英语 中的 first lieutenant 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 first lieutenant 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 first lieutenant 的说明。

英语 中的first lieutenant 表示排名第一的, 第一名的 dì yī míng de, 第一的,第一排的 dì yī de ,dì yī pái de, 首要的 shǒu yào de, 首先 shǒu xiān, 首先 shǒu xiān, 首先 shǒu xiān, 第一 dì yī, 第一个 dì yí gè, 一号 yí hào, 1号, 第一档的,头档的 dì yī dàng de,tóu dàng de, 主要演奏的 zhǔ yào yǎn zòu de, 一垒的 yì lěi de, 第一次 dì yí cì, 宁愿 nìng yuàn, 起初 qǐ chū, 主要演奏者 zhǔ yào yǎn zòu zhě, 第一名 dì yì míng, 一垒 yì lěi, 优等生 yōu děng shēng, 最好的产品 zuì hǎo de chǎn pǐn, 一世, 第一交响曲, 起初,刚开始 qǐ chū,gāng kāi shǐ, 第一印象 dì yī yìn xiàng, 一开始 yì kāi shǐ, 天刚亮, 一看之下 yì kàn zhī xià, 一有机会 yì yǒu jī huì, 率先发难 shuài xiān fā nàn, 第一个到达终点, 先来, 放在第一位, 拿下一血, 出师告捷, 一见钟情 yí jiàn zhōng qíng, 急救 jí jiù, 急救的 jí jiù de, 首先 shǒu xiān, 首要地 shǒu yào de, 首要地 shǒu yào de, 一垒,一垒的位置 yì lěi,yì lěi de wèi zhì, (约会的)第一阶段 yuē huì de dì yī jiē duàn, 首选 shǒu xuǎn, 头等舱, 一级邮件,优先邮件, 优先投递的 yōu xiān tóu dì de, 头等的, 在头等舱, 一级投递地,优先投递地, 第一流的 dì yī liú de, 先到先得, 第一道菜, 堂兄弟姐妹, 酷似…的…, 底楼 dǐ lóu, 地面以上的一层, 原型,第一代 yuán xíng,dì yí dài, 第一代 dì yí dài, 一年级 yì nián jí, 第一印象 dì yī yìn xiàng, 第一夫人 dì yī fū rén, 一姐, 女领袖, 母语 mǔ yǔ, 大副 dà fù, 名 míng, 用名称呼(某人), 首先 shǒu xiān, 首要 shǒu yào, 首先 shǒu xiān, 第一人称, 第一人称, 第一名 dì yì míng, 一等奖 yì děng jiǎng, 上弦, 一流的 yī liú de, 现场应急人员, 开端 kāi duān, 开始走路, 踏上征程, 一大早 yí dà zǎo, 第一步,首先 dì yí bù,shǒu xiān, 首先 shǒu xiān, 第一世界, 第一世界的, 急救药箱 jí jiù yào xiāng, 急救员, 第一次的, 首先宣布的,首次命名的, 首要人士, 获胜的 huò shèng de, 得票最多者当选, 一流, 第一次的, 新手 xīn shǒu, 头胎 tóu tāi, 头胎的 tóu tāi de, 第一手的 dì yī shǒu de, 第一手地 dì yī shǒu de, 自始至终 zì shǐ zhì zhōng, 头朝前地 tóu cháo qián de, 轻率地 qīng shuài de, 首先 shǒu xiān, 最开始,最初 zuì kāi shǐ,zuì chū, 一见钟情 yí jiàn zhōng qíng, 把…放在首位,以…为本, 开始, 萌芽, 第31的, 第31个, 31号, …的31号, 21的, 21世纪的, 第21, 21岁生日, 21号, …月的21号。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 first lieutenant 的含义


adjective (1st in a series or list)

For many people, Ronaldo would be first on a list of the world's greatest soccer players. I liked the first song best.

第一名的 dì yī míng de

adjective (in race, competition: placed 1st)

She was first in the spelling competition. The team is currently first in the league.

第一的,第一排的 dì yī de ,dì yī pái de

adjective (closest to the front)

We sat in the first row of seats.

首要的 shǒu yào de

adjective (primary)

The first reason for doing this is to help other people.

首先 shǒu xiān

adverb (before everyone else)

He walked through the door first, and everyone else followed.

首先 shǒu xiān

adverb (firstly: before anything else)

What we need to do first is find a place to stay.

首先 shǒu xiān

adverb (firstly: introducing first point)

First, I would like to thank you all for coming.

第一 dì yī

adverb (race, competition: in 1st place) (排名)

Chloe finished first out of 80 runners.

第一个 dì yí gè

noun (invariable (in a series, list: 1st item, person)

I like the first better than the second.

一号 yí hào

noun (first day of the month) (日期)

We don't get paid again until the first.


noun (UK (first day of specified month) (一个月的第一天)

In France, the first of May is a public holiday.

第一档的,头档的 dì yī dàng de,tóu dàng de

adjective (lowest automobile gear) (车档)

Switch to first gear when going up steep hills.

主要演奏的 zhǔ yào yǎn zòu de

adjective (music: section leader) (音乐)

She plays first clarinet in the orchestra.

