英语 中的 lists 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 lists 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 lists 的说明。

英语 中的lists 表示表 biǎo, 列举 liè jǔ, 列出, 把…股票列入上市证券表, 给…标价为, 上市股票,上市证券表 shàng shì gǔ piào,shàng shì zhèng quàn biǎo, 价目表 jià mù biǎo, 价目表所列价格的 jià mù biǎo suǒ liè jià gé de, 倾斜 qīng xié, 古竞技场, 古竞技场围栏, 古比武场, 标价 biāo jià, 标价 biāo jià, 倾斜,倾侧 qīng xié ,qīng cè, 列出, 愿望清单 yuàn wàng qīng dān, 班级名册, 优秀学生名单 yōu xiù xué shēng míng dān, 下拉式列表, 购物清单, 宾客名单,来宾名单, 猎杀名单, 黑名单 hēi míng dān, 优秀学生名单 yōu xiù xué shēng míng dān, 表现突出者名单 biǎo xiàn tū chū zhě míng dān, 授勋名单, 陪审员名单 péi shěn yuán míng dān, 一长串, …的单子/目录 de dān zi mù lù, 定价,报价,标价 dìng jià ,bào jià ,biāo jià, 邮件发送清单 yóu jiàn fā sòng qīng dān, 装箱单, 旅客名单 lǚ kè míng dān, 价格表 jià gé biǎo, 事项表, 竣工核查事项表, 排名 pái míng, 购物清单, 决选名单 jué xuǎn míng dān, 将…列入决选名单 jiāng liè rù jué xuǎn míng dān, 病人名单 bìng rén míng dān, 存货单,存货清单 cún huò qīng dān, 证券行情表, 订阅客户名单 dìng yuè kè hù míng dān, 任务清单, 待办事项, 候选名单 hòu xuǎn míng dān, 潜在危险人物的观察名单, 监视列表, 酒单, 愿望清单 yuàn wàng qīng dān, 愿望清单 yuàn wàng qīng dān。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 lists 的含义

表 biǎo

noun (written series of items)

I have a list of twenty things I need to buy.

列举 liè jǔ

transitive verb (enumerate: tasks, items, etc.)

The speaker listed his ideas.


transitive verb (enter on a list)

She listed milk and cheese on the paper.


transitive verb (record a stock on an exchange)

The New York Stock Exchange listed the new company in March.


(property: offer at a price) (房产)

The real estate agent listed the house for $150,000.

上市股票,上市证券表 shàng shì gǔ piào,shàng shì zhèng quàn biǎo

noun (finance: listed stocks) (金融)

The list was growing day by day as the economy boomed.

价目表 jià mù biǎo

noun (price list)

Can I see the price list?

价目表所列价格的 jià mù biǎo suǒ liè jià gé de

noun (undiscounted price)

List for this coffee maker is fifty dollars. This coffee maker is fifty dollars on the list.

倾斜 qīng xié

noun (tilting or leaning to one side)

The list on the pathway made walking difficult when it was icy. The list of the boat made walking on deck difficult.


noun (historical (tournament arena)

Trumpets sounded as the jousters entered the lists.


noun (historical (tournament arena barriers)


noun (historical (any place of combat)

The bullfight took place in a lists.

标价 biāo jià

noun as adjective (undiscounted price)

What is the list price on this coffee maker?

标价 biāo jià

intransitive verb (property: on offer) (房产)

The house lists for a hundred and ninety thousand dollars.

倾斜,倾侧 qīng xié ,qīng cè

intransitive verb (ship: tilt, lean to the side) (船等)

You could see the ship list to starboard after it hit the iceberg.


transitive verb (make a list)

List the items that you want me to buy.

愿望清单 yuàn wàng qīng dān

noun (slang (things you wish to do before dying)

Swimming with dolphins is on Susan's bucket list.


noun (school: register of names)

The teacher read out the class list at the beginning of the lesson.

