英语 中的 mask 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 mask 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 mask 的说明。

英语 中的mask 表示面具,面罩 miàn jù,miàn zhào, 假面具,假面 jiǎ miàn jù,jiǎ miàn, 遮住,掩盖 zhē zhù,yǎn gài, 面罩,防护面罩 miàn zhào,fáng hù miàn zhào, 潜泳面罩 qián yǒng miàn zhào, 模板 mú bǎn, 雕刻的面像装饰, 口罩, 防毒面罩, 化妆舞会 huà zhuāng wǔ huì, 头,脸 tóu ,liǎn, 戴口罩, 反对戴口罩的, 死人面部模型, 面罩 miàn zhào, 口罩, 面罩 miàn zhào, 面膜, 防毒面具 fáng dú miàn jù, 羞辱未戴口罩的人, 羞辱未戴口罩的人, 氧气面罩 yǎng qì miàn zhào, 滑雪面具 huá xuě miàn jù, 医用外科口罩, 戴面具 dài miàn jù, 戴上面具 dài shàng miàn jù。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 mask 的含义

面具,面罩 miàn jù,miàn zhào

noun (face: hide identity) (掩盖身份用的)

Erin wore a mask so no one would recognize her.

假面具,假面 jiǎ miàn jù,jiǎ miàn

noun (face: decorative) (装饰用的)

Richard wore a mask to the costume party.

遮住,掩盖 zhē zhù,yǎn gài

transitive verb (hide, conceal) (用面具)

The tiger's camouflage masked it in the jungle.

面罩,防护面罩 miàn zhào,fáng hù miàn zhào

noun (face: sports, with helmet) (体育运动)

The hockey player took off his mask.

潜泳面罩 qián yǒng miàn zhào

noun (scuba)

The diver's mask didn't seal properly, so he kept getting water in his eyes.

模板 mú bǎn

noun (manufacturing stencil) (具屏蔽功能的)

Masks are used as stencils in photolithography.


noun (sculpted face)

The mask on the sarcophagus showed that the dead person was probably a king.


noun (surgical mask)

A lot of people in China wear masks to protect them from disease and pollution.


noun (gas mask)

The soldiers couldn't go into the cloud of gas without masks, so they had to wait.

化妆舞会 huà zhuāng wǔ huì

noun (masquerade)

The family attended a 16th century mask.

头,脸 tóu ,liǎn

noun (animal face) (动物)

The cat had a black and white mask.


phrasal verb, intransitive (wear a hygienic face covering)


adjective (refusing to wear hygienic face covering)


(cast of dead person's face)

面罩 miàn zhào

noun (sports: protective equipment) (运动: 防护装备)


noun (hygienic face covering)

面罩 miàn zhào

noun (face shield)


noun (facial skin cleansing substance)

防毒面具 fáng dú miàn jù

noun (protective respirator)

Use a gas mask so you don't breathe in the deadly fumes.


transitive verb (criticize [sb] not wearing face mask)


noun (criticism of [sb] not wearing face mask)

氧气面罩 yǎng qì miàn zhào

noun (facial mask that delivers oxygen)

Wear this oxygen mask till the pressure returns to normal.

滑雪面具 huá xuě miàn jù

noun (headgear: balaclava)

I wear a ski mask when I'm on the slopes.


noun (medicine: hygienic face covering)

戴面具 dài miàn jù

verbal expression (have on a facial disguise)

Every Halloween he would wear a mask of a different famous person.

戴上面具 dài shàng miàn jù

verbal expression (figurative (disguise real feelings) (掩藏真实感受)

The senator always wore a mask in public, disguising his trouble at home.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。