一垒的 yì lěi de

adjective (baseball: base) (棒球)

He didn't make it past first base.

第一次 dì yí cì

adverb (for the first time)

I first came to New York when I was a little girl.

宁愿 nìng yuàn

adverb (rather, sooner)

Lie to you? I'd kill my own mother first!

起初 qǐ chū

noun (beginning)

She was a good worker from the first.

主要演奏者 zhǔ yào yǎn zòu zhě

noun (music: section leader) (音乐)

The composer intended the second violinists to contrast with the firsts.

第一名 dì yì míng

noun (first place in a competition)

She's always the first in any competition.

一垒 yì lěi

noun (baseball: base) (棒球)

He's on first.

优等生 yōu děng shēng

noun (UK (first-class honors)

He got a first from Cambridge.

最好的产品 zuì hǎo de chǎn pǐn

noun (commerce: best quality goods)

We sell firsts at a slightly higher price than seconds.


noun (1st monarch with specified name) (君主)

Queen Elizabeth the First was 25 years old when she came to the throne.


noun (music: 1st symphony, etc.)

Beethoven's First was written in C major.

起初,刚开始 qǐ chū,gāng kāi shǐ

adverb (to begin with, in the beginning)

At first, it was just pitch black, then his eyes got used to the darkness and he began to see some features of the cave.

第一印象 dì yī yìn xiàng

adverb (at first impression)

At first blush, you seem to have put together a sound business plan.

一开始 yì kāi shǐ

expression (initially)

It was a good plan at first glance, but later we realized it was a dud.


expression (at daybreak)

一看之下 yì kàn zhī xià

adverb (instantly, immediately)

At first sight, the town looked boring.

一有机会 yì yǒu jī huì

adverb (as soon as possible)

When I had the chance I did it at the first opportunity.

率先发难 shuài xiān fā nàn

verbal expression (figurative (be first to accuse)

We should not be arguing about who has the right to cast the first stone.


(finish first in race)

Mark came first in the race.


(be first in sequence)

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?


(figurative (be top priority)

Caring for her children comes first; her job is second priority.


verbal expression (injure opponent first)

Charles drew first blood in the swordfight.


verbal expression (figurative (win first attack)

Julia drew first blood in the debate with the government minister.

一见钟情 yí jiàn zhōng qíng

verbal expression (become infatuated with a stranger)

As soon as I saw him across the dancefloor, I fell in love at first sight.

急救 jí jiù

noun (emergency medical help)

All of our pool attendants are trained in first aid.

急救的 jí jiù de

noun as adjective (relating to emergency medical help)

The Red Cross teaches a first-aid course that is highly regarded. It's a good idea to take a first aid kit with you when you go camping.

首先 shǒu xiān

adverb (primarily)

First and foremost, let's review the minutes from last week's meeting.

首要地 shǒu yào de

adverb (above all else)

What parents want, first and foremost, is for their child to be happy.

首要地 shǒu yào de

adverb (above all else)

His son's education comes first and last in his priorities.

一垒,一垒的位置 yì lěi,yì lěi de wèi zhì

noun (baseball: first station) (棒球)

Baseball is so dull that I fall asleep before anyone gets to first base.

(约会的)第一阶段 yuē huì de dì yī jiē duàn

noun (slang (kissing on a date) (俚语,指拉手、接吻)

He thought the date was going well, but in the end he didn't even make it to first base.

首选 shǒu xuǎn

noun (preferred option)

Of course, Paris would have been my first choice.


noun (transport: superior service)

They always serve champagne in first class.


noun (mail: fastest service) (指投递最快的)

优先投递的 yōu xiān tóu dì de

adjective (mail, stamp: fastest service) (邮件)


adjective (carriage, seats: superior)

First-class seats have more leg room.


adverb (in first-class area)

Flying first class is the only way to travel.


adverb (mail: by fastest service) (邮件)

第一流的 dì yī liú de

adjective (figurative, informal (excellent)

The food here is always first class.


expression (Being prompt pays rewards)

The buffet is first come, first served, so you had better get there early if you want something good.


noun (of a meal)

We had prawns in sauce as a first course at dinner.


noun (child of an aunt or uncle)


noun (figurative ([sth] or [sb] closely resembling another)

底楼 dǐ lóu

noun (US (floor at ground level)

It's a one-storey ranch house so everything's on the first floor.


noun (UK (floor above ground level)

For health reasons he always takes the stairs to the first floor rather than the lift.

原型,第一代 yuán xíng,dì yí dài

adjective (technology: prototype) (技术、工艺等)

First-generation computers were huge, slow, and expensive.

第一代 dì yí dài

adjective (person: immigrant) (移民)

First-generation immigrants often have problems learning the language of their new country.

一年级 yì nián jí

noun (US (school year: age 6-7) (小学)

Karen's six years old so she'll be starting first grade in September.

第一印象 dì yī yìn xiàng

noun (immediate effect)

My first impression of this place was not good.

第一夫人 dì yī fū rén

noun (wife of head of state)

The President and the First Lady will be attending the opening night of the play.

