英语 中的 eyed 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 eyed 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 eyed 的说明。

英语 中的eyed 表示有…只眼的, 眼睛是…的, 有…眼珠状的, 眼睛,眼 yǎn jīng,yǎn, 视力 shì lì, 中心 zhōng xīn, 中心 zhōng xīn, 环 huán, (针)眼 zhēn yǎn, 芽眼 yá yǎn, (螺栓的)眼 luó shuān de yǎn, 花心 huā xīn, 私家侦探 sī jiā zhēn tàn, 眼睛 yǎn jīng, 看, 杏眼的, 眼小如珠的,长着小眼睛的,眼小且目光残忍的, 豇豆,牛豆,黑眼豆 jiāng dòu,niú dòu,hēi yǎn dòu, 豇豆 jiāng dòu, 半清醒的 bàn qīng xǐng de, 长着蓝眼睛的, 眼睛明亮的, 热情的 rè qíng de, 眼睛为褐色的 yǎn jīng wéi hè sè de, 瞪大眼的, 视力良好的, 有洞察力的 yǒu dòng chá lì de, 准确的 zhǔn què de, 斗鸡眼的 dòu jī yǎn de, 斜视 xié shì, 歪的,斜的 wāi de,xié de, 斜视的,斜眼的, 黑眼睛的, 眼泪汪汪的, 闪着泪花的, 天真的 tiān zhēn de, 不哭的, 观察敏锐的, 戴眼镜的 dài yǎn jìng de, 面无表情的, 目光呆滞的, 瞪大眼睛的, 绿眼的, 嫉妒 jí dù, 目光锐利的 mù guāng ruì lì de, 淡褐色的眼睛, 眼窝凹陷的, 含泪的 hán lèi de, 感伤的,怀旧的 gǎn shāng de ,huái jiù de, 独眼的 dú yǎn de, 睁大眼睛的, 目瞪口呆的 mù dèng kǒu dāi de, 警觉的, 警惕的, 留神的 liú shén de, 烂醉如泥的,酩酊大醉的 làn zuì rú ní de,mǐng dǐng dà zuì de, 眼球突出的, 震惊的 zhèn jīng de, 红眼的, 圆眼的, 两眼圆睁的, 目光敏锐的 mù guāng mǐn ruì de, 目光躲闪的, 斜眼角的, 斜视的, 幻想的 huàn xiǎng de, 冷冷瞪着的, 睁大双眼的, 绝望地 jué wàng de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 eyed 的含义


adjective (as suffix (having number of eyes or an eye)


adjective (as suffix (having a type of eye)


adjective (as suffix (having eyelike spots)

眼睛,眼 yǎn jīng,yǎn

noun (organ of sight) (五官)

She had beautiful green eyes.

视力 shì lì

noun (figurative (sight)

He has an exceptional eye, and can read the smallest print.

中心 zhōng xīn

noun (figurative (centre)

She always likes to be right in the eye of things.

中心 zhōng xīn

noun (figurative (storm, hurricane: centre) (风暴等)

The eye of the hurricane was clearly defined.

环 huán

noun (circle, loop)

You need to hook these on the metal eyes hanging from the ceiling.

(针)眼 zhēn yǎn

noun (hole in a needle)

I used to put threads through the eyes of needles for my mother.

芽眼 yá yǎn

noun (on a potato) (土豆等植物)

You need to peel the potatoes and remove all the eyes as well.

(螺栓的)眼 luó shuān de yǎn

noun (of a bolt)

The eye of this bolt is blocked up with grease.

花心 huā xīn

noun (on a flower)

The eye of the daisy is yellow.

私家侦探 sī jiā zhēn tàn

noun (detective)

The private eye usually worked on divorce cases.

眼睛 yǎn jīng

plural noun (figurative (guide for the blind) (比喻)

The dog worked as the blind man's eyes.

transitive verb (look at)

He eyed her across the room, making her nervous.


adjective (eyes: oval)


adjective (disparaging (with small, cruel eyes) (贬义)

豇豆,牛豆,黑眼豆 jiāng dòu,niú dòu,hēi yǎn dòu

noun (plant: cowpea) (非洲植物)

We planted two rows of black-eyed peas in our garden.

