英语 中的 general practice 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 general practice 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 general practice 的说明。

英语 中的general practice 表示普遍的 pǔ biàn de, 总体的 zǒng tǐ de, 大致的 dà zhì de, 将军 jiāng jūn, 上将 shàng jiàng, 首席检察官 shǒu xí jiǎn chá guān, 首席代表, 驻伦敦的总代表, 年会 nián huì, 年会 nián huì, 一般来说 yì bān lái shuō, 司法部长 sī fǎ bù zhǎng, 司法部长 sī fǎ bù zhǎng, 总领事, 署长,总监,总干事 shǔ zhǎng,zǒng jiān,zǒng gàn shì, 总裁 zǒng cái, 特别全体大会,全体特别会议, 四星上将 sì xīng shàng jiàng, 一致同意 yí zhì tóng yì, 全身麻醉 quán shēn má zuì, 全身麻醉 quán shēn má zuì, 共同信仰 gòng tóng xìn yǎng, 一致同意 yí zhì tóng yì, 大选 dà xuǎn, 大体的想法,笼统的想法 dà tǐ de xiǎng fǎ,lǒng tǒng de xiǎng fǎ, 常识 cháng shí, 总账 zǒng zhàng, 总经理 zǒng jīng lǐ, 一般内科 yì bān nèi kē, 陆军五星上将 lù jūn wǔ xīng shàng jiàng, 邮政总局 yóu zhèng zǒng jú, 全科医师 quán kē yī shī, 公众 gōng zhòng, 一般规律 yì bān guī lǜ, 杂货店 zá huò diàn, 总罢工 zǒng bà gōng, 广义相对论 guǎng yì xiāng duì lùn, 通用的, 多用途的, 总督 zǒng dū, 全科医生 quán kē yī shēng, 零工 líng gōng, 一般而言 yì bān ér yán, 概括地 gài kuò de, 检察长,督察长 jiǎn chá zhǎng,dū chá zhǎng, 少将, 秘书长, 总长,监督长 zǒng cháng, 卫生局局长 wèi shēng jú jú zhǎng, 交通运输总工会, 代理主教,主教总代理。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 general practice 的含义

普遍的 pǔ biàn de

adjective (widespread)

The general feeling is that he made a big mistake.

总体的 zǒng tǐ de

adjective (global, overall)

This is a general rule that applies to all of my employees.

大致的 dà zhì de

adjective (approximate)

I have a general idea what he is talking about.

将军 jiāng jūn

noun (military: army)

The general told his sergeants to advance.

上将 shàng jiàng

noun (military: air force) (空军)

The general gave all the squadron leaders a pep talk.

首席检察官 shǒu xí jiǎn chá guān

noun (US, initialism (law: Attorney General) (Attorney General的缩写)


noun (chief representative)


noun (English government: representative)

年会 nián huì

noun (initialism (Annual General Meeting)

年会 nián huì

noun (yearly firm meeting)

一般来说 yì bān lái shuō

adverb (usually)

I don't eat meat as a general rule, but I make an exception for my mother's cooking. Sometimes I'm late, but as a general rule I always try to be on time.

司法部长 sī fǎ bù zhǎng

noun (US (head of US legal system) (美国)

Eric H. Holder, Jr. was sworn in as Attorney General of the United States on February 3, 2009.

司法部长 sī fǎ bù zhǎng

noun (US (head of state legal system) (美国)

Republican Pam Bondi has been re-elected as Florida's Attorney General.



署长,总监,总干事 shǔ zhǎng,zǒng jiān,zǒng gàn shì

noun (mainly UK, initialism (Director General) (Director General 缩写)

The DG of the enterprise is out of the country this week.

总裁 zǒng cái

noun (mainly UK (chief executive)


noun (initialism (extraordinary general meeting)

四星上将 sì xīng shàng jiàng

noun (high-ranking military officer) (军衔)

Dwight David Eisenhower was a four-star-general.

一致同意 yí zhì tóng yì

noun (opinion of most people)

Scientists are in general agreement that the Big Bang took place about 17 billion years ago.

全身麻醉 quán shēn má zuì

noun (induced unconsciousness)

The patient will be under general anesthesia during his surgery.

全身麻醉 quán shēn má zuì

noun (medicine: makes you unconscious)

You will always receive a general anesthetic before major surgery.

共同信仰 gòng tóng xìn yǎng

noun ([sth] commonly considered true)

Contrary to general belief, penguins do not just live in extremely cold conditions.

一致同意 yí zhì tóng yì

noun (overall agreement)

We didn't vote, but there was general consent to canceling the picnic.

大选 dà xuǎn

noun (national election)

The Government was forced to call a general election after losing its majority in the House of Commons. We expect the current government to be voted out at the next general election.

大体的想法,笼统的想法 dà tǐ de xiǎng fǎ,lǒng tǒng de xiǎng fǎ

noun (approximately the thought)

She did not understand the essay completely but she got the general idea.

常识 cháng shí

noun (commonly known facts)

The team won the pub quiz thanks to the breadth of its general knowledge.

总账 zǒng zhàng

noun (records, accounts)

You will need to enter the totals in the general ledger.

总经理 zǒng jīng lǐ

noun (supervisor)

The general manager of a baseball team approves all of the hiring decisions.

一般内科 yì bān nèi kē

noun (non-surgical branch of medicine)

Most family doctors practice only general medicine.

陆军五星上将 lù jūn wǔ xīng shàng jiàng

noun (high-ranking military officer)

邮政总局 yóu zhèng zǒng jú

noun (US (main post office branch)

The general post office is located in the neighborhood of Chelsea.

全科医师 quán kē yī shī

noun (UK, formal (family doctor)

Everyone should see a general practitioner for regular checkups.

公众 gōng zhòng

noun (people in general)

The park is closed to the general public.

一般规律 yì bān guī lǜ

noun ([sth] customary)

The general rule is that the bride's parents pay for the wedding.

杂货店 zá huò diàn

noun (US (shop selling a variety of goods)

Because of big shopping malls and supermarkets, it's hard to find a general store these days.

总罢工 zǒng bà gōng

noun (mass work stoppage)

A true general strike could easily topple a government. The general strike was very impressive: practically no-one in the whole city went to work that day.

广义相对论 guǎng yì xiāng duì lùn

noun (physics: Einstein's theory) (物理)

Einstein's general theory of relativity replaced the Newton's earlier theory of gravitation.

通用的, 多用途的

adjective (not for one specific use)

总督 zǒng dū

noun (Commonwealth representative)

全科医生 quán kē yī shēng

noun (UK, colloquial, initialism (doctor: general practitioner)

When is the last time you saw your GP for a physical exam?

零工 líng gōng

noun (man employed to do odd jobs)

Mrs. Winters hired a handyman to clean her gutters.

一般而言 yì bān ér yán

adverb (generally, as a rule)

In general I prefer milk chocolate to dark chocolate.

概括地 gài kuò de

adverb (generally, approximately)

In general terms, dogs need looking after more than cats.

检察长,督察长 jiǎn chá zhǎng,dū chá zhǎng

noun (military: investigating officer) (军事)


noun (military officer) (军队)


noun (chief administrative officer)

总长,监督长 zǒng cháng

noun (Can ([sb]: oversees affairs)

Hector-Louis Langevin became Canada's Superintendent-General of Indian Affairs in 1868.

卫生局局长 wèi shēng jú jú zhǎng

noun (US (United States' chief medical officer)

The Surgeon General warns that smoking may be hazardous to your health.


noun (UK, initialism (Transport and General Workers' Union)


noun (initialism (vicar general)

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general practice 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。