英语 中的 gift 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 gift 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 gift 的说明。

英语 中的gift 表示礼物 lǐ wù, 给予 jǐ yǔ, 天赋,才能 tiān fù,cái néng, 送给 sòng gěi, 圣诞礼物, 不要挑剔礼物。, 免费礼品,赠品 miǎn fèi lǐ pǐn,zèng pǐn, 礼品盒,礼盒, 礼品代金卡 lǐ pǐn dài jīn kǎ, 贺卡 hè kǎ, 礼券 lǐ quàn, 上帝恩赐的礼物,上天恩赐, 口才 kǒu cái, 礼品店 lǐ pǐn diàn, 赠与税, 礼券 lǐ quàn, 包装纸 bāo zhuāng zhǐ, 以包装纸包礼物 yǐ bāo zhuāng zhǐ bāo lǐ wù, 奉送, 赠送, 天赋 tiān fù, , 象征性的小礼物 xiàng zhēng xìng de xiǎo lǐ wù, 包装好的,包裹好的 bāo zhuāng hǎo de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 gift 的含义

礼物 lǐ wù

noun (present)

He gave her a sweater as a birthday gift. Clive bought the bicycle as a gift for his son.

给予 jǐ yǔ

noun (act of giving)

Harry appreciated Sally's gift of the cigars, even though he didn't smoke.

天赋,才能 tiān fù,cái néng

noun (figurative (talent)

He has a gift for music.

送给 sòng gěi

transitive verb (present as a gift)

The queen gifted one of her properties to her grandson.


noun (festive gift)

The family spent Christmas Eve wrapping their Christmas presents.


expression (figurative (Be grateful for [sth] free.)

I was disappointed that the antique vase my aunt gave me had a chip in the rim, but my mother said, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."

免费礼品,赠品 miǎn fèi lǐ pǐn,zèng pǐn

noun ([sth] offered free with a purchase) (购买商品赠送的)


noun (decorative packaging)

礼品代金卡 lǐ pǐn dài jīn kǎ

noun (gift voucher in plastic card form)

I purchased a gift card for twenty dollars to give to my sister.

贺卡 hè kǎ

noun (card accompanying gift)

礼券 lǐ quàn

noun (voucher exchangeable for goods)

The winner of the door prize received a $50 gift certificate.


noun ([sth] welcomed or cherished)

口才 kǒu cái

noun (informal (ability to speak well)

Tim has the gift of the gab; he can sweet-talk anybody.

礼品店 lǐ pǐn diàn

noun (store selling gifts)

If you need a little something for your brother's birthday, there's a gift shop on the corner.


noun (duty levied on [sth] given to [sb])

礼券 lǐ quàn

noun (gift token)

His only present was a gift voucher worth £5.

包装纸 bāo zhuāng zhǐ

noun (decorative wrapping paper)

I need to buy some gift wrap for the Christmas presents.

以包装纸包礼物 yǐ bāo zhuāng zhǐ bāo lǐ wù

transitive verb (wrap in decorative paper)

It's a present - could you gift-wrap it for me please?

奉送, 赠送

transitive verb (figurative, informal (allow or grant a benefit)

We gift-wrapped the other team's first victory by playing so badly.

天赋 tiān fù

noun (inherent talent, aptitude)

Lynn has a natural gift for math.

noun (religion) (宗教)

象征性的小礼物 xiàng zhēng xìng de xiǎo lǐ wù

noun (small present given as a gesture)

I bought a box of chocolates to give to his sister as a token gift.

包装好的,包裹好的 bāo zhuāng hǎo de

adjective (present: gift-wrapped) (礼物)

The wrapped gifts were under the Christmas tree.

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gift 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。