英语 中的 magic 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 magic 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 magic 的说明。

英语 中的magic 表示魔法 mó fǎ, 魔术 mó shù, 魔法的 mó fǎ de, 奇迹般的 qí jì bān de, 有魔力的事物, 巫术 wū shù, 黑魔法, 魔术剧 mó shù jù, 灵丹妙药 líng dān miào yào, 魔毯 mó tǎn, 魔法 mó fǎ, 魔笔,魔术变色笔, 魔力 mó lì, 魔幻现实主义, 魔术表演 mó shù biǎo yǎn, 咒语 zhòu yǔ, 魔术 mó shù, 魔术棒 mó shù bàng, 咒语,魔咒 zhòu yǔ ,mó zhòu, 应验的话,魔咒 yìng yàn de huà,mó zhòu, 善意的法术 shàn yì de fǎ shù。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 magic 的含义

魔法 mó fǎ

noun (real magic)

The witches tried to perform magic at solstice.

魔术 mó shù

noun (tricks)

She does magic at children's birthday parties.

魔法的 mó fǎ de

adjective (supernatural)

The frog drank the magic potion and turned into a prince.

奇迹般的 qí jì bān de

adjective (informal (wonderful)

I owe my success as a gardener to this magic fertilizer.


noun (something amazing)

The music was beautiful, like magic.

巫术 wū shù

noun (occult arts, witchcraft)


noun (witchcraft, black magic)

Dark magic can be used to steal people's souls.

魔术剧 mó shù jù

noun (illusion, trick)

A famous magic act involves cutting a woman in half.

灵丹妙药 líng dān miào yào

noun (figurative (instant or fool-proof remedy)

When antibiotics were discovered they were considered to be magic bullets.

魔毯 mó tǎn

noun (flying rug in fantasy stories) (童话故事中可载人飞行的毯子)

Aladdin traveled around on his magic carpet.

魔法 mó fǎ

noun (figurative (miraculous remedy)

The magic formula for this dish is to marinate the meat before roasting.


noun (® (felt-tip pen)

魔力 mó lì

plural noun (superhuman or supernatural abilities)

I wish I had magic powers like the ability to fly or see through walls.


(literature) (文学风格)

魔术表演 mó shù biǎo yǎn

noun (performance by an illusionist)

The children at the birthday party loved the magic show.

咒语 zhòu yǔ

noun (incantation or curse)

魔术 mó shù

noun (conjuring trick, illusion)

The magic trick made the white rabbit seem to disappear.

魔术棒 mó shù bàng

noun (handheld stick for casting spells)

The wizard waved his magic wand to cast the spell.

咒语,魔咒 zhòu yǔ ,mó zhòu

plural noun (incantation, spell)

The magician said the magic words and a rabbit appeared out of the hat.

应验的话,魔咒 yìng yàn de huà,mó zhòu

plural noun (figurative (words which have an effect)

善意的法术 shàn yì de fǎ shù

noun (witchcraft performed for good)

The farmer's sickly sheep were cured by a woman who practised white magic.

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