑟枪射出的不是子弹,而是5万伏的电荷。 史蒂夫碰到电源插座,忽然释放出的电荷让他跳了起来。

电路 diàn lù

noun (electric circuit)

The entire house is wired on one circuit.


adjective (powered by diesel generator)


noun (locomotive)


noun (mains- or battery-operated whisk)

电热毯 diàn rè tǎn

noun (electrically-heated bedcover)

An electric blanket can warm you up on winter nights.

电车 diàn chē

noun (car powered by electricity)

The auto industry needs to develop a cost-effective electric car.

(死刑)电椅 sǐ xíng diàn yǐ

noun (execution apparatus)

The electric chair is arguably more humane than the guillotine.

电流 diàn liú

noun (flow of electricity)

放电 fàng diàn

noun (electricity emitted)

电钻 diàn zuàn

noun (power tool)

电鳗 diàn mán

noun (fish: gives off electricity)

电扇 diàn shàn

noun (device that moves air)

电吉他 diàn jí tā

noun (electrically-amplified guitar)

电热 diàn rè

noun (heat generated by electricity)

电暖气 diàn nuǎn qì

noun (heating device)

电力供热 diàn lì gōng rè

noun (heating system)


noun (container with spout for boiling water)


noun (incandescent lamp)


noun (light made by lamp)

电灯泡 diàn dēng pào

noun (glass object producing light)

Anna changed the electric light bulb in the living room.

电表 diàn biǎo

noun (measures electricity use)


noun (engine, device running on electricity)

电力 diàn lì

noun (electricity used as power)

电动剃须刀 diàn dòng tì xū dāo

noun (shaving device)

电动刮胡刀 diàn dòng guā hú dāo

noun (razor powered by electricity)

触电 chù diàn

noun (electric current entering the body)

电灶 diàn zào

(cooker: uses electricity)


noun (train powered by electricity)

电动打字机 diàn dòng dǎ zì jī

noun (typewriter: uses electricity)

Electric typewriters have been almost entirely superseded by word processors and PCs.

电线 diàn xiàn

noun (cable carrying electric current)

雷暴 léi bào

noun (thunder, lightning)

Lightning from the electrical storm knocked out the power for the entire town.


noun (electric jug for boiling water)

Amanda switched on the kettle to make some tea.

非电器的 fēi diàn qì de

adjective (not powered by electricity)

手电筒 shǒu diàn tǒng

noun (UK (flashlight: handheld lamp)

It would be dark by the time he got home, so Gavin took a torch with him.

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electric 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。