英语 中的 level 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 level 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 level 的说明。

英语 中的level 表示齐平的 qí píng de, 水平的 shuǐ píng de, 同一高度的 tóng yì gāo dù de, 级别 jí bié, 级 jí, 平整 píng zhěng, 势均力敌的 shì jūn lì dí de, 水平相当的,难分高下的 shuǐ píng xiāng dāng de,nán fēn gāo xià de, 一平匙的 yì píng chí de, 水平地, 程度 chéng dù, 液位 yè wèi, 水平尺,水平仪,水准仪 shuǐ píng chǐ,shuǐ píng yí,shuǐ zhǔn yí, (建筑物的)楼层 jiàn zhú wù de lóu céng, 平面 píng miàn, 平地 píng dì, 水平 shuǐ píng, 水平高度 shuǐ píng gāo dù, 飞行高度, 瞄准 miáo zhǔn, 使…成同一水平, 摧毁 cuī huǐ, 击倒 jī dǎo, 用…瞄准 yòng miáo zhǔn, 使针对 shǐ zhēn duì, 变平坦,变平整 biàn píng tǎn,biàn píng zhěng, 使变平坦,使变平整 shǐ biàn píng tǎn,shǐ biàn píng zhěng, 变平坦 biàn píng tǎn, 升级 shēng jí, 跟…说实话 gēn shuō shí huà, 英国普通中等教育证书高级水平考试 yīng guó pǔ tōng zhōng děng jiào yù zhèng shū gāo jí shuǐ píng kǎo shì, 英国普通中等教育高级水平考试合格证书, 高中科目资格考试, (河流的)基准面 hé liú de jī zhǔn miàn, 基准水平 jī zhǔn shuǐ píng, 平等 píng děng, 血糖水平, 胆固醇含量 dǎn gù chún hán liàng, 能级 néng jí, 体能水平 tǐ néng shuǐ píng, 初级, 入门级别, 低级别的,入门级的 dī jí bié de,rù mén jí de, 入门级的 rù mén jí de, 齐眼的高度, 普通教育证书, 地平面 dì píng miàn, 底层 dǐ céng, 最底层 zuì dǐ céng, 高级的 gāo jí de, 高级语言 gāo jí yǔ yán, 中级,中级水平, 平交口, 头脑冷静的 tóu nǎo lěng jìng de, 公平的竞争环境, 基础水平的,初级水平的, 低级语言 dī jí yǔ yán, 最低等 zuì dī děng, 底部 dǐ bù, 诚实的 chéng shí de, 贫困线, 水平降低,程度减少, 海平面 hǎi píng miàn, 海平线的, 服务水平协议, 技术水平,能力等级, 水平仪 shuǐ píng yí, 错层式的, 生存线 shēng cún xiàn, 最高级别的, 较高层。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 level 的含义

齐平的 qí píng de

adjective (even, flat)

The surface of the shelf had a few bumps, so it wasn't completely level.

水平的 shuǐ píng de

adjective (horizontal)

You could tell that the pool table wasn't level by the way the balls rolled.

同一高度的 tóng yì gāo dù de

adjective (at the same altitude)

The two planes were level.

级别 jí bié

noun (stage, degree)

Which level are you at in the computer game?

级 jí

noun (rank, order)

What level has he reached in the hierarchy?

平整 píng zhěng

transitive verb (make even, flat)

They brought in a bulldozer to level the land around the house.

势均力敌的 shì jūn lì dí de

adjective (equal, tied)

The two teams were level at halftime.

水平相当的,难分高下的 shuǐ píng xiāng dāng de,nán fēn gāo xià de

adjective (sport: with no clear leader) (体育运动)

The game was still level at halftime.

一平匙的 yì píng chí de

adjective (spoonful: flat, not heaped)

No, the recipe calls for a level teaspoon, not a rounded teaspoon of sugar.


adverb (on an even plane) (飞机飞行)

The plane flew level for a few minutes, and then descended.

程度 chéng dù

noun (measure of quantity, degree)

There was a high level of hostility.

液位 yè wèi

noun (often plural (measurement of bodily fluid) (血压等)

The patient's blood levels are good now, doctor.

水平尺,水平仪,水准仪 shuǐ píng chǐ,shuǐ píng yí,shuǐ zhǔn yí

noun (tool) (工具)

Melanie used a level to make sure that the table was flat.

(建筑物的)楼层 jiàn zhú wù de lóu céng

noun (floor or storey of building)

Loretta lived on the third level.

平面 píng miàn

noun (flat surface)

You need to apply the concrete on the level.

平地 píng dì

noun (flat land)

The house needs to be built upon a level.

水平 shuǐ píng

noun (fair, equal)

This game is good because it forces everybody to play on the same level.

水平高度 shuǐ píng gāo dù

noun (height)

At that level, you should have a good view of the mountains.


noun (aircraft: altitude) (飞机)

The aircraft were all flying at the same level.

瞄准 miáo zhǔn

intransitive verb (aim a weapon) (用武器)

The young man took hold of his gun, looked at the enemy soldier and levelled.


transitive verb (position on the same level)

Justine levelled the three photo frames.