豇豆 jiāng dòu

noun (edible legume: bean)

In the southern US, it is customary to eat black-eyed peas on New Year's Day for good luck.

半清醒的 bàn qīng xǐng de

adjective (not yet fully awake)

Ryan woke up the next morning bleary and hungover.


adjective (having blue eyes)


adjective (literal (with glistening eyes)

热情的 rè qíng de

adjective (energetic, youthful)

眼睛为褐色的 yǎn jīng wéi hè sè de

adjective (having brown eyes)

I prefer brown-eyed girls.


adjective (figurative, informal (with bulging eyes)


adjective (literal (with bright eyes)

有洞察力的 yǒu dòng chá lì de

adjective (figurative (person: perceptive)

准确的 zhǔn què de

adjective (figurative (description: accurate)

斗鸡眼的 dòu jī yǎn de

adjective (cross-eyed, having a squint)

斜视 xié shì

(have a squint)

歪的,斜的 wāi de,xié de

adjective (figurative (wonky, awry)


adjective (having your eyes turn inward)

The optometrist examined the cross-eyed child and prescribed glasses to help correct the condition.


adjective (having dark-colored eyes)

眼泪汪汪的, 闪着泪花的

adjective (with tears in eyes)

天真的 tiān zhēn de

adjective (figurative (naive, sentimental)


adjective (not weeping)

I never manage to stay dry-eyed during sad movies.


adjective (figurative (observant)

I felt scrutinized by my eagle-eyed mother-in-law.

戴眼镜的 dài yǎn jìng de

adjective (offensive, informal (person: wearing glasses)

面无表情的, 目光呆滞的

adjective (expression: dazed)


adjective (with eyes wide open in amazement)


adjective (having green eyes)

嫉妒 jí dù

noun (figurative (jealousy)

In the play Othello, Iago calls jealousy a "green-eyed monster".
在戏剧奥赛罗中,伊阿古把嫉妒称为“green-eyed monster(绿眼怪)”。

目光锐利的 mù guāng ruì lì de

adjective (figurative (observant, keen sighted)

Old Mr. Williams is hawk-eyed; he doesn't miss a thing.


adjective (having hazel eyes)


adjective (eyes: appearing sunken)

含泪的 hán lèi de

adjective (eyes: filled with tears)

感伤的,怀旧的 gǎn shāng de ,huái jiù de

adjective (figurative (sentimental, nostalgic)

独眼的 dú yǎn de

adjective (having only one eye)

Have you heard the tale of the one-eyed tiger?


adjective (with eyes open)

目瞪口呆的 mù dèng kǒu dāi de

adjective (with eyes wide open in wonder, etc.)

警觉的, 警惕的

adjective (figurative (alert)

留神的 liú shén de

adjective (figurative (conscious, deliberate)

烂醉如泥的,酩酊大醉的 làn zuì rú ní de,mǐng dǐng dà zuì de

adjective (figurative, informal (drunk)


adjective (with prominent eyes)

震惊的 zhèn jīng de

adjective (astonished, terrified)


adjective (having red eyes)


adjective (having round eyes)


adjective (with eyes wide in surprise)

目光敏锐的 mù guāng mǐn ruì de

adjective (figurative (having keen sight, observant)


adjective (avoiding eye contact)


adjective (offensive (eyes that look East Asian) (像东亚人一样的眼睛)


adjective (looking obliquely)

Petra gave Bob a squint-eyed look.

幻想的 huàn xiǎng de

adjective (figurative (unrealistic, romantic)


adjective (with cold, hard gaze)


adjective (with astonishment, etc.) (因惊讶)

The wide-eyed child opened his Christmas presents.

绝望地 jué wàng de

adjective (looking desperate or panicked)

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