优秀学生名单 yōu xiù xué shēng míng dān

(honor roll)


noun (computing: options list)

You can select accessories from a convenient drop-down list on our web site.


noun (list of food items to be purchased)

I made a grocery list of all the food items I needed to buy at the supermarket.


noun (names of everyone invited)

Sorry, you can't come in - your name isn't on the guest list.


noun (slang (people to be murdered)

黑名单 hēi míng dān

noun (figurative, slang (people, actions to eliminate)

优秀学生名单 yōu xiù xué shēng míng dān

noun (US (list of top students at school)

The honors list names students who have achieved outstanding academic success at the college.

表现突出者名单 biǎo xiàn tū chū zhě míng dān

noun (US (list of top performers in field)

The golfer made the honors list after winning the US Open Golf Championship.


noun (UK (annual list of persons given royal awards)

The actor received a knighthood in the Queen's birthday honours list.

陪审员名单 péi shěn yuán míng dān

noun (list of persons eligible for jury duty)

My name came up again on the jury list so I'll have to do jury duty next month.


noun (figurative (lengthy, random list of items)

The criminal was arrested on a laundry list of charges.

…的单子/目录 de dān zi mù lù

noun (written series of items)

Every year, my nephew gives me a list of toys that he would like for Christmas. Can you please give me the list of items I need to buy from the grocery store?

定价,报价,标价 dìng jià ,bào jià ,biāo jià

noun (undiscounted, advertised cost)

Very few customers pay the list price for a new car.

邮件发送清单 yóu jiàn fā sòng qīng dān

noun (list of contacts to whom mail is sent)

All of my email contacts are on my mailing list.


noun (document listing items in a parcel)

Joe checked the contents of the parcel against the packing list.

旅客名单 lǚ kè míng dān

noun (register of all travellers on board)

According to the airline, that guy isn't even on the passenger list.

价格表 jià gé biǎo

noun (itemized listing of product prices)

The price list shows how much the company charges for different services.


noun (to-do list, series of tasks to be done)

My punch list for the weekend includes washing my car and cleaning my bedroom.


noun (construction: tasks) (建筑工作用)

The punch list includes various minor repairs which need to be done.

排名 pái míng

noun (of people, companies, etc.)

Every year, the magazine publishes a ranking list of the 50 richest people in the country.


noun (items to be bought)

Denise always makes a shopping list before she goes to the supermarket.

决选名单 jué xuǎn míng dān

noun (list: chosen finalists)

The book was on the shortlist for the Booker Prize last year.

将…列入决选名单 jiāng liè rù jué xuǎn míng dān

transitive verb (often passive (choose as finalist)

The author was surprised when her debut novel was shortlisted for a literature award.

病人名单 bìng rén míng dān

noun (register of staff who are ill)

The company currently has a long sick list because so many people have got the flu.

存货单,存货清单 cún huò qīng dān

noun (commerce: list of items and prices)


noun (finance: list of stocks)

订阅客户名单 dìng yuè kè hù míng dān

noun (magazine, website: list of recipients)

It may be because your name was accidentally erased from our subscription list.


noun (written list of tasks to be done)

Harry is writing a to-do list of all the chores he needs to do around the house.


noun (figurative (tasks to be done)

I haven't mown the lawn yet, but it's on my to-do list.

候选名单 hòu xuǎn míng dān

noun (register of people waiting for [sth])

I've been on the waiting list for a new flat for 15 months.


noun (people: possibly dangerous)


noun (things to be monitored)

The trader keeps a watchlist of possible growth stocks.


noun (menu of wines)

Jeremy asked the waiter for the wine list.

愿望清单 yuàn wàng qīng dān

noun (list of desired items)

I can't afford to buy the book right now, so I've put it on my wishlist.

愿望清单 yuàn wàng qīng dān

noun (things desired)

My wish list for a house is: 3 bedrooms, a large yard and a fireplace.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 lists 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。