英语 中的 less than sign 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 less than sign 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 less than sign 的说明。

英语 中的less than sign 表示较少的 jiào shǎo de, 更少的 gèng shǎo de, 不算,不含, 更少的 gèng shǎo de, 较少量 jiào shǎo liàng, 更少的,较少的 gèng shǎo de ,jiào shǎo de, 减去 jiǎn qù, [表示没有,不], 小的 xiǎo de, 稍许,一点点,少到几乎没有 shāo xǔ ,yì diǎn dian,shǎo dào jī hū méi yǒu, 有点儿 yǒu diǎn er, 一点点 yì diǎn dian, 年幼的 nián yòu de, 矮小的,个子不高的 ǎi xiǎo de ,gè zi bù gāo de, 琐碎的 suǒ suì de, 狭隘的,狭窄的 xiá ài de,xiá zhǎi de, 小得可爱的 xiǎo de kě ài de, 几乎没有地 jī hū méi yǒu de, 几乎不,不大 jī hū bù, 没有,不足以 méi yǒu, 没那么多,更少 gèng shǎo, 对…丝毫不感兴趣 duì sī háo bù gǎn xìng qù, 甚至更少, 更不用说 gèng bú yòng shuō, 远不如的 yuǎn bù rú de, 远低于的, 程度低得多, 越来越少地 yuè lái yuè shǎo de, 小于…的,少于…的 xiǎo yú de,shǎo yú de, 小于/少于/亚于…的, 使…变得不太惊人 shǐ biàn de bú tài jīng rén, 或多或少地 huò duō huò shǎo de, (比…)少得多 bǐ shǎo de duō, (比…)程度低得多 bǐ chéng dù dī de duō, 不多不少 bù duō bù shǎo, 不多不少 bù duō bù shǎo, 仍然 réng rán, 不比…差 bù bǐ chà, 不少于 bù shǎo yú, 至少 zhì shǎo, 相当于, 不亚于, 不多不少 bù duō bù shǎo, 和…相比不多不少, 不多不少的, 只有 zhǐ yǒu, 十足,简直 shí zú。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 less than sign 的含义

较少的 jiào shǎo de

adverb (to a smaller degree) (范围、程度、频率等)

Richard exercises less than Audrey does.

更少的 gèng shǎo de

adjective (smaller in quantity)

You have less work than I do.


preposition (minus)

The ring sold for $5 million, less tax.

更少的 gèng shǎo de

adjective (nonstandard (with plural countable noun: fewer)

I've got less sweets than you.

较少量 jiào shǎo liàng

pronoun (smaller amount)

The price is fifty dollars, and I won't take less.

更少的,较少的 gèng shǎo de ,jiào shǎo de

pronoun (nonstandard (plural countable: fewer) (可数)

There are less here than before.

减去 jiǎn qù

preposition (minus) (数学:减法)

Four less three equals one.


suffix (without the thing named) (后缀)

If you're not dressed in time, you'll just have to go trouserless!

小的 xiǎo de

adjective (small in size)

This TV is big, but the one in our bedroom is little.

稍许,一点点,少到几乎没有 shāo xǔ ,yì diǎn dian,shǎo dào jī hū méi yǒu

adjective (not much) (程度)

She drinks little alcohol.

有点儿 yǒu diǎn er

adverb (slightly)

I am a little drunk, but in no way incapacitated.

一点点 yì diǎn dian

adverb (small amount)

The child ate little at dinnertime.

年幼的 nián yòu de

adjective (sibling: younger)

I have three little brothers and one big sister.

矮小的,个子不高的 ǎi xiǎo de ,gè zi bù gāo de

adjective (person: short) (人)

She is too little to date a basketball player, isn't she?

琐碎的 suǒ suì de

adjective (trivial)

It is such a little thing. Why do they argue about it so much?

狭隘的,狭窄的 xiá ài de,xiá zhǎi de

adjective (mind: narrow) (心胸、胸襟)

As Emerson said, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."

小得可爱的 xiǎo de kě ài de

adjective (endearingly small)

Oh, what a beautiful little puppy!

几乎没有地 jī hū méi yǒu de

adverb (almost not at all)

She was very shy, and spoke little.

几乎不,不大 jī hū bù

adverb (formal (not very)

I am little inclined to accept such an offer.

没有,不足以 méi yǒu

adverb (not as)

Being young doesn't make her any less qualified for the job.

没那么多,更少 gèng shǎo

adverb (not as much)

Even though I disapprove of what you did, that doesn't mean that I love you any less.

对…丝毫不感兴趣 duì sī háo bù gǎn xìng qù

verbal expression (informal (feel completely apathetic towards)

I couldn't care less about the tabloid headlines.


adjective (not so, not as)

This year's episodes of "Love or Lust" on TV are even less interesting than last year's.

更不用说 gèng bú yòng shuō

adverb (to a smaller degree)

远不如的 yuǎn bù rú de

adjective (not nearly so, nowhere near as)

My sister loves meeting new people; she is far less shy than I am.


adjective (not nearly as much)

I watch far less TV than I used to.


adverb (to a much lesser degree)

I play guitar far less since taking up the piano.

越来越少地 yuè lái yuè shǎo de

adverb (to a progressively smaller degree)

As I get older I like the hot weather less and less every year.

小于…的,少于…的 xiǎo yú de,shǎo yú de

adjective (not as many as) (数字、数目)

We have less than ten places available for students.


adjective (not as much or as great as)

She ate less than her brother. Five is less than seven.

使…变得不太惊人 shǐ biàn de bú tài jīng rén

transitive verb (lessen the shock of [sth])

The prime minister was accused of 'doctoring' crime figures to make them less alarming.

或多或少地 huò duō huò shǎo de

adverb (to a greater or lesser extent)

I have more or less decided to delay going to college for a year.

(比…)少得多 bǐ shǎo de duō

noun (a considerably smaller quantity)

Men have fought wars for much less.

(比…)程度低得多 bǐ chéng dù dī de duō

adverb (to a lesser degree)

If I liked her much less I wouldn't like her at all!

不多不少 bù duō bù shǎo

noun (the same amount or degree)

Put a single egg, neither more nor less, into the bowl. Her daughter received neither more nor less from her will than her son did.

不多不少 bù duō bù shǎo

adverb (to the same amount or degree)

This horse runs neither more nor less quickly than that one.

仍然 réng rán

adverb (however surprising that seems)

He came top of his class, no less!

不比…差 bù bǐ chà

pronoun (nothing inferior)

不少于 bù shǎo yú

adverb (not any less, not to any lesser degree)

至少 zhì shǎo

expression (at least)

That year, inflation was no less than 60%, and people saw a dramatic fall in the value of their savings. No less than 150 people entered the contest.

相当于, 不亚于

expression (equivalent to)

The general said that declaring a no-fly zone would be no less than an act of war.

不多不少 bù duō bù shǎo

noun (an equal amount or degree)

Put in one pint of oil, no more and no less.


adverb (equally)

The dental treatment hurt no more and no less than the last time.


adjective (exactly)

I will accept the proper fee, no more and no less.

只有 zhǐ yǒu

expression (with noun: only)

Nothing short of a full apology will mollify him.

十足,简直 shí zú

expression (with adjective: utterly)

His behaviour was nothing short of rude.

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less than sign 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。