英语 中的 favoured 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 favoured 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 favoured 的说明。

英语 中的favoured 表示帮助, 恩惠, 人情, 偏好 piān hǎo, 偏爱,更喜欢 piān ài,gèng xǐ huān, 比起…更偏爱, 给…以恩惠,眷顾, 偏爱的 piān ài de, 受到优待的,受到优惠的, 请求帮助, 请求某人帮助, 向某人请求帮助, 偏袒 piān tǎn, 某人因偏见而认同, 套近乎 tào jìn hū, 巴结 bā jie, 偏袒 piān tǎn, 帮…一个忙, 请帮我做… qǐng bāng wǒ zuò, 掉热度, 赞同的,支持的 zàn tóng de ,zhī chí de, 赞成 zàn chéng, 赞成做某事, 得到偏爱的,受偏爱的 dé dào piān ài de,shòu piān ài de, 受某人欢迎, 于你有利, 选择 xuǎn zé, 过气, 派对礼物, 请, 拜托, 特别恩惠 tè bié ēn huì, 结婚回礼。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 favoured 的含义

帮助, 恩惠, 人情

noun (helpful act) (给予帮助)

Do me a favor and lend me $50.

偏好 piān hǎo

noun (uncountable (preference)

Ruth puts her hand up at every question in an effort to gain the teacher's favour.

偏爱,更喜欢 piān ài,gèng xǐ huān

transitive verb (like best)

Keith wears a suit to work six days a week, so on Sunday he tends to favour jeans and a T-shirt.



It's not unusual for parents to favor one child over the others.


transitive verb (give [sb] an advantage)

Luck favours those who work hard.

偏爱的 piān ài de

adjective (preferred)

The professor is more lenient with his favored students.


adjective (privileged)

Only the most favored members are granted admittance to this part of the building.


verbal expression (request that [sb] do [sth])

May I ask a favor? Could you please water my garden while I'm out of town?


verbal expression (request that [sb] do [sth])


verbal expression (request that [sb] do [sth])

Could I ask a favor of you?

偏袒 piān tǎn

noun (inclination: in favor)

The electoral system suffers from bias in favour of one particular party.


verbal expression (prejudice, influence in favor)

Steph's upbringing has biased her in favour of left-wing causes.

套近乎 tào jìn hū

(be ingratiating)

Roderick is always attempting to curry favor to gain an advantage.

巴结 bā jie

verbal expression (ingratiate yourself)

See if you can curry favor with one of the directors.

偏袒 piān tǎn

verbal expression (show prejudice in favor of [sb])

The referee seems to be discriminating in favor of the home team.


verbal expression (do [sth] kind)

Will you do me a favor and post this letter for me?

请帮我做… qǐng bāng wǒ zuò

interjection (please would you)


verbal expression (lose popularity)

赞同的,支持的 zàn tóng de ,zhī chí de

adjective (in agreement) (美式拼写)

When they first announced the scheme, only one or two people were in favour.

赞成 zàn chéng

(approving of [sth])


expression (approving of [sth])

得到偏爱的,受偏爱的 dé dào piān ài de,shòu piān ài de

adjective (popular, liked)

Cocktails bars are no longer in favour.


(liked by, popular among)


adverb (in a way that benefits you)

选择 xuǎn zé

verbal expression (choose over [sth] else)

We opted in favor of a smaller, more economical car.


verbal expression (have lost popularity)


noun (gift for party guest)

请, 拜托

interjection (Spanish (please)

特别恩惠 tè bié ēn huì

noun (act of preferential kindness)

As a special favour he was allowed to stay up late on his birthday.


noun (gift for guests at a marriage)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。