一姐, 女领袖

noun (leading female) (指女性领导)

She's more than just an actress - she's the first lady of French cinema.

母语 mǔ yǔ

noun (mother tongue)

English is not my first language. The first language of most Australians is English.

大副 dà fù

noun (nautical) (航海)

名 míng

noun (given or Christian name)

In the US "Michael" is a popular first name for boys. Most forms ask you to complete your surname followed by your first name.


transitive verb (call by given name) (以示亲密)

In Danish schools, it is common for children to first-name their teachers.

首先 shǒu xiān

adverb (to start with)

First of all, I welcome all those who came today.

首要 shǒu yào

adverb (primarily)

"Our priority," said a police spokesman, "is first of all to ensure the safety of the hostages."

首先 shǒu xiān

adverb (informal (introducing a list: firstly)


noun (grammar: I, we)

The pronoun in that sentence is in the first person.


noun as adjective (narrative: in the first person) (叙述)

The writer uses first person narrative throughout the entire novel.

第一名 dì yì míng

noun (top prize, highest position)

I managed first place in the last race, despite a bad start.

一等奖 yì děng jiǎng

noun (first place, highest position)

She won first prize in the science competition.


noun (astronomy) (天文学)

一流的 yī liú de

adjective (excellent)

The dinner was absolutely first rate, Joan.


noun (emergency medic)

The first responders saved many lives after the bombing.

开端 kāi duān

noun (beginning, introduction)

Realizing that there is a problem is the first step towards solving it.


verbal expression (baby: starting to walk)

The baby took its first steps today.


verbal expression (figurative (initial action towards goal)

James took the first step to becoming a doctor by beginning a medical degree.

一大早 yí dà zǎo

noun (informal (very early) (非正式用语)

I always eat breakfast first thing in the morning.

第一步,首先 dì yí bù,shǒu xiān

noun (informal (initial step) (非正式用语)

The first thing to do is call your mother. The first thing I do when I get home is check my email.

首先 shǒu xiān

interjection ([sth] takes priority)


noun (potentially offensive (industrialized non-Communist countries)


adjective (potentially offensive (pertaining to the First World)

急救药箱 jí jiù yào xiāng

noun (emergency medical set)

Motorists should carry a first-aid kit in their cars.


noun ([sb]: gives medical attention)


adjective (for the first time)


adjective (announced first)


noun (invariable (person or persons named first)

Martin is the first-named on the policy, so all correspondence is addressed to him.

获胜的 huò shèng de

adjective (winner of race)

Pete won some money because he bet on the horse that was first-past-the-post.


noun (election by simple majority)

First-past-the-post is the electoral system used to elect parliament in the UK.


adverb (informal (very well)

You did first-rate on your English test.


noun as adjective (doing [sth] for first time)

This travel guide is full of excellent tips for first-time visitors to Britain.

新手 xīn shǒu

noun (informal (person doing [sth] for first time)

头胎 tóu tāi

noun (eldest child in family)

Are you your parents' first-born?

头胎的 tóu tāi de

adjective (child: eldest in family)

Their first-born child is a boy.

第一手的 dì yī shǒu de

adjective (account: direct from source)

I have first-hand experience with that computer program. // The film's first-hand account of life inside a cult was chilling.

第一手地 dì yī shǒu de

adverb (directly from source)

He gave me the information first-hand.

自始至终 zì shǐ zhì zhōng

adverb (all the way through)

From first to last the meal was a gourmet delight.

头朝前地 tóu cháo qián de

adverb (with the head in front)

Max dove into the water headfirst.

轻率地 qīng shuài de

adverb (figurative (recklessly)

Sam has a tendency to jump into projects headfirst.

首先 shǒu xiān

expression (firstly)

Why don't I like him? Well, in the first place, he doesn't wash.

最开始,最初 zuì kāi shǐ,zuì chū

expression (at the beginning, initially)

Why didn't you tell me that in the first place?

一见钟情 yí jiàn zhōng qíng

noun (instant romantic attraction to [sb])

When Harry met Sally it wasn't love at first sight; they fell in love some years later.


verbal expression (prioritize a particular person)

No one likes Nancy, she always puts herself first and doesn't think of anyone else.

开始, 萌芽

plural noun (figurative (beginning, emergence of [sth])

The appearance of snowdrops marks the stirrings of Spring.


adjective (tem, person: 31st in a series or list)


noun (in a series, list: 31st item, person)


noun (thirty-first day of the month) (月份)

I get paid every month, on the 31st.


noun (UK (thirty-first day of specified month) (月份)

The 31st May is a public holiday this year.


adjective (21st in a series or list)

Many challenges faced the world at the beginning of the twenty-first century.


adjective (century: 2000-2099)

What did you and your family do to usher in the twenty-first century?


noun (in a series, list: 21st item, person)

Jack was the twenty-first out of twenty-two people to win an award that night.


noun (informal (21st birthday)

Have any big plans for your twenty-first this weekend?


noun (twenty-first day of the month)

Is today the twenty-first?


noun (UK (twenty-first day of specified month)

I'm afraid Mr. Cooper is away, and won't be back until the 21st of April.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。