摧毁 cuī huǐ

transitive verb (remove, destroy)

The demolition workers levelled the old building to build a new one.

击倒 jī dǎo

transitive verb (often passive (person: knock down)

As I was descending the slope, another skier hit me from behind and levelled me.

用…瞄准 yòng miáo zhǔn

(aim: a gun, etc.)

The man levelled the gun at his hostage, then fired.

使针对 shǐ zhēn duì

(figurative (direct: a criticism, an accusation) (指批评)

Ray's ex-colleagues levelled some terrible accusations at him.

变平坦,变平整 biàn píng tǎn,biàn píng zhěng

phrasal verb, intransitive (become even, stable)

The population of the world is expected to grow to about 9 billion, but then to level off.

使变平坦,使变平整 shǐ biàn píng tǎn,shǐ biàn píng zhěng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (make even)

Mark used sandpaper to level off the surface of the wood.

变平坦 biàn píng tǎn

phrasal verb, intransitive (figurative (become even)

When I go out with my boyfriend, sometimes I pay and sometimes he does. It levels out in the end.

升级 shēng jí

phrasal verb, intransitive (informal (computer game: reach next stage) (电脑游戏)

跟…说实话 gēn shuō shí huà

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (informal (speak honestly to)

He decided to level with her about the dent in the car and told her about the accident.

英国普通中等教育证书高级水平考试 yīng guó pǔ tōng zhōng děng jiào yù zhèng shū gāo jí shuǐ píng kǎo shì

noun (UK, often plural (Advanced level: exam)

Graham failed all his A levels so was unable to get into university.


noun (UK, usually plural (pass in Advanced level exam)

Sue left school with three A levels.


noun (UK (advanced school-leaving exam) (英国)

Anna did her A-level exams last summer.

(河流的)基准面 hé liú de jī zhǔn miàn

noun (river's lowest point)

基准水平 jī zhǔn shuǐ píng

noun (lowest point)

平等 píng děng

verbal expression (UK, informal (be in equal position)


noun (glucose in blood: amount)

Sometimes my blood sugar level drops and I pass out.

胆固醇含量 dǎn gù chún hán liàng

noun (amount of cholesterol in the blood)

My high cholesterol level is due to the huge amount of cheese I eat.

能级 néng jí

noun (energy of physical system when stationary) (物理)

Electrons can jump from one energy level to another.

体能水平 tǐ néng shuǐ píng

noun (usually plural (degree of physical stamina)

初级, 入门级别

noun (job: low position)

An accountant employed by our firm at entry level can expect to earn $50,000 a year.

低级别的,入门级的 dī jí bié de,rù mén jí de

adjective (job: low position) (工作)

Most college graduates start with an entry-level job, but hope for a quick promotion.

入门级的 rù mén jí de

adjective (basic)

This is an entry-level instrument suitable for beginners.


noun (same height as [sb]'s eyes)


noun (UK, initialism (General Certificate of Education)

地平面 dì píng miàn

noun (at the level of the ground)

Many good photos of plants are taken at ground level.

底层 dǐ céng

noun (floor nearest the ground)

Kitchenware is located at ground level in this store. Most buildings are entered at ground level.

最底层 zuì dǐ céng

noun (figurative (lowest level of hierarchy) (比喻)

Recruits and conscripts normally enter the military at ground level.

高级的 gāo jí de

adjective (advanced)

高级语言 gāo jí yǔ yán

noun (computer programming code)

C++ is a high-level language.


noun (medium degree of competence)

I speak French pretty well, but I never got past the intermediate level in Hebrew.


noun (UK (railroad intersection) (铁路)

头脑冷静的 tóu nǎo lěng jìng de

adjective (sensible, reasonable)

I'm surprised he panicked - he's normally such a level-headed person.


noun (figurative (equality, fair situation)

We can only compete if we're all on a level playing field.


adjective (basic level)

Introductory Physical Science is a low-level course.

低级语言 dī jí yǔ yán

noun (computer code)

Assembly language is a typical example of a low-level language.

最低等 zuì dī děng

noun (poorest, most inferior)

The school was terrible, providing only the lowest level of education.

底部 dǐ bù

noun (base)

诚实的 chéng shí de

adjective (slang, figurative (honest, without trickery) (俚语)

So, this deal is on the level?


noun (income level)


noun (lesser degree or amount)

A reduced level of pollution has been detected in that area.

海平面 hǎi píng miàn

noun (sea's surface height)

One third of the Netherlands is at or below sea level. Global warming is causing sea levels to rise worldwide.


noun as adjective (at sea's surface height)


noun (contract defining scope of [sth] to be provided)


noun (degree of competence or expertise)

水平仪 shuǐ píng yí

noun (device for determining a horizontal)


adjective (divided into levels or floors)

生存线 shēng cún xiàn

noun (low standard of living)

In parts of the world, most poor people live below the subsistence level.


noun as adjective (relating to highest authority)


noun (higher storey or floor of a building) (楼宇)

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